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Last active November 3, 2016 08:20
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SkateJS + TypeScript(TSX). see

SkateJS + TypeScript (TSX)

How to try?

$ npm install (or yarn install)
$ npm run build
(ignore compiling error...)
$ open index.html

What is wrong?

Compile errors occured. It is unexpected result. maybe... I'm a jsx beginner.

$ $(npm bin)/tsc -p ./
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'ATTRIBUTE_NODE' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'CDATA_SECTION_NODE' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'COMMENT_NODE' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'DOCUMENT_NODE' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'ELEMENT_NODE' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'ENTITY_NODE' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'NOTATION_NODE' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'TEXT_NODE' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'accessKey' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'addEventListener' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'appendChild' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'attributes' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'baseURI' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'blur' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'childElementCount' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'childNodes' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'children' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'classList' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'className' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'click' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'clientHeight' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'clientLeft' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'clientTop' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'clientWidth' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'cloneNode' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'closest' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'compareDocumentPosition' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'contains' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'contentEditable' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'dataset' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'dir' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'dispatchEvent' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'dragDrop' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'draggable' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'firstChild' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'firstElementChild' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'focus' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'getAttribute' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'getAttributeNS' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'getAttributeNode' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'getAttributeNodeNS' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'getBoundingClientRect' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'getClientRects' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'getElementsByClassName' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'getElementsByTagName' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'getElementsByTagNameNS' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'hasAttribute' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'hasAttributeNS' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'hasAttributes' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'hasChildNodes' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'hidden' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'hideFocus' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'id' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'innerHTML' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'innerText' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'insertAdjacentElement' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'insertAdjacentHTML' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'insertAdjacentText' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'insertBefore' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'isContentEditable' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'isDefaultNamespace' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'isEqualNode' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'isSameNode' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'lang' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'lastChild' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'lastElementChild' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'localName' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'lookupNamespaceURI' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'lookupPrefix' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'matches' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'msContentZoomFactor' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'msGetInputContext' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'msGetRegionContent' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'msGetUntransformedBounds' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'msMatchesSelector' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'msRegionOverflow' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'msReleasePointerCapture' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'msSetPointerCapture' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'msZoomTo' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'myCounter' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'namespaceURI' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'nextElementSibling' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'nextSibling' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'nodeName' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'nodeType' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'nodeValue' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'normalize' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'offsetHeight' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'offsetLeft' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'offsetParent' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'offsetTop' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'offsetWidth' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onabort' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onactivate' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onariarequest' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onbeforeactivate' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onbeforecopy' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onbeforecut' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onbeforedeactivate' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onbeforepaste' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onblur' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'oncanplay' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'oncanplaythrough' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onchange' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onclick' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'oncommand' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'oncontextmenu' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'oncopy' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'oncuechange' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'oncut' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'ondblclick' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'ondeactivate' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'ondrag' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'ondragend' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'ondragenter' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'ondragleave' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'ondragover' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'ondragstart' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'ondrop' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'ondurationchange' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onemptied' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onended' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onerror' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onfocus' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'ongotpointercapture' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'oninput' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'oninvalid' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onkeydown' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onkeypress' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onkeyup' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onload' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onloadeddata' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onloadedmetadata' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onloadstart' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onlostpointercapture' