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Forked from gwarser/
Created April 5, 2012 07:25
Opera cookies4.dat reader
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function
import os, sys
import struct as st
import time as tm
uint32 = '>I'
int32 = '>i'
uint16 = '>H'
int16 = '>h'
uint8 = 'B'
int8 = 'b'
#file header
file_version_number_fmt = uint32
app_version_number_fmt = uint32
idtag_length_fmt = uint16
length_length_fmt = uint16
#struct record header
tag_id_fmt = uint8 #=1byte file header idtag_length
length_fmt = uint16 #=2bytes file header length_length
#records const
recdomain = 0x01
recpath = 0x02
reccookie = 0x03
#msb flags
msb = 0x80
enddomain = (msb | 0x04)
endpath = (msb | 0x05)
#indent size
doind = 0
indent = 0
def readfmt(f, fmt):
size = st.calcsize(fmt)
data =
if len(data) < size: raise EOFError('in readfmt, at pos:', f.tell())
return st.unpack(fmt, data)[0]
def read(f, ln):
data =
if len(data) < ln: raise EOFError('in read, at pos:', f.tell())
return data
def getfhdr(f):
fhdr = {}
fhdr[1] = readfmt(f, file_version_number_fmt)
fhdr[2] = readfmt(f, app_version_number_fmt)
fhdr[3] = readfmt(f, idtag_length_fmt)
fhdr[4] = readfmt(f, length_length_fmt)
return fhdr
def getrecid(f):
return readfmt(f, tag_id_fmt)
def getrechdr(f, hdr):
global doind
if (msb & hdr):
if enddomain == hdr:
doind = -1
return True, 'end of domain record', 0
elif endpath == hdr:
return True, 'end of path record', 0
return True, 'end of unknown record', 0,
datalen = readfmt(f, length_fmt)
if recdomain == hdr:
doind = 1
return False, 'domain record', datalen
elif recpath == hdr:
return False, 'path record', datalen
elif reccookie == hdr:
return False, 'cookie record', datalen
return False, 'unknown record', datalen
def getddidname(did):
flag = True if msb & did else False
if 0x1e == did: name = 'name of the domain part'
elif 0x1f == did: name = 'how cookies are filtered for this domain.'
elif 0x21 == did: name = 'handling of cookies that have explicit paths'
elif 0x25 == did: name = 'filter third party cookies mode'
else: name = 'unknown domain data id'
return flag, name
def getpdidname(did):
flag = True if msb & did else False
if 0x1d == did: name = 'the name of the path part'
else: name = 'unknown path data id'
return flag, name
def getcdidname(did):
flag = True if msb & did else False
if 0x10 == did: name = 'name of the cookie'
elif 0x11 == did: name = 'value of the cookie'
elif 0x12 == did: name = 'expiry'
elif 0x13 == did: name = 'last used'
elif 0x14 == did: name = 'comment/description of use'
elif 0x15 == did: name = 'URL for comment/description of use'
elif 0x16 == did: name = 'domain received with version=1 cookies'
elif 0x17 == did: name = 'path received with version=1 cookies'
elif 0x18 == did: name = 'port limitations received with version=1 cookies'
elif 0x1A == did: name = 'version number of cookie'
elif (0x19 | msb) == did: name = 'will only be sent to https servers'
elif (0x1b | msb) == did: name = 'will only be sent to the server that sent it'
elif (0x1c | msb) == did: name = 'reserved for delete protection: not yet implemented'
elif (0x20 | msb) == did: name = 'will not be sent if the path is a prefix of the url'
elif (0x22 | msb) == did: name = 'was set as the result of a password login form'
elif (0x23 | msb) == did: name = 'was set as the result of a http authentication login'
elif (0x24 | msb) == did: name = 'was set by a third party server'
else: name = 'unknown cookie data id'
return flag, name
def printt(*args):
global indent
if 0 > indent:
print('indent:', indent)
print('\t'*indent, *args, sep='')
def prsdomaindata(f, d):
end = f.tell() + d[2]
data = []
while f.tell() < end:
did = readfmt(f, tag_id_fmt)
flag, dnam = getddidname(did)
if not flag:
dlen = readfmt(f, length_fmt)
draw = read(f, dlen)
dlen = 0
draw = ''
data.append((hex(did), dnam, dlen, draw))
return data
def prspathdata(f, d):
end = f.tell() + d[2]
data = []
while f.tell() < end:
did = readfmt(f, tag_id_fmt)
flag, dnam = getpdidname(did)
if not flag:
dlen = readfmt(f, length_fmt)
draw = read(f, dlen)
dlen = 0
draw = ''
data.append((hex(did), dnam, dlen, draw))
return data
def frmtm(t):
unp = st.unpack('>Q', t)[0]
return tm.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', tm.localtime(unp))
def prscookiedata(f, d):
end = f.tell() + d[2]
data = []
while f.tell() < end:
did = readfmt(f, tag_id_fmt)
flag, dnam = getcdidname(did)
if not flag:
dlen = readfmt(f, length_fmt)
draw = read(f, dlen)
if 0x12==did or 0x13==did:
draw = frmtm(draw)
dlen = 0
draw = ''
data.append((hex(did), dnam, dlen, draw))
return data
def process(f):
global indent
global doind, os.SEEK_END)
fend = f.tell(), os.SEEK_SET)
fhdr = getfhdr(f)
print('file_version_number', fhdr[1])
print('app_version_number', fhdr[2])
print('idtag_length', fhdr[3])
print('length_length', fhdr[4])
if (fhdr[3] != 1) and (fhdr[4] != 2):
printt('Not compatible')
while(f.tell() < fend):
rhdr = getrecid(f)
rdat = getrechdr(f, rhdr)
if True == rdat[0]:
indent += doind
doind = 0
elif False == rdat[0]:
indent += doind
doind = 0
if rhdr == recdomain:
prsdomaindata(f, rdat)
elif rhdr == recpath:
prspathdata(f, rdat)
elif rhdr == reccookie:
prscookiedata(f, rdat)
printt('parse unknown record')
except EOFError as e:
printt('EOFError', e)
def main():
if len(sys.argv) == 2 and os.path.exists(sys.argv[1]):
file = open(sys.argv[1], 'rb')
if __name__ == '__main__':
import traceback
print('Unhandled exception:\n')
input('\nPress any key...')
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