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Last active June 1, 2023 13:57
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  • Save vxav/bd4204ba045040e9197b9a91197e056a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Running Kubernetes 1.24 with CAPVCD.

❗ This is tested with Vanilla Kubernetes nodes, it may not work with Tanzu.


  • Clone the image-builder repo.
  • Edit images/capi/ansible/node.yml
  • Add the following tasks at the end (e.g. before the sysprep section)
    - name: Removing 99-installer.cfg
        path: "/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-installer.cfg"
        state: absent
    - name: creating_98-cse-vmware-datasource
        dest: "/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/98-cse-vmware-datasource.cfg"
        content: |
          datasource_list: [ "VMware" ]
  • Configure the image as you need [custom-config.json]. e.g. my values 👇
  "kubernetes_deb_version": "1.24.12-00",
  "kubernetes_rpm_version": "1.24.12-0",
  "kubernetes_semver": "v1.24.12",
  "kubernetes_series": "v1.24",
  "cluster": "xxx",
  "convert_to_template": "false",
  "create_snapshot": "true",
  "datacenter": "xxx",
  "datastore": "xxx",
  "folder": "xxx",
  "insecure_connection": "true",
  "network": "xxx",
  "password": "xxx",
  "username": "xxx",
  "vcenter_server": "xxx"
  • Create the image make PACKER_VAR_FILES=custom-config.json build-node-ova-vsphere-ubuntu-2004
  • Then export the VM as OVF and upload it to VCD.

CPI selector and tolerations


The CPI deployment must include the following tolerations (on top of the default ones):

  - effect: NoSchedule
  - effect: NoSchedule

The node-selector should also be changed from to

Cloud-init changes

A number of changes must be made to the cloud-init script that configures the node along with a couple changes in the code.

See this commit for details.

You will need to fork the CAPVCD repo, make the changes and build the image.

Cluster manifest

Change the kubernetes version from v1.2x.xx+vmware.1 to v1.2x.xx.

Change the repositories to upstream ones and fix versions.

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