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Last active April 18, 2021 19:33
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/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Vector3
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define op(r,e,a,p,b,i,s) ((r) e (a) p ((b) i (s)))
#define lerp(r,a,b,t) ((r)=(a)+(t)*((b)-(a)))
#define rad(x) ((x)*3.141592653f/180.0f)
#define op3(r,e,a,p,b,i,s)\
do{op((r)[0],e,(a)[0],p,(b)[0],i,s), op((r)[1],e,(a)[1],p,(b)[1],i,s),\
op((r)[2],e,(a)[2],p,(b)[2],i,s);} while(0)
#define op3s(r,e,a,p,s)\
do{op((r)[0],e,(0),+,(a)[0],p,s), op((r)[1],e,(0),+,(a)[1],p,s),\
op((r)[2],e,(0),+,(a)[2],p,s);} while(0)
#define set3(v,x,y,z) (v)[0]=(x),(v)[1]=(y),(v)[2]=(z)
#define zero3(v) set3(0,0,0)
#define cpy3(d,s) (d)[0]=(s)[0],(d)[1]=(s)[1],(d)[2]=(s)[2]
#define add3(d,a,b) op3(d,=,a,+,b,+,0)
#define sub3(d,a,b) op3(d,=,a,-,b,+,0)
#define mul3(d,a,s) op3s(d,=,a,*,s)
#define dot3(a,b) ((a)[0]*(b)[0]+(a)[1]*(b)[1]+(a)[2]*(b)[2])
#define len3(v) sqrt(dot3(v,v))
#define adds3(d,a,b,s) op3(d,=,a,+,b,*,s)
#define subs3(d,a,b,s) op3(d,=,a,-,b,*,s)
#define norm3(n,v) mul3(n,v,rsqrt(dot3(v, v)))
#define normeq3(v) norm3(v,v)
#define lerp3(r,a,b,t) do {lerp(r[0],a[0],b[0],t); lerp(r[1],a[1],b[1],t); lerp(r[2],a[2],b[2],t); } while(0)
#define cross3(d,a,b) do {\
(d)[0] = ((a)[1]*(b)[2]) - ((a)[2]*(b)[1]),\
(d)[1] = ((a)[2]*(b)[0]) - ((a)[0]*(b)[2]),\
(d)[2] = ((a)[0]*(b)[1]) - ((a)[1]*(b)[0]);}while(0)
static float
rsqrt(float n){
union {float f; unsigned i;} conv = {n};
conv.i = 0x5f375A84 - (conv.i >> 1);
conv.f = conv.f * (1.5f - ((n * 0.5f) * conv.f * conv.f));
return conv.f;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Cloth
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
#define CLTH_FAB_MOV_DAMPING 0.01f
struct clth_ptcl {
int fix;
float mass;
float pos[3];
float old[3];
float accel[3];
float accu_norm[3];
struct clth_lnk {
int p1, p2;
float rest_dst;
struct clth_fab {
struct clth_ptcl *ptcl;
struct clth_lnk *lnks;
float w, h;
int ptcl_cnt;
int lnk_cnt;
int dim[2];
int lnk_iter;
#define clth_ptcl(at) (struct clth_ptcl){.pos = {(at)[0],(at)[1],(at)[2]}, .old = {(at)[0],(at)[1],(at)[2]}, .mass = 1.0f}
#define clth_ptcl_off(p, o) do if (!p->fix) {add3((p)->pos, (p)->pos, o);} while(0)
#define clth_ptcl_add_norm(p, n) add3((p)->accu_norm, (p)->accu_norm, n)
#define clth_fab_ptcl_cnt(w,h) (w*h)
#define clth_fab_lnk_cnt(w,h) (clth_fab_ptcl_cnt(w,h) * 8)
#define clth_fab_ptcl_at_idx(f, x,y) ((y) * (f)->dim[0] + (x))
#define clth_fab_ptcl_at(f, x,y) ((f)->ptcl + clth_fab_ptcl_at_idx(f,x,y))
static struct clth_lnk
clth_lnk(const struct clth_ptcl *ptcls, int a, int b) {
struct clth_lnk r = {a,b,0};
float3 d[3]; sub3(d, ptcls[a].pos, ptcls[b].pos);
r.rest_dst = len3(d);
static int
clth_con_lnks(struct clth_ptcl *ptcl, int dimX, int dimY, int off, int dst) {
for (int x = 0; x < dimX; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < dimY; y++) {
int at = clth_fab_ptcl_at_idx(x,y);
if (x < dimX - dst) fab->lnks[off++] = clth_lnk(ptcl, at, y * dimX + x + dst)
if (y < dimY - dst) fab->lnks[off++] = clth_lnk(ptcl, at, (y + dst) * dimX + x);
if (x < dimX - dst && y < dimY - dst)
fab->lnks[off++] = clth_lnk(ptcl, at, (y + dst) * dimX + x + dst);
if (x < dimX - dst && y < dimY - dst)
fab->lnks[off++] = clth_lnk(ptcl, y * dimX + x + dst, (y + dst) * dimX + x)
