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Last active August 2, 2020 14:09
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from PIL import Image
from itertools import product
from math import sin, cos, sqrt, inf
from numpy import dot, subtract, multiply, add
from numpy.linalg import norm
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
BLACK = (0, 0, 0)
IMG_SIZE = 800, 600
class Sphere:
def __init__(self, p, r, c):
self.p = p
self.r2 = r * r
self.c = c
def intersect(self, ray):
o, d = ray
L = subtract(o, self.p)
a = dot(d, d)
b = 2 * dot(d, L)
c = dot(L, L) - self.r2
discr = b * b - 4 * a * c
if discr < 0:
return False
if discr == 0:
x0 = x1 = -0.5 * b / a
return x0
q = -0.5 * (b + sqrt(discr)) if b > 0 else -0.5 * (b - sqrt(discr))
x0 = q / a
x1 = c / q
if x0 > x1 : x0, x1 = x1, x0
if x0 < 0 :
x0 = x1
if x0 < 0: return False
return x0
def normal(self, i):
n = subtract(i, self.p)
return n / norm(n)
def phong(self, l, i, v):
ambient = WHITE
v = subtract(v, i)
v = v / norm(v)
n = subtract(i, self.p)
n = n / norm(n)
l = subtract(l, i)
l = l / norm(l)
h = add(l, v)
h = h / norm(h)
diffuse = multiply(self.c, dot(n, l))
s = dot(n, h)**64
specular = multiply(WHITE, s)
return multiply(specular, 0.5) + multiply(diffuse, 0.5) # + multiply(ambient, 0.3)
def nearest_intersect(s, r):
gmin, tmin = None, inf
for g in scene:
if g == s : continue
t = g.intersect(r)
# if not t is False and t > 0:
if not t is False and t < tmin and t > 0:
gmin, tmin = g, t
return gmin, tmin
def reflect(s, r, m=0):
o, d = r
c = (127,127,127)
g, t = nearest_intersect(s, r)
if not g is None:
i = add(o, multiply(d, t))
n = g.normal(i)
rv = subtract(d, multiply(n, 2.0 * dot(d, n)))
c = g.phong(light, i, o)
if m > 0:
rc = reflect(g, (i, rv), m - 1)
c = multiply(add(c, rc), 0.5)
c = tuple(int(x) for x in c)
# c = BLACK
return c
def raytracer(size):
w, h = size
w2, h2 = w / 2, h / 2
for x, y in product(range(w), range(h)):
d = (x - w2, y - h2, h2)
d = d / norm(d)
r = camera, d
g, t = nearest_intersect(None, r)
if not g is None:
i = add(camera, multiply(d, t))
n = g.normal(i)
rv = subtract(d, multiply(n, 2.0 * dot(d, n)))
c = g.phong(light, i, camera)
rc = reflect(g, (i, rv), MAX_BOUNCE)
c = multiply(add(c, rc), 0.5)
# c = rc
c = tuple(int(x) for x in c)
yield (x, y), c
light = (-300.0, -300.0, 000.0)
scene = [
Sphere((100.0, 200.0, 300.0), 100, (100, 100, 200)),
Sphere((-100.0, 200.0, 300.0), 100, (100, 200, 100)),
Sphere((0.0, 0.0, 800.0), 400, (200, 100, 100)),
camera = (0, 0, 0)
for p, c in raytracer(IMG_SIZE):
im.putpixel(p, c)
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