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Created March 11, 2016 22:00
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#----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# v0.2 (#1 2010-09-28) #
# (C)opyright 2010 - g0tmi1k #
# *** Do NOT use this for illegal or malicious use *** #
# YOU are using this program at YOUR OWN RISK. #
# This software is provided "as is" WITHOUT ANY guarantees OR warranty. #
import array, sys, time, random, os
output = "output.lst" # Filename to save as
version = "0.2 #1" # Program version
cruch = "/pentest/passwords/crunch/crunch"
debug = False # Doesn't delete files, shows more on screen etc
i = 0 # null the value
totalFiles = 0 # null the value
files = "" # String of all the files
filename = [] # Loads files via aguments at comamnd line
array = [] # For file
array_dupfree = [] # for array, checks to see ifs its in before.
array_dup = {} # for array, if its been used, put it here.
action = "\033[32m[>]\033[0m "
info = "\033[33m[i]\033[0m "
diag = "\033[34m[+]\033[0m "
error = "\033[31m[!]\033[0m "
for arg in sys.argv:
def convert(mode):
if mode == '1': #Convert wordlist rainbow/hash tables (WPA)
print "Coming Soon\n\n\n\n\n"
elif mode == '2': #Convert wordlist to 1337 (leet)
print "Coming Soon\n\n\n\n\n"
elif mode == '3': #Alter wordlist by changing case (lower, upper or first letter)
print "Coming Soon\n\n\n\n\n"
def generate(mode):
if mode == '1': #Generate Password
while 1==1:
genType = raw_input("""\n1.) alphanum\n2.) alpha\n3.) alphacap\n4.) all\n[~] Which type?: """)
if (genType.isdigit() == False): print error+"Bad input\n"
while 1==1:
genLength = raw_input("""[~] Length of password: """)
if (genLength.isdigit() == False): print error+"Bad input\n"
passwd = ""
alphanum = ('0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')
alpha = ('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ')
all = ('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789!@#$%^&*()-_+=~`[]{}|\:;"\'<>,.?/')
if str(genType).lower() == "1":
genType = alphanum
elif str(genType).lower() == "2":
genType = alpha
elif str(genType).lower() == "3":
genType = alphacap
elif str(genType).lower() == "4":
genType = all
print info+"Password: "+passwd.join(random.sample(genType, int(genLength)))
elif mode == '2': #Generate wordlists
num =('0123456789')
alphLower = ('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
alphHex = ('0123456789ABCDEF')
special = ('!@#$%^&*()-_+=~`[]{}|\:;"\'<>,.?/')
genNum = "Yes"
genAlpha = "Both"
genSpecial = "*Disabled*"
genCustom = ""
genBlockStart = ""
genBlockEnd = ""
genPad = "*Disabled*"
genMinLength = "8"
genMaxLength = "13"
char = num + alphLower + alphUpper
command = ""
while 1==1:
genSelect = raw_input("""
Numbers: """+genNum+"""
Alpha: """+genAlpha+"""
Special: """+genSpecial+"""
Custom charset: """+genCustom+"""
Starting Block: """+genBlockStart+"""
End Block: """+genBlockEnd+"""
-Current charset-------------------------------------
Padding: """+genPad+"""
Min Length: """+genMinLength+"""
Max Length: """+genMaxLength+"""
1.) Numbers
2.) Alpha
3.) Special
4.) Custom charset
5.) Starting Block
6.) End Block
7.) Padding
8.) Mix Length
9.) Max Length
s.) Select
x.) Return to Main menu
[~] Select: """)
if (genSelect == "1"):
if (genNum == "Yes"): genNum = "*Disabled*"
else: genNum = "Yes"
elif (genSelect == "2"):
if (genAlpha == "lower"): genAlpha = "UPPER"
elif (genAlpha == "UPPER"): genAlpha = "Both"
elif (genAlpha == "Both"): genAlpha = "HEX"
elif (genAlpha == "HEX"): genAlpha = "*Disabled*"
else: genAlpha = "lower"
if (genSelect == "3"):
if (genSpecial == "Yes"): genSpecial = "*Disabled*"
else: genSpecial = "Yes"
if (genSelect == "4"):
genCustom = raw_input("Custer Char: ")
elif (genSelect == "5"):
genBlockStart = raw_input("Start Block: ")
elif (genSelect == "6"):
genBlockEnd = raw_input("End Block: ")
elif (genSelect == "7"):
genPad = raw_input("Padding: ")
if (genPad == ""): genPad = "*Disabled*"
elif (genSelect == "8"):
genMinLength = raw_input("Min Length: ")
elif (genSelect == "9"):
genMaxLength = raw_input("Max Length: ")
elif (genSelect == "s"): break
elif (genSelect == "x"): return
char = ""
if (genNum == "Yes"): char = char+num
if (genAlpha == "lower"): char = char+alphLower
if (genAlpha == "UPPER"): char = char+alphUpper
if (genAlpha == "Both"): char = char+alphLower+alphUpper
if (genAlpha == "HEX"): char = char+alphHex
if (genSpecial == "Yes"): char = char+special
char = char+genCustom
command = cruch+ " "+genMinLength+" "+genMaxLength+" "+ char
if (genBlockStart != ""): command=command+" -s "+genBlockStart
command=command+" -o "+output
print action+"Starting"
os.system (command)
print action+"Done!"
