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// --- Library --------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
struct ui_box {int x,y,w,h;};
typedef unsigned long long ui_id;
struct ui_node {
int parent;
int lst, end, nxt;
int siz[2];
struct ui_panel {
ui_id id;
struct ui_box box;
int node;
int max[2];
enum ui_pass {
// public
// internal
static enum ui_pass ui_pass = UI_LAYOUT;
// id stack
#define UI_ID_STK_MAX 8
static int ui_id_stk_top;
static ui_id ui_id_stk[UI_ID_STK_MAX];
// panel stack
#define UI_STK_MAX 32
static int ui_stk_top;
static struct ui_panel* ui_stk[UI_STK_MAX];
// layout tree
#define UI_MAX_NODES (64*1024)
static struct ui_node ui_tree[UI_MAX_NODES];
static int ui_node_cnt = 0;
// table
#define UI_TBL_CNT (UI_MAX_NODES * 2)
#define UI_TBL_MSK (UI_TBL_CNT-1)
static ui_id ui_tbl_key[UI_TBL_CNT];
static int ui_tbl_val[UI_TBL_CNT];
static int ui_tbl_cnt = 0;
#define min(a,b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define max(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define ui_box(x,y,w,h) (struct ui_box){x,y,w,h}
static ui_id
const ui_id id = ui_id_stk[ui_id_stk_top-1];
ui_id_stk[ui_id_stk_top-1] = (id & ~0xffffffffllu) | ((id & 0xffffffffllu) + 1);
return id;
static ui_id
ui_hash(ui_id x)
x ^= x >> 30;
x *= 0xbf58476d1ce4e5b9llu;
x ^= x >> 27;
x *= 0x94d049bb133111ebllu;
x ^= x >> 31;
return x;
static void
ui_put(ui_id key, int val)
ui_id i = key & UI_TBL_MSK, b = i;
do {if (ui_tbl_key[i]) continue;
ui_tbl_key[i] = key;
ui_tbl_val[i] = val; return;
} while ((i = ((i+1) & UI_TBL_MSK)) != b);
static int
ui_fnd(ui_id key)
ui_id k, i = key & UI_TBL_MSK, b = i;
do {if (!(k = ui_tbl_key[i])) return UI_TBL_CNT;
if (k == key) return (int)i;
} while ((i = ((i+1) & UI_TBL_MSK)) != b);
return UI_TBL_CNT;
static int
ui_node(ui_id id, int parent)
assert(ui_node_cnt < UI_MAX_NODES);
struct ui_node *n = &ui_tree[ui_node_cnt];
if ((n->parent = parent) >= 0) {
struct ui_node *p = &ui_tree[parent];
if (p->lst < 0)
p->lst = ui_node_cnt;
else ui_tree[p->end].nxt = ui_node_cnt;
p->end = ui_node_cnt;
n->nxt = n->lst = n->end = -1;
ui_put(ui_hash(id), ui_node_cnt);
return ui_node_cnt++;
static void
ui_panel_begin(struct ui_panel *pan, struct ui_box box)
pan->id = ui_gen_id();
pan->box = box;
pan->node = -1;
switch (ui_pass) {
case UI_LAYOUT: {
assert(ui_stk_top > 0);
assert(ui_stk_top < UI_STK_MAX);
struct ui_panel *p = ui_stk[ui_stk_top-1];
pan->node = ui_node(pan->id, p ? p->node: -1);
ui_stk[ui_stk_top++] = pan;
} break;
case UI_INPUT:
case UI_RENDER: {
const int idx = ui_fnd(ui_hash(pan->id));
if (idx >= UI_TBL_CNT)
ui_pass = UI_INVALID;
else pan->node = ui_tbl_val[idx];
} break; }
static void
ui_panel_end(struct ui_panel *pan)
struct ui_panel *p;
assert(ui_stk_top > 0);
if ((p = ui_stk[ui_stk_top-1])) {
p->max[0] = pan->box.x + pan->box.w;
p->max[1] = pan->box.y + pan->box.h;
switch (ui_pass) {
default: break;
case UI_LAYOUT: {
/* default layouting */
struct ui_node *n = ui_tree + pan->node;
int i = n->lst;
while (i != -1) {
n->siz[0] = max(n->siz[0], ui_tree[i].siz[0]);
n->siz[1] = max(n->siz[1], ui_tree[i].siz[1]);
i = ui_tree[i].nxt;
