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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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* $File:
* $Date: Fri Jul 10 15:00:27 2015 +0800
* $Author: Xiaoyu Liu <i[at]vuryleo[dot]com>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <numeric>
using namespace std;
class rectangle
int id, width, height;
void print(int left = 0, int bottom = 0){
cout << "id: " << id << " l: " << left << " b: " << bottom << " w " << width << " h: " << height << endl;
class layout
virtual void print(int = 0, int = 0) = 0;
virtual int getHeight() = 0;
virtual int getWidth() = 0;
class singleLayout final : public layout
rectangle rec;
singleLayout(rectangle s_rec) : rec(s_rec) { };
void print(int left = 0, int bottom = 0) override {
rec.print(left, bottom);
int getHeight() override { return rec.height; };
int getWidth() override { return rec.width; };
class multiLayout : public layout
multiLayout(vector<shared_ptr<layout>> s_layouts) : layouts{s_layouts} {};
vector<shared_ptr<layout>> layouts;
class stackLayout final : public multiLayout
stackLayout(vector<shared_ptr<layout>> s_layouts) : multiLayout(s_layouts) {};
void print(int left = 0, int bottom = 0) override {
cout << "stackly" << endl;
for (auto & i : layouts)
i -> print(left, bottom);
bottom += i -> getHeight();
int getHeight() override {
return accumulate(layouts.begin(), layouts.end(), 0,
[](const int & a, shared_ptr<layout> b){
return a + b -> getHeight();
int getWidth() override {
return layouts.front() -> getWidth();
class parallelLayout final : public multiLayout
parallelLayout(vector<shared_ptr<layout>> s_layouts) : multiLayout(s_layouts) {};
void print(int left = 0, int bottom = 0) override {
cout << "parallelly" << endl;
for (auto & i : layouts)
i -> print(left, bottom);
left += i -> getWidth();
int getHeight() override {
return accumulate(layouts.begin(), layouts.end(), 0,
[](const int & a, shared_ptr<layout> b){
return max(a, b -> getHeight());
int getWidth() override {
return accumulate(layouts.begin(), layouts.end(), 0,
[](const int & a, shared_ptr<layout> b){
return a + b -> getWidth();
class windmillLayout final: public multiLayout
windmillLayout(vector<shared_ptr<layout>> s_layouts) : multiLayout(s_layouts) {};
void print(int left = 0, int bottom = 0) override {
cout << "windmillly" << endl;
layouts[0] -> print(left, bottom);
layouts[1] -> print(left + layouts[0] -> getWidth(), bottom);
layouts[2] -> print(left, bottom + layouts[0] -> getHeight());
int right = layouts[1] -> getHeight();
if (layouts[4])
right = max(right, layouts[0] -> getHeight() + layouts[4] -> getHeight());
layouts[3] -> print(left + layouts[2] -> getWidth(), right);
if (layouts[4])
layouts[4] -> print(left + layouts[2] -> getWidth(), bottom + layouts[0] -> getWidth());
int getHeight() override {
int left = layouts[0] -> getHeight() + layouts[2] -> getHeight();
int right = layouts[1] -> getHeight() + layouts[3] -> getHeight();
if (layouts[4])
right = max(right, layouts[0] -> getHeight() +
layouts[4] -> getHeight() + layouts[3] -> getHeight());
return max(left, right);
int getWidth() override {
return layouts[0] -> getWidth() + layouts[1] -> getWidth();
class complexLayout final: public multiLayout
complexLayout(vector<shared_ptr<layout>> s_layouts) : multiLayout(s_layouts) {};
void print(int left = 0, int bottom = 0) override {
cout << "complex" << endl;
for(auto & i: layouts)
i -> print(left, bottom);
int getHeight() override {
return layouts[0] -> getHeight();
int getWidth() override {
return layouts[0] -> getWidth();
auto trisection(int l, int h, function<int(int)> f)
while(l < h - 1)
int third = (h - l - 1) / 3;
int ml = l + third, mh = h - 1 - third;
if (f(ml) > f(mh))
l = ml + 1;
h = mh;
return l;
map<pair<vector<int>, int>, shared_ptr<layout>> cache;
auto arrange(vector<int> ids, int left, int bottom, int width, function<int(int, int)> getHeight)
auto result = cache.find(make_pair(ids, width));
if( result != cache.end())
return result -> second;
assert(ids.size() > 0);
if (ids.size() == 1) // only one
auto s = rectangle{ids.front(), width, getHeight(ids.front(), width)};
return shared_ptr<layout>(new singleLayout{s});
else {
shared_ptr<layout> stackly, parallelly, windmillly;
// stack some at the bottom
for (auto pos = ids.begin() + 1; pos < ids.end(); pos ++)
vector<int> bottoms(ids.begin(), pos);
auto bottomLayout = arrange(vector<int>(ids.begin(), pos),
auto topLayout = arrange(vector<int>(pos, ids.end()),
bottom + bottomLayout -> getHeight(),