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onmousedown' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onmouseenter' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onmouseleave' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onmousemove' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onmouseout' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onmouseover' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onmouseup' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onmousewheel' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onmscontentzoom' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onmsgesturechange' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onmsgesturedoubletap' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onmsgestureend' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onmsgesturehold' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onmsgesturestart' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onmsgesturetap' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onmsgotpointercapture' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onmsinertiastart' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onmslostpointercapture' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onmsmanipulationstatechanged' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onmspointercancel' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onmspointerdown' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onmspointerenter' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onmspointerleave' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onmspointermove' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onmspointerout' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onmspointerover' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onmspointerup' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onpaste' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onpause' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onplay' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onplaying' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onpointercancel' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onpointerdown' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onpointerenter' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onpointerleave' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onpointermove' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onpointerout' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onpointerover' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onpointerup' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onprogress' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onratechange' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onreset' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onscroll' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onseeked' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onseeking' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onselect' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onselectstart' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onstalled' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onsubmit' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onsuspend' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'ontimeupdate' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'ontouchcancel' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'ontouchend' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'ontouchmove' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'ontouchstart' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onvolumechange' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onwaiting' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onwebkitfullscreenchange' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onwebkitfullscreenerror' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'onwheel' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'outerHTML' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'outerText' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'ownerDocument' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'parentElement' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'parentNode' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'prefix' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'previousElementSibling' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'previousSibling' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'querySelector' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'querySelectorAll' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'releasePointerCapture' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'remove' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'removeAttribute' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'removeAttributeNS' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'removeAttributeNode' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'removeChild' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'removeEventListener' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'render' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'replaceChild' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'requestFullscreen' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'requestPointerLock' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'scroll' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'scrollBy' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'scrollHeight' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'scrollIntoView' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'scrollLeft' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'scrollTo' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'scrollTop' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'scrollWidth' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'setActive' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'setAttribute' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'setAttributeNS' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'setAttributeNode' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'setAttributeNodeNS' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'setPointerCapture' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'spellcheck' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'style' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'tabIndex' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'tagName' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'textContent' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'title' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'webkitMatchesSelector' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'webkitRequestFullScreen' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
index.tsx(34,13): error TS2324: Property 'webkitRequestFullscreen' is missing in type 'ComponentA'.
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf8">
SkateJS + TypeScript TSX
<script src="./node_modules/skatejs/dist/index-with-deps.js"></script>
<script src="./index.js"></script>
// import * as skate from "skatejs";
const React = { createElement: skate.h };
const ComponentA = skate.define("x-component-a", class ComponentA extends skate.Component {
myCounter = 0;
click() {
this.myCounter += 1;
render(elem: this): JSX.Element {
return (
{this.myCounter} <button onClick={() =>}>Count up</button>
static get props() {
return {
myCounter: { attribute: true },
static render(elem: any) {
return elem.render(elem);
skate.define("x-main", class Main extends skate.Component {
render(elem: this): JSX.Element {
return (
<ComponentA myCounter={-3}></ComponentA>
static render(elem: any) {
return elem.render(elem);
"name": "skatejs-til",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"build": "tsc -p ./"
"author": "vvakame",
"license": "MIT",
"dependencies": {
"skatejs": "^4.0.3",
"skatejs-web-components": "^2.0.1"
"devDependencies": {
"typescript": "^2.0.6"
export as namespace skate;
export let h: any;
export let define: {
<T extends typeof Component>(name: string, definition: T): T;
export class Component extends HTMLElement {
declare global {
namespace JSX {
interface ElementClass {
render(elem: this): JSX.Element; // TODO temp
interface ElementAttributesProperty {
'': any;
interface Element {
interface IntrinsicElements {
div: any;
button: any;
"compilerOptions": {
"module": "commonjs",
"target": "es6",
"lib": [
"jsx": "react",
"baseUrl": ".",
"paths": {
"skatejs": ["./skatejs"]
"noImplicitAny": true,
"strictNullChecks": true,
"types": [
"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true
"include": [
# yarn lockfile v1
version "0.3.0"
resolved ""
version "1.0.1"
resolved ""
version "1.0.0"
resolved ""
date-now "1.0.1"
version "1.2.0"
resolved ""
version "0.4.1"
resolved ""
version "2.0.4"
resolved ""
custom-event-polyfill "^0.3.0"
debounce "^1.0.0"
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version "2.0.2"
resolved ""
document-register-element "1.2.0"
skatejs-named-slots "2.0.4"
version "4.0.4"
resolved ""
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window-or-global "^1.0.1"
version "2.0.6"
resolved ""
version "1.0.5"
resolved ""
version "1.0.1"
resolved ""
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