} break;}
static int
ui_begin(struct ui_panel* root, struct ui_box scr)
switch (ui_pass) {
default: break;
case UI_LAYOUT: {
ui_node_cnt = 0;
memset(ui_tbl_key, 0, sizeof(ui_tbl_key));
memset(ui_tbl_val, 0, sizeof(ui_tbl_val));
ui_tbl_cnt = 0;
} break;
ui_pass = UI_LAYOUT;
return 0;
ui_id_stk_top = 1;
ui_id_stk[0] = 1;
ui_stk_top = 1;
ui_stk[0] = 0;
ui_panel_begin(root, scr);
return 1;
static void
ui_end(struct ui_panel* root)
assert(ui_stk_top == 1);
assert(ui_id_stk_top == 1);
switch (ui_pass) {
case UI_LAYOUT: ui_pass = UI_INPUT; break;
case UI_INPUT: ui_pass = UI_RENDER; break;
case UI_INVALID: ui_pass = UI_LAYOUT; break;
case UI_RENDER: ui_pass = UI_FINISHED; break;}
// --- Widgets ------------------------------------------------------------------
enum ui_orient {
struct ui_lay {
struct ui_panel pan;
enum ui_orient orient;
int spacing;
int at, node;
static void
ui_lay_begin(struct ui_lay *lay, enum ui_orient orient, struct ui_box box)
lay->orient = orient;
ui_panel_begin(&lay->pan, box);
switch (ui_pass) {
case UI_LAYOUT: break;
case UI_INPUT:
case UI_RENDER: {
// TODO(micha): handle case box.w/h < node.siz
const struct ui_node *n = ui_tree + lay->pan.node;
lay-> = n->siz[0];
lay-> = n->siz[1];
lay->at = lay->orient == UI_HORIZONTAL ? box.x: box.y;
lay->node = ui_tree[lay->pan.node].lst;
} break;}
static struct ui_box
ui_lay_gen(struct ui_lay *lay)
struct ui_box b = {0,0,0,0};
assert(lay->node != -1);
switch (ui_pass) {
default: break;
case UI_INPUT:
case UI_RENDER: {
struct ui_node *n = ui_tree + lay->node;
switch (lay->orient) {
b = ui_box(lay->at, lay->, n->siz[0], n->siz[1]);
lay->at += n->siz[0] + lay->spacing;
} break;
b = ui_box(lay->, lay->at, n->siz[0], n->siz[1]);
lay->at += n->siz[1] + lay->spacing;
lay->node = ui_tree[lay->node].nxt;
return b;
return b;
static void
ui_lay_end(struct ui_lay *lay)
switch (ui_pass) {
default: break;
case UI_LAYOUT: {
struct ui_node *n = ui_tree + lay->pan.node;
n->siz[0] = n->siz[1] = 0;
int i = n->lst;
while (i != -1) {
switch (lay->orient) {
n->siz[0] += ui_tree[i].siz[0] + lay->spacing;
n->siz[1] = max(n->siz[1], ui_tree[i].siz[1]);
} break;
n->siz[0] = max(n->siz[0], ui_tree[i].siz[0]);
n->siz[1] += ui_tree[i].siz[1] + lay->spacing;
} break;}
i = ui_tree[i].nxt;
} break;}
static void
ui_lbl(struct ui_box box, const char *str_begin, const char *str_end)
struct ui_panel pan;
str_end = str_end ? str_end : str_begin + strlen(str_begin);
ui_panel_begin(&pan, box);
switch (ui_pass) {
default: break;
case UI_LAYOUT: {
/* some dummy code for calculating text size */
struct ui_node *n = ui_tree + pan.node;
n->siz[0] = (int)((str_end - str_begin) * TEST_CHAR_WIDTH);
n->siz[1] = TEST_CHAR_HEIGHT;
} break;}
// --- List ------------------------------------------------------------------
struct ui_lst_lay {
int page_cnt;
int at[2];
int idx;
struct ui_box box;
int row_height;
struct ui_lst_view {
float off;
int off_idx;
int num, begin, end;
int total[2];
int max[2];
int at[2];
int cnt;
static void
ui_lst_begin(struct ui_lst_lay *lst, struct ui_box box, int row_height)
lst->box = box;
lst->row_height = !row_height ? TEST_CHAR_HEIGHT: row_height;
