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Last active August 3, 2023 12:32
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[JavaScript] - ES6 Classes


// syntactic sugar, behind the scene it's still prototypal inheritance/ delegation

// Class expression
// const PersonCl = class {} // behind the scene class is still a special type of function

// Class declaration
class PersonCl {
  constructor(fullName, birthYear) {
    this.fullName = fullName;
    this.birthYear = birthYear;

  // Instance methods
  // Methods will be added to .prototype property
  calcAge() {
    console.log(2037 - this.birthYear);

  greet() {
    console.log(`Hey ${this.fullName}`);

  get age() {
    return 2037 - this.birthYear;

  // Set a property that already exists
  set fullName(name) {
    if (name.includes(' ')) this._fullName = name;
    else alert(`${name} is not a full name!`);

  get fullName() {
    return this._fullName;

  // Static method
  static hey() {
    console.log('Hey there 👋');

const jessica = new PersonCl('Jessica Davis', 1996);

console.log(jessica.__proto__ === PersonCl.prototype); // true

// Basically the same as this
// PersonCl.prototype.greet = function () {
//   console.log(`Hey ${this.firstName}`);
// };

// 1. Classes are NOT hoisted (we can't use them before they are declared in the code)
// 2. Classes are first-class citizens
// 3. Classes are executed in strict mode

Getters and Setters

Code example in classes in the previous section

const account = {
  owner: 'Jonas',
  movements: [200, 530, 120, 300],

  get latest() {
    return this.movements.slice(-1).pop();

  set latest(mov) {


account.latest = 50;

Static methods

See code example in the ES6 classes section

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