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Last active April 29, 2018 15:25
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Simple Ethereum smart contract for sending text messages.
pragma solidity ^0.4.0;
contract Messenger {
struct MsgDB {
uint totalMessages;
mapping (uint => string) message;
struct Message {
string text;
string date;
mapping (address => mapping (address => MsgDB)) dialogues;
function IsBigger (address x, address y) private returns (bool) {
return (x > y);
function Send(address addr, string text) {
address x;
address y;
if (IsBigger(addr, msg.sender)) {
x = addr;
y = msg.sender;
else {
x = msg.sender;
y = addr;
// if (dialogues[x][y] == 0) {
// dialogues[x][y] = MsgDB;
var i = ++dialogues[x][y].totalMessages;
dialogues[x][y].message[i] = text;
function Receive(address addr, uint i) returns (string) {
address x;
address y;
if (IsBigger(addr, msg.sender)) {
x = addr;
y = msg.sender;
else {
x = msg.sender;
y = addr;
if (i > dialogues[x][y].totalMessages) {
i = dialogues[x][y].totalMessages;
return dialogues[x][y].message[i];
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