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Last active March 20, 2021 12:15
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// struct person will be somewhere in memory and aligned somehow and to access
// its variables u should access with address the computer don't know what person means
struct person{
int age;
int wtf;
/* all of this code is translated to assembly instructions
assembly is not machine language bullshits
thats why we need assembler + linker
and these instructions will translated to their relvent opcodes
ex: 0: b8 01 00 00 00 mov eax,0x1
b8 is the opcode for mov eax 01 is the value stored in eax
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
sub rsp, 16
mov DWORD PTR [rbp-4], 5
mov DWORD PTR [rbp-8], 10
mov DWORD PTR [rbp-16], 10
mov DWORD PTR [rbp-12], 20
mov eax, 0
call wtf this wtf is not the real thing computer doesn't know wtf is the assembler will replace this with the addresss of the function to be call <function_addr>
mov eax, 0
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
mov eax, 1337
pop rbp
rbp (base pointer) is used to create stack frame with rsp
00AFFCC4 7692FA29 return to kernel32.7692FA29 from ??? <- rsp
00AFFCC8 0095E000
00AFFCCC 7692FA10 kernel32.7692FA10
00AFFCD0 00AFFD2C "<ý¯" <- rbp
random example but did u get it ?????
rbp-4 => first local variabl
rbp-8 => second local varible
rbp+4 => return address
rbp+8 => first function parameter
stack grows to lower address so like this rsp was 00AFFCC8 when push this decrements the rsp so now rsp -> 00AFFCC4
rsp+4 => 00AFFCC8
pop doesn't remove the value totally from the stack
it just removes the stack pointer from pointing to it
00E3184E | 6A 02 | push 2 // rsp = address where 2 is at
00E31850 | 58 | pop eax // pop 2 to eax rsp now is rsp -= 4 or rsp = rsp-4
00E31851 | 83EC 04 | sub esp,4 // sub esp-4 to get to the value 2 again so its not lost right ?
etc .. get it ?
int main()
int x = 5, y = 10; // variables just store data they are not named x, y in binary they have addresses that at it u can find their value
struct person Person;
Person.age= 10; // rbp-16 age is 4 bytes = 20; // rbp-12 wtf is 4 bytes 12 + 4 => 16
wtf(); // wtf is stored at a memory address its not named wtf in memory the computer just know addresses u shit
return 0;
// function wtf will be at some address its not named wtf in the binary
int wtf(){
return 1337;
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