return off;
static void
clth_fab_mk(struct clth_fab *fab, struct clth_ptcl *ptcl, struct clth_lnk *lnks,
float w, float h, int dimX, int dimY ) {
fab->ptcl = ptcl;
fab->lnks = lnks;
fab->lnk_cnt = 0;
fab->ptcl_cnt = 0;
fab->dim[0] = dimX;
fab->dim[1] = dimY;
fab->lnk_iter = CLTH_FAB_DFLT_LNK_ITER;
fab->w = w; fab->h = h;
for (int x = 0; x < fab->dim[0]; x++){
for (int y = 0; y < fab->dim[1]; y++){
float x = w * (float)x / (float)dimX;
float y = h * (float)y/(float)dimY;
float p[3] = {x, y, 0};
fab->ptcl[y * dimX + x]= clth_ptcl(p);
fab->lnk_cnt = clth_con_lnks(ptcl, dimX, dimY, fab->lnk_cnt, 1);
fab->lnk_cnt = clth_con_lnks(ptcl, dimX, dimY, fab->lnk_cnt, 2);
static void
clth_fab_init(struct clth_fab *fab, struct arena *a, float w, float h,
int dimX, int dimY ) {
struct clth_ptcl *ptcl = arena_arr(a, struct clth_ptcl, w * h) ;
struct clth_lnk *lnks = arena_arr(a, struct clth_lnk, w * h * 8);
clth_fab_mk(fab, ptcl, lnks, w, h, dimX, dimY );
static void
clth_fab_on_global_force(struct clth_fab *fab, const float *f) {
for (int i = 0; i < fab->ptcl_cnt; ++i) {
struct clth_ptcl *p = fab->ptcl + i;
static void
clth__tri_normal(float *r, const struct clth_ptcl *p0,
const struct clth_ptcl *p1, const struct clth_ptcl *p2) {
float v0[3]; sub3(v0, p1, p0);
float v1[3]; sub3(v1, p2, p0);
cross3(r, v0, v1);
static void
clth__fab_dir_force(float *r, const float *f, const struct clth_ptcl *p0,
const struct clth_ptcl *p1, const struct clth_ptcl *p2) {
float n[3]; clth__tri_normal(n, p0, p1, p2);
float d[3]; norm3(d, n);
mul3(r, n, dot3(d,f));
static void
clth__fab_on_dir_force(struct clth_fab *fab,
int a, int b, int c, const float *f) {
struct clth_ptcl *pa = fab->ptcl + a;
struct clth_ptcl *pb = fab->ptcl + b;
struct clth_ptcl *pb = fab->ptcl + c;
float df[3];
clth__fab_dir_force(df, f, pa, pb, pc);
static void
clth_fab_on_dir_force(struct clth_fab *fab, const float *f) {
for (int x = 0; x < fab->dim[0] - 1; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < fab->dim[1] - 1; y++) {
int a = clth_fab_ptcl_at_idx(x,y);
int b = clth_fab_ptcl_at_idx(x+1,y);
int c = clth_fab_ptcl_at_idx(x,y+1);
int d = clth_fab_ptcl_at_idx(x+1,y+1);
clth__fab_on_dir_force(fab, b, a, c, f);
clth__fab_on_dir_force(fab, d, b, c, f);
static void
clth_fab_col_sphere(struct clth_fab *fab, float *c, float r) {
float r2 = r * r;
for (int i = 0; i < fab->ptcl_cnt; ++i) {
struct clth_ptcl *p = fab->ptcl + i;
float dv[3]; sub3(d, p->pos, c);
float d2 = dot3(dv, dv);
if (d2 < r2) {
float n[3]; norm3(n, dv);
float d[3]; mul3(d, n, r - sqrtf(d2));
clth_ptcl_off(p, d);
static void
clth_fab_upt(struct clth_fab *fab, float dt) {
// apply particle link constraints
for (int i = 0; i < fab->lnk_iter; ++i ) {
for (int j = 0u; j < fab->lnk_cnt; ++j) {
const struct clth_lnk *lnk = fab->lnks + j;
struct clth_ptcl *p0 = fab->ptcl + lnk->p0;
struct clth_ptcl *p1 = fab->ptcl + lnk->p1;
float dv[3]; sub3(d, p1->pos, p0->pos);
float d = len3(dv);
float adj[3]; mul3(adj, dv, (1 - lnk->rest_dst/d) * 0.5f);
float nadj[3]; mul3(nadj, adj, -1.0f);
clth_ptcl_off(p0, adj);
clth_ptcl_off(p1, nadj);
// update particles
for (int i = 0; i < fab->ptcl_cnt; ++i) {
struct clth_ptcl *p = fab->ptcl + i;
if (p->fix) continue;
float tmp[3]; cpy3(tmp, p->pos);
float dv[3]; sub3(dv, p->pos, p->old);
cpy3(p->old, tmp);
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