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Last active May 16, 2024 16:10
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Async map with task limit using anyio
import math
import asyncio
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
from typing import AsyncIterable, AsyncIterator, Awaitable, Callable
from anyio import create_memory_object_stream, create_task_group, abc
from anyio.streams.memory import MemoryObjectReceiveStream
async def amap[
A, B
source: AsyncIterable[A],
corofn: Callable[[A], Awaitable[B]],
task_limit: float = math.inf,
) -> AsyncIterator[MemoryObjectReceiveStream[B]]:
async def source_task(task_status: abc.TaskStatus) -> None:
async with send_item_stream:
async for item in source:
await send_token_stream.send(None)
await task_group.start(item_task, item)
async def item_task(item: A, task_status: abc.TaskStatus) -> None:
async with send_item_stream.clone() as cloned_stream:
result = await corofn(item)
await cloned_stream.send(result)
await receive_token_stream.receive()
send_token_stream, receive_token_stream = create_memory_object_stream[None](
send_item_stream, receive_item_stream = create_memory_object_stream[B]()
async with receive_item_stream:
async with create_task_group() as task_group:
await task_group.start(source_task)
yield receive_item_stream
async def main():
async def input_gen() -> AsyncIterator[str]:
for char in "abc123xyz789":
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
yield char
async def slow_task(item: str) -> str:
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
return f"{item}_loaded"
print("Running without task limit")
async with amap(input_gen(), slow_task) as items:
async for item in items:
print(f"Received: {item}")
print("Running with task limit = 1")
async with amap(input_gen(), slow_task, task_limit=1) as items:
async for item in items:
print(f"Received: {item}")
print("Stopping after 3_loaded is received")
async with amap(input_gen(), slow_task) as items:
async for item in items:
print(f"Received: {item}")
if item == "3_loaded":
if __name__ == "__main__":
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