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Last active July 8, 2017 02:55
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* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: hocvt
* Date: 6/6/17
* Time: 15:01
namespace App\Colombo;
use Symfony\Component\Process\Process;
abstract class CanRunCommand {
protected $process;
protected $process_options = [];
private $command;
protected $bin;
protected $timeout = 300;
* CanRunCommand constructor.
* @param string $bin
public function __construct($bin = '') {
$this->process = new Process('');
protected function validateRun()
$status = $this->process->getExitCode();
$error = $this->process->getErrorOutput();
if ($status !== 0 and $error !== '') {
throw new \RuntimeException(
"The exit status code %s says something went wrong:\n stderr: %s\n stdout: %s\ncommand: %s.",
protected function buildCommand($append = ''){
$command = $this->bin;
$command .= " " . $this->buildOptions();
return $command . $append;
protected function buildOptions(){
$options = ' ';
foreach($this->process_options as $k => $v){
if($v !== false){
$options .= $k . " ";
if($v !== true){
$options .= $v . " ";
return $options;
public function run($command)
$this->command = escapeshellcmd($command);
return $this;
public function bin($bin = ''){
$this->bin = $bin;
return $this->bin;
public function timeout($timeout = ''){
$this->timeout = $timeout;
return $this->timeout;
public function options($key = null, $value = null){
if($value === true){
$this->process_options = $key;
$this->process_options = array_merge($this->process_options, $key);
}elseif ($key != null){
if($value !== null){
$this->process_options[$key] = $value;
return $this->process_options;
return $this->process_options;
public function output()
return $this->process->getOutput();
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: hocvt
* Date: 6/7/17
* Time: 09:40
namespace App\Colombo\Converter;
use App\Colombo\CanRunCommand;
use Carbon\Carbon;
class PdfInfo extends CanRunCommand {
* PdfInfo constructor.
* @param string $bin
public function __construct($bin = 'pdfinfo') {
public function read($path){
$command = $this->buildCommand($path);
return $this->parseResult();
private function parseResult(){
$output = $this->output();
$lines = preg_split("/\n/", $output);
$output = [];
foreach ($lines as $line){
$exploded = preg_split("/\:\s+/", $line);
if(count($exploded) == 2){
if(stripos($exploded[0], 'date')){
$value = Carbon::parse($exploded[1]);
$value = $exploded[1];
$key = mb_strtolower(str_replace(" ", "_", $exploded[0]));
$output[$key] = $value;
return $output;
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: hocvt
* Date: 6/6/17
* Time: 14:45
namespace App\Colombo\Converter;
use App\Colombo\CanRunCommand;
class PdftotextConverter extends CanRunCommand {
private $tmp_folder;
protected $process;
protected $process_options = [
'-nodrm' => true,
'-zoom' => 1,
'-i' => true,
'-c' => true,
'-l' => 2,
public function __construct($bin = 'pdfinfo', $cache = '') {
$this->tmp_folder = storage_path('framework/pdftotext');
private function checkWritable(){
$this->tmp_folder = tempnam($this->tmp_folder, 'pdftohtml_');
throw new \Exception("Can not read/write tmp folder");
* Main feature
* @param $path
* @param int $page default convert 2 pages
* @return array
public function getHtmlPages($path, $page = 3){
$this->options('-l', $page);
$tmp_path = $this->tmp_folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "source.pdf";
copy($path, $tmp_path);
$command = $this->buildCommand($tmp_path);
$pages = [];
for($i = 1; $i <= $page; $i++){
$page_path = $this->tmp_folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "source-" . $i . ".html";
$pages[$i] = file_get_contents($page_path);
return $pages;
/** Helper functions */
* Delete cache file before this time
* @param PdftotextConverter $instant
* @param $time
public static function clean(PdftotextConverter $instant = null, $time = null){
$instant = $instant == null ? new self() : $instant;
$folder = glob($instant->tmp_folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "*");
foreach ($folder as $file){
function __destruct() {
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