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Last active January 11, 2019 04:23
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How to use FFmpeg built by VPlayer in Android Studio?

Source: GitHub

Question: How to use FFmpeg built by VPlayer (version 0.3.2 at the time I write this Gist) in Android Studio?

Answer This will take the FFmpeg built from here and use it as a library for our project in Android Stuio in Window 10.

  1. Download NDK from here, uncompress it to anywhere you want (C:\Users\Viet\AppData\Local\Android\ndk\android-ndk-r11c in my case).
  2. Copy the whole VPlayer_lib folder build from here into the root of your project.
  3. In Android studio, click on app -> F4 -> SDK Location -> Android NDK location.
  4. Edit/create file in the root folder of your project with android.useDeprecatedNdk=true.
  5. Edit your project's settings.gradle and add these two lines at the bottom
include ':VPlayer_library'
project(':VPlayer_library').projectDir = new File(settingsDir, 'VPlayer_lib/VPlayer_library')
  1. Edit your application's build.gradle file to add the dependency by adding this:
dependencies {
 compile project(':VPlayer_library')
  1. After synchronizing your project, follow the below instructions to resolve the errors related to this project in Android Studio.
  2. Get the dependencies: tropicssl, ffmpeg (headers only) and libyuv (DO ONE of the following):
  • Unzip and extract the dependencies to VPlayer_lib folder (this should add folders to VPlayer_library/jni/)
  • OR Run the script /{root}/VPlayer_lib/VPlayer_library/jni/

Your folder structure should look like this under /jni

|- android-ndk-profiler-3.1/
|- application/
|- ffmpeg/
|- ffmpeg-build/
|- libyuv/
|- tropicssl/
  1. [Optional] Edit the to change architectures.
  2. [Optional] Edit the
  • FEATURE_NEON: if you comment this, you need to remove NativeTester code in (leave this)
  • SUBTITLES: remove if you do not want subtitle support; if you download the binaries or built one without subtitles you must comment this out. (temporrary leave this as our FFmpeg come with subtitle, need to update it to a version without subtitles).
  • MODULE_ENCRYPT: remove if you do not want encryption for networking. (comment out)
  • LIBRARY_PROFILER: remove if you do not want the profiler. (leave this, I dont even know what this is).
  1. If you get a Are you sure your NDK_MODULE_PATH variable is properly defined ? error, add the following to
$(call import-add-path,C:\Users\Viet\AppData\Local\Android\ndk\android-ndk-r11c\sources\android)
$(call import-module,cpufeatures)

of course this will need to be your path to the NDK, TRIPLE CHECK it don't be lazy.

  1. If the build fail because gradle heap size too small try uncomment this line in the project's

org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8

  1. Another possible error you may encouter is UnsatisfiedLinkError, has text relocations. Temporary solution is to change the targetSDK of your app to anything smaller than 23.
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I hv done all the steps u explained but i face this problem can u help me? Android NDK: ERROR:jni/ LOCAL_SRC_FILES points to a missing file

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