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Created July 21, 2016 07:37
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Algolia + React
<h1>algoliasearch-helper-js + react-algoliasearch-helper + React</h1>
<div id="root"></div>
const client = algoliasearch('latency', '6be0576ff61c053d5f9a3225e2a90f76');
const helper = algoliasearchHelper(client, 'movies', {
disjunctiveFacets: ['genre']
const Provider = reactAlgoliaSearchHelper.Provider;
const connect = reactAlgoliaSearchHelper.connect;
const SearchBox = connect()(
({helper}) =>
<div className="search-box">
<div className="search-box__button">
<i className="fa fa-search"></i>
<div className="search-box__input-container">
placeholder="Search here"
onChange={e => helper.setQuery(}
const getHighlighted = s => ({__html: s});
const Rating = ({rating}) => {
const bem = block('rating');
const stars = [];
for (var i = 1; i <= 5; ++i) {
stars.push(i <= rating);
return <div className={bem()}>
(active, starIndex) => <span key={starIndex} className={bem("star")({active})}>☆</span>
const Hit = ({
_highlightResult: {
title: {
value: title
genre: genres
}) =>
<article className="movie">
<img className="movie__image" src={image} />
<div className="movie__meta">
<div className="movie__title">
<span dangerouslySetInnerHTML={getHighlighted(title)} />
<span className="movie__year">{year}</span>
<div className="movie__rating"><Rating rating={rating} /></div>
<div className="movie__genres">
{ => <div key={genre} className="movie__genre">{genre}</div>)}
const Hits = connect(
state => ({results: state.searchResults})
({results}) => {
if (!results) return <div className="hits__empty">Search for something</div>;
if (results.hits.length === 0) return <div className="hits__empty">No results</div>;
return <div className="hits">
{ => <div className="movie__container" key={hit.objectID}><Hit {...hit}/></div>)}
const Genres = connect(
state => ({genres: state.searchResults && state.searchResults.getFacetValues('genre') || []})
({genres, helper}) =>
({name, count, isRefined}) =>
<div key={name} onClick={e => helper.toggleRefine('genre', name).search()} className={`facet__item facet__item${isRefined ? '_active': ''}`}>
<div className="facet__item-label">{name} <div className="facet__item-count">{count}</div></div>
const Pagination = connect(
({searchResults}) => (searchResults === null ? {page: 0, nbPages: 0} : {page:, nbPages: searchResults.nbPages})
({page, nbPages, helper}) =>
<div className="pagination">
<button className="pagination__button" onClick={e => helper.setPage(page - 1).search()} disabled={page === 0}>Previous</button>
<span className="pagination__page">{page + 1}</span>
<button className="pagination__button" onClick={e => helper.setPage(page + 1).search()} disabled={page + 1 >= nbPages}>Next</button>
const App = () =>
<Provider helper={helper}>
<div className="container">
<div className="content">
<div className="facets">
<div className="facet">
<div className="facet__title">Genre</div>
<div className="canvas">
ReactDOM.render(<App/>, document.querySelector('#root'));;
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
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