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Last active December 26, 2016 22:48
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'supdate': Clojure's update with superpowers
(ns utils.supdate
"A macro for transforming maps (and other data structures) using a spec reflecting the
schema of the value to transform.")
;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Example Usage
;;;; nominal cases
{:a 1 :b [{:c 2} {:c 3}]} ;; the data structure to transform
{:a inc :b [{:c dec}]} ;; the transformation
=> {:a 2, :b [{:c 1} {:c 2}]}
;; if the transform is a function: apply it to the value
=> 1
;; if it's a map: recursively transform the value for the given keys.
{:a 1}
{:a inc})
=> {:a 2}
;; if it's a vector with one (transform) element: transform each item in the collection.
[1 2 3 4]
=> [2 3 4 5]
;; you can nest transforms arbitrarily.
{:a {:b [{:c 1}]}}
{:a {:b [{:c inc}]}})
=> {:a {:b [{:c 2}]}}
;; if a key is missing, no transform is applied
{:a 1}
{:a inc :b inc})
=> {:a 2}
;; a vector with 2 or more elements means 'chain the transforms'
[inc inc inc])
=> 3
;; a transform of `false` consists of dissoc'ing in the enclosing map
{:a 1 :b 2}
{:a false})
=> {:b 2}
;;;; Implementation notes
;; `supdate` is a macro which will attempt to perform static code analysis
;; to generate low-level transformation code inline in order to achieve high performance,
;; and fall back to a dynamic implementation where that static code analysis fails
;; (see the supdate* function)
;; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Implementation
(defn upd!*
"A slightly modified version of update.
If map `m` contains key `k`, will add
(f (get m k)) to the transient map `tm`."
;; we have to pass the original (non transient) map tm,
;; because it's the only one that supports the `contains?` operation.
[m tm k f]
(let [v (get tm k)]
(if v
(assoc! tm k (f v))
(if (contains? m k)
(assoc! tm k (f v))
(defn upd-dynamic!*
"A version of upd! where we're not sure f is a function"
[m tm k f]
(let [v (get tm k)]
(if v
(if (false? f)
(dissoc! tm k)
(assoc! tm k (f v)))
(if (contains? m k)
(if (false? f)
(dissoc! tm k)
(assoc! tm k (f v)))
(defn supd-map*
[f coll]
(if (vector? coll)
(mapv f coll)
(map f coll)))
(defn supdate*
[v transform]
(fn? transform)
(transform v)
(keyword? transform)
(transform v)
(map? transform)
(when v
(fn [tm k spec]
(if (false? spec)
(dissoc! tm k)
(upd!* v tm k #(supdate* % spec))))
(transient v) transform)))
(and (vector? transform) (= (count transform) 1))
(let [sspec (first transform)]
(supd-map* #(supdate* % sspec) v))
(sequential? transform)
(reduce supdate* v transform)
(defn- static-transform?
(or (map? t-form) (vector? t-form) (false? t-form) (keyword? t-form)))
(defn- static-key?
(or (keyword? key-form) (string? key-form) (number? key-form) (#{true false} key-form)))
(defmacro supdate
"'Super Update' - convenience for transforming all kinds of values, useful for format coercions etc.
Accepts a value `v` and a transform specification `transform` that represents a transformation to apply on v:
* if transform is a function or keyword, will apply it to v
* if transform is a map, will treat v as a map, and recursively modify the values of v for the keys transform supplies. If the transform value for a key is `false`, then the key is dissoc'ed.
* if transform is a vector with one element (a nested transform), will treat v as a collection an apply the nested transform to each element.
* if transform is a sequence, will apply each transform in the sequence in order."
[v transform]
(let [vsym (gensym "v")]
`(let [~vsym ~v]
(map? transform)
(let [tvsym (gensym "tv")]
`(when ~vsym
(as-> (transient ~vsym) ~tvsym
~@(for [[k transform] transform]
(let [sk? (static-key? k)
ksym (if sk? k (gensym "k"))
form (cond
(false? transform)
`(dissoc! ~tvsym ~ksym)
(static-transform? transform)
`(upd!* ~vsym ~tvsym ~ksym (fn [v#] (supdate v# ~transform)))
`(let [spec# ~transform]
(upd-dynamic!* ~vsym ~tvsym ~ksym (fn [v#] (supdate* v# spec#)))))]
(if sk? form `(let [~ksym ~k] ~form))))
(persistent! ~tvsym))))
(keyword? transform)
`(~transform ~vsym)
(and (vector? transform) (= (count transform) 1))
`(supd-map* (fn [e#] (supdate e# ~(first transform))) ~vsym)
(and (vector? transform) (> (count transform) 1))
`(as-> ~vsym ~vsym
~@(for [spec transform]
`(supdate ~vsym ~spec)))
`(supdate* ~vsym ~transform)
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