lst->page_cnt = box.h / lst->row_height;
lst->at[0] = box.x;
lst->at[1] = box.y;
lst->idx = 0;
static struct ui_box
ui_lst_gen(struct ui_lst_lay *lst)
struct ui_box b = ui_box(lst->at[0], lst->at[1], lst->box.w, lst->row_height);
lst->at[1] += b.h;
return b;
static void
ui_lst_end(struct ui_lst_lay *lst)
static void
ui_lst_view(struct ui_lst_view *v, struct ui_lst_lay* ls, int num, float off)
v->num = max(1, num) - 1;
v->cnt = ls->page_cnt;
v->off = off;
v->off_idx = (int)(off / (float)ls->row_height);
v->begin = v->off_idx;
v->end = v->begin + ls->page_cnt + 1;
v->end = min(v->end, v->num);
v->at[1] = ls->at[1] + (int)(v->off_idx * ls->row_height);
v->at[0] = ls->at[0];
v->total[0] = ls->box.w;
v->total[1] = v->num * ls->row_height;
v->max[0] = ls->at[0] + v->total[0];
v->max[1] = ls->at[1] + v->total[1];
// apply view to layout
ls->at[0] = v->at[0];
ls->at[1] = v->at[1];
ls->idx = v->begin;
// --- Test --------------------------------------------------------------------
int main(void)
int running = 1;
while (running) {
struct ui_panel root;
while (ui_begin(&root,ui_box(0,0,1200,800)))
// layouting
struct ui_lay col = {.spacing = 8};
ui_lay_begin(&col, UI_VERTICAL,;
// first row
struct ui_lay row0 = {.spacing = 4};
ui_lay_begin(&row0, UI_HORIZONTAL, ui_lay_gen(&col));
ui_lbl(ui_lay_gen(&row0), "Label",0);
ui_lbl(ui_lay_gen(&row0), "Hallo World",0);
ui_lbl(ui_lay_gen(&row0), "Hallo Universe",0);
// second row
struct ui_lay row1 = {.spacing = 4};
ui_lay_begin(&row1, UI_HORIZONTAL, ui_lay_gen(&col));
ui_lbl(ui_lay_gen(&row1), "Text",0);
ui_lbl(ui_lay_gen(&row1), "Very long string to show of layouting",0);
// list
static float off = 50.0f;
struct ui_panel area = {0};
ui_panel_begin(&area, ui_box(50, 200 - (int)off, 600, 600));
struct ui_lst_lay lst_lay = {0};
ui_lst_begin(&lst_lay,, 0);
struct ui_lst_view lst_view = {0};
ui_lst_view(&lst_view, &lst_lay, 1024, off);
for (int i = lst_view.begin; i < lst_view.end; ++i)
ui_lbl(ui_lst_gen(&lst_lay), "Item", 0);
return 0;
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dumblob commented Apr 21, 2019

I found out about two weeks ago and was amazed, that Flutters "pipeline" and the concepts used are quite similar to Quarks. I have to admit, that I'm not such a big fan of Dart programming language and therefore when Google launched Fuchsia few years ago, I didn't pay attention to any details, which I'm regretting now a bit as it could have helped me with certain topics (including reviews of Nuklear and Quarks 😉).

Btw. regarding bloated stuff like Skia, they even got rid of Blink in favor of their own text baking and manipulation library called libtxt, which looks kind of interesting and it's a little bit pity, that it's not used almost anywhere else :( as it's kind of minimal and embeddable while being advanced enough and very fast.

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@dumblob what is quarks?

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dumblob commented Feb 24, 2020

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@dumblob thx

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