elif mode == '3': #Generate Custom Wordlists ('PaulDotCom' method)
url = raw_input("""[~] URL?: """)
print ("wget -r -l 2 "+url)
print ("grep -hr "" "+url+"/ | tr '[:space:]' '\n' | sort | uniq > /tmp/wordlist.lst")
print ("egrep -v '('\,'|'\;'|'\}'|'\{'|'\<'|'\>'|'\:'|'\='|'\"'|'\/'|'\/'|'\['|'\]')' /tmp/wordlist.lst | sort -u > /tmp/wordlist.clean.lst")
print ("cat /tmp/password.lst >> /tmp/wordlist.clean.lst")
print ("/pentest/passwords/jt/john --wordlist=/tmp/wordlist.clean.lst --rules --stdout | uniq > /tmp/final.wordlist.lst")
def removeDup (mode):
array_dupfree = [] # for array, checks to see ifs its in before.
array_dup = {} # for array, if its been used,put it here.
i = 0
percentage = 0 # Where we are on the percent
total = len(array)
onePercentage = total / 100
print "\n\n--------------------------"
#print "Starting at:", time.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p", time.localtime())
print info+"Total words:", total
print "--------------------------"
start = time.clock()
file_write = open(output,"w")
for element in array:
i = i + 1
if i == onePercentage:
i = 0
percentage = percentage + 1
print percentage * onePercentage ,"words -", percentage,"%"
if ((element + "\n") in array_dupfree) or ((element + "\n") in array_dup): # Check to see if we have had the word before
array_dup[element + "\n"] = array.count(element) # We have, lets make a note of it.
if ((element + "\n") in array_dupfree): array_dupfree.remove(element + "\n")
if debug == True: print element , "is duplicated," , array.count(element) , "times."
array_dupfree.append(element + "\n") # Havent had it, so lets record it
if mode == '1': file_write.write(element + "\n") # Save it to our word list now (UNSORTED)
if mode == '2': #Remove dups + Sorts 0
array_tmp = ""
file_write.writelines (array_tmp.join(sorted(array_dupfree + array_dup.keys())))
if mode == '3': #Remove dups + Higher the dups, higher the list
file_write.writelines (sorted(array_dup))
file_write.writelines (array_dupfree)
if mode == '4': #Remove dups + Higher the dups, higher the list + sorts the rest 0-Z
file_write.writelines (sorted(array_dup))
file_write.writelines (sorted(array_dupfree))
end = time.clock()
print "\n"+info+" Time taken:", end - start, "seconds."
print info+" Total wordlists:", totalFiles
print info+" Total words:", len(array)
print info+" Total unique words:", len(array_dupfree)
print info+"Number of dup words:", len(array_dup)
print "\n"+action+"~Done!~\n\n\n\n\n"
def updateScript():
from urllib2 import Request, urlopen, URLError, HTTPError
print action+"Updating..."
url = ""
req = Request(url)
f = urlopen(req)
local_file = open("", "w")
print action+"Updated! (="
except HTTPError, e:
print error+"Failed. HTTP Error:",e.code , url
except URLError, e:
print error+"Failed. URL Error:",e.reason , url
print "\033[36m[*]\033[0m wordlists v"+version
if debug == True:
print info+"Debug mode: On"
print "-----------------------------------------------------"
for file in filename[1:]:
file_open = open(file,"r")
print action+"Loading file: " + file
totalFiles = totalFiles + 1
if files != "": files = files + ", " + file
else: files = file
for word in file_open.readlines():
array.append(word.strip()) # Removes EOL
except IOError, err:
print error+"Cant find file: " + file
while 1==1:
print """-----------------------------------------------------\nMain Menu:\n-----------------------------------------------------
1.) Remove duplicates form a wordlist
2.) Remove duplicates + sort alphabetical order [0-Z]
3.) Remove duplicates + Higher the dups, higher the list
4.) Remove duplicates + Higher the dups, higher the list + sorts the rest alphabetical order [0-Z]\n-----------------------------------------------------
5.) Generate Password
6.) Generate wordlists
*7.) Generate wordlists ('PaulDotCom' method)\n-----------------------------------------------------
*8.) Convert wordlist rainbow/hash tables (WPA)
*9.) Convert wordlist to 1337 (leet)
*0.) Alter wordlist by changing case (lower, upper or first letter)\n-----------------------------------------------------
*a.) Add/remove wordlists
*m.) Merge wordlists (%s)
*c.) Change output wordlist (%s)\n-----------------------------------------------------
x.) Exit\n""" % (files, output)
mainmenu = raw_input("""[~] Select option: """)
if mainmenu == '1':
removeDup ("1")
elif mainmenu == '2':
removeDup ("2")
elif mainmenu == '3':
removeDup ("3")
elif mainmenu == '4':
removeDup ("4")
elif mainmenu == '5':
generate ("1")
elif mainmenu == '6': # Doesn't yet work!
generate ("2")
elif mainmenu == '7': # Doesn't yet work!
generate ("3")
elif mainmenu == '8': # Doesn't yet work!
convert ("1")
elif mainmenu == '9': # Doesn't yet work!
convert ("2")
elif mainmenu == '0': # Doesn't yet work!
convert ("3")
elif mainmenu.lower() == 'a': # Doesn't yet work!
elif mainmenu.lower() == 'm': # Doesn't yet work!
elif mainmenu.lower() == 'c': # Doesn't yet work!
elif mainmenu.lower() == 'x':
print "\033[36m[*]\033[0m Done! (= Have you... g0tmi1k?"
except KeyboardInterrupt :
print "\n\n"+action+" Exiting...\n\033[36m[*]\033[0m Done! (= Have you... g0tmi1k?"
#leet =
#pauldotcom =
#WPA Defaluts
# BTHomeHub2-xxxx = 10 lower hex
# SKYxxxxx v1 = 8 upper A-Z (netgear)
# SKY v2 = 8 upper A-Z (Netgear)
# SKY v3 = 8 upper A-Z (Sagem)
# Livebox-xxxx = 26 Length (Hexadecimal)???
# virginmedia =
# O2 =
# BTHomeHub =
# OrangeAB12C3
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