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Created November 22, 2016 08:48
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Fast eratosthenes prime generator with a cached wheel
"""Fast eratosthenes prime generator with a cached wheel"""
import sys
import time
import operator
from itertools import cycle, chain, accumulate, islice, count
from functools import lru_cache, reduce, partial
from contextlib import contextmanager
# Generating the wheel
def cached_wheel(n):
if n <= 0:
return (2,), (1,), {0:0, 1:1}, 1
primes, wheel, accumulated, total = cached_wheel(n-1)
primes, wheel = next_wheel(primes, wheel)
accumulated = {x: i for i, x in enumerate(accumulate(wheel), 1)}
accumulated[0] = 0
return primes, wheel, accumulated, sum(wheel)
def next_wheel(primes, wheel):
wheel = cycle(wheel)
prime = primes[-1]
new_prime = prime + next(wheel)
product = reduce(operator.mul, primes, 1)
new_wheel = cancel_wheel(product, prime, new_prime, wheel)
return primes + (new_prime,), tuple(new_wheel)
def cancel_wheel(product, prime, current, wheel, candidate=0):
while product > 0:
step = next(wheel)
candidate += step
current += step
if current % prime:
yield candidate
product -= candidate
candidate = 0
# Spining the wheel
def spin(n, start=None, factor=1):
primes, raw_wheel, accumulated, total = cached_wheel(n)
# Initialize
first = primes[-1]
current = first if start is None else start
index = accumulated[(current-first) % total]
# Make generator
half_wheel = (x * factor for x in islice(raw_wheel, index, None))
infinite_wheel = cycle(x * factor for x in raw_wheel)
wheel_chain = chain([factor*current], half_wheel, infinite_wheel)
generator = accumulate(wheel_chain)
# Discard first element
return generator
# Generating the primes
def primes(level=CACHE_LEVEL):
sieve = {}
first_primes, *_ = cached_wheel(level)
# First primes
for prime in first_primes:
yield prime
# Initialize prime generator
prime_generator = primes()
for _ in first_primes:
next_prime = next(prime_generator)
next_square = next_prime * next_prime
# Loop over candidates
for candidate in spin(level):
# The candidate is a composite
if candidate in sieve:
composites = sieve.pop(candidate)
# The candidate is a prime
elif candidate != next_square:
yield candidate
# The candidate is a squared prime
composites = spin(level, next_prime, next_prime)
next_prime = next(prime_generator)
next_square = next_prime * next_prime
# Update sieve
for composite in composites:
if composite not in sieve:
sieve[composite] = composites
# Main execution
def main(args=None):
if args is None:
args = sys.argv[1:]
n = int(args[0]) if args else 10**6
level = int(args[1] if args[1:] else CACHE_LEVEL)
prime_gen = primes()
start = time.time()
result = next(islice(prime_gen, n-1, None))
stop = time.time()
print('{}th prime = {} (level {}, {:.3f}s)'
.format(n, result, level, stop-start))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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