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Last active February 11, 2024 19:34
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Asynchronous map function with clojure.core.async
(require '[clojure.core.async :as a])
(defn- seq-of-chan "Creates a lazy seq from a core.async channel." [c]
(let [fst (a/<!! c)]
(if (nil? fst) nil (cons fst (seq-of-chan c)) ))))
(defn map-pipeline-async "Map for asynchronous functions, backed by clojure.core.async/pipeline-async .
From an asynchronous function af, and a seq coll, creates a lazy seq that is the result of applying the asynchronous function af to each element of coll.
af must be an asyncronous function as described in clojure.core.async/pipeline-async.
takes an optional p parallelism number."
([af p coll]
(let [ic (a/chan p), oc (a/chan p)]
(a/onto-chan ic coll)
(a/pipeline-async p oc af ic)
(seq-of-chan oc)
([af coll] (map-pipeline-async af 200 coll)))
;; --------------------------------------------
;; Example - a web scraper that needs to fetch a lot of pages using asynchronous io, yet with a synchronous interface
;; --------------------------------------------
(require '[org.httpkit.client :as http])
(def pages "Some pages that we should fetch"
[{:url ""}
{:url ""}
;; ...
{:url ""}])
(def fetched-pages "A lazy seq of the (asynchronously) fetched pages"
(map-pipeline-async (fn [{:keys [url] :as page} c]
(http/get url (fn [{:keys [body] :as resp}] ;; asynchronous GET with http-kit using callback function
(when (string? body) (a/>!! c (assoc page :fetched-html body))) ;; if fetch succeeded, put it in the channel
(a/close! c)
200 pages))
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