auto result = shared_ptr<layout>(new stackLayout(vector<shared_ptr<layout>>{bottomLayout, topLayout}));
if (!stackly)
stackly = result;
else if (result -> getHeight() < stackly -> getHeight())
stackly = result;
// parallel some at the left
for (auto pos = ids.begin() + 1; pos < ids.end(); pos ++)
// use trisection
int l = trisection(1, width, [&](auto w) {
return max(arrange(vector<int>(ids.begin(), pos),
getHeight) -> getHeight(),
arrange(vector<int>(pos, ids.end()),
left + w,
width - w,
getHeight) -> getHeight());
auto leftLayout = arrange(vector<int>(ids.begin(), pos),
auto rightLayout = arrange(vector<int>(pos, ids.end()),
left + l,
width - l,
auto result = shared_ptr<layout>(new parallelLayout(vector<shared_ptr<layout>>{leftLayout, rightLayout}));
if (!parallelly)
parallelly = result;
else if (result -> getHeight() < parallelly -> getHeight())
parallelly = result;
// a windmill
if (ids.size() > 3)
// generate a integer partition of five parts
// select 4 interspace between the numbers or the tail as partition flags
// e.g) 0 1 2 3
// -> 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
vector<bool> flag(4, true);
vector<vector<int>> parts(5);
vector<vector<int>>::size_type currentPart = 0;
vector<int>::size_type currentId = 1;
for (vector<bool>::size_type pos = 0; pos < flag.size(); pos ++)
if (flag[pos]) // switch to next part
currentPart ++;
if (currentId < ids.size())
parts[currentPart].emplace_back(ids[currentId ++]);
// the five parts will be arranged as
// +--------+------------------+
// | | part 3 |
// | part 2 +------------------+
// | | part 4 | |
// +--------+--------+ part 1 |
// | part 0 | |
// +-----------------+---------+
// while part 4 can be empty
auto gen = [&](auto p) {
vector<shared_ptr<layout>> partLayouts(5);
partLayouts[0] = arrange(parts[0], left, bottom, p, getHeight);
partLayouts[1] = arrange(parts[1], left + p, bottom, width - p, getHeight);
// use trisection to search for the boundary of part 2 & 3
auto f = [&](auto w)
auto result = max(arrange(parts[2],
bottom + partLayouts[0] -> getHeight(),
getHeight) -> getHeight()
+ partLayouts[0] -> getHeight(),
left + w,
bottom + partLayouts[1] -> getHeight(),
width - w,
getHeight) -> getHeight()
+ partLayouts[1] -> getHeight()
if (parts[4].empty())
return result;
return max(result, arrange(parts[4],
left + w,
bottom + partLayouts[0] -> getHeight(),
p - w,
getHeight) -> getHeight()
+ partLayouts[0] -> getHeight());
int l = trisection(1, p, f);
partLayouts[2] = arrange(parts[2],
bottom + partLayouts[0] -> getHeight(),
if (parts[4].empty())
partLayouts[3] = arrange(parts[3],
left + l,
bottom + partLayouts[1] -> getHeight(),
width - p,
partLayouts[4] = arrange(parts[4],
left + l,
bottom + partLayouts[0] -> getHeight(),
p - l,
partLayouts[3] = arrange(parts[3],
left + l,
bottom + max(partLayouts[1] -> getHeight(),
partLayouts[0] -> getHeight() + partLayouts[4] -> getHeight()),
width - l,
auto s = new windmillLayout(partLayouts);
return shared_ptr<layout>(s);
//// trisection the boundary of part 0 & 1
auto l = trisection(1, width, [&](auto w) {
return gen(w) -> getHeight();
auto result = gen(l);
if (!windmillly)
windmillly = result;
else if (result -> getHeight() < windmillly -> getHeight())
windmillly = result;
// enumerate the boundary of part 0 & 1
//For (int p = 1; p < width; p ++)
// auto result = gen(p);
// //cout << p << ' ' << result -> getHeight() << endl;
// if (!windmillly)
// windmillly = result;
// else if (result -> getHeight() < windmillly -> getHeight())
// windmillly = result;
} while (prev_permutation(flag.begin(), flag.end()));
vector<shared_ptr<layout>> results = {stackly, parallelly};
if (windmillly)
auto result = * max_element(results.begin(), results.end(), [](auto a, auto b) {
return a -> getHeight() > b -> getHeight();
cache[make_pair(ids, width)] = result;
return result;
int main()
int n, w;
cin >> n >> w;
vector<vector<int>> coms(n);
for (auto & r : coms)
for (auto & e : r)
cin >> e;
r.emplace(r.begin(), 0);
vector<int> ids(n);
shared_ptr<layout> best;
iota(ids.begin(), ids.end(), 0);
auto result = arrange(ids, 0, 0, w, [&coms](int id, int width) {
return coms[id][width];
if (!best)
best = result;
else if(result -> getHeight() < best -> getHeight())
best = result;
} while(next_permutation(ids.begin(), ids.end()));
cout << best -> getHeight() << endl;
best -> print();
return 0;
* vim: syntax=cpp1z foldmethod=marker
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vuryleo commented Apr 8, 2015

example input:
4 5
5 4 3 2 2
4 3 3 2 2
3 3 2 2 2
2 2 2 2 1

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