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Created February 4, 2016 05:22
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<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri="" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="fn" uri="" %>
Include file (Java)
<%@ include file="/WEB-INF/jsp/common/date.jsp" %>
Include file (JSP)
<jsp:include page="/WEB-INF/jsp/common/date.jsp">
<jsp:param name="title" value="Date and Time"/>
Import a URL
<c:import url="">
<jsp:param name="title" value="Google"/>
Set a variable to be used within the page
<c:set var="title" value="Web Developmenent Blog"/>
This can be used inside the jsp page by calling ${title}
For each loop
<c:forEach items="${result}" varStatus="status" var="item">
For each loop with a pre-determined limit
Display the first 3 items
<c:forEach items="${result}" varStatus="status"
var="item" begin="0" end="2">
Check if it is the last item in the loop
<c:forEach items="${items}" var="item" varStatus="status">
${item}<c:if test="${not status.last}">, </c:if>
If condition
<c:if test="${not empty title}">
Title isn't empty
If condition with more than one possible result
<c:when test="${linkNameLen > 18}">
<c:set var='linkNameShort' value='${fn:substring(link.linkName, 0, 18)}...'/>
<c:set var='linkNameShort' value='${link.linkName}'/>
Display a subset of a string
Display only the first 80 characters
${fn:substring(url, 0, 80)}
Count the total number of characters in a string
<c:if test="${fn:length(url) > 80}">...</c:if>
Replace certain characters in a string
<c:set var="description"
value="${fn:replace(string, 'Old Text', 'New Text')}" />
Convert string to all lowercases
Check if a string contains certain value
<c:if test="${not empty param.gender &&
fn:contains(param.gender,'Female')}"> checked="checked"</c:if>
Split a string into an array
Eg: Split 14/10/2009
<c:set var="date" value="${fn:split(start_date, '/')}" />
<c:set var="day" value="${date[0]}" />
<c:set var="month" value="${date[1]}" />
<c:set var="year" value="${date[2]}" />
Check if a string starts with certain characters
<c:when test="${fn:startsWith(website,'http') }">
<a href="${website}">${website}</a>
<a href="http://${website}">http://${website}</a>
Display text with html values escaped
<c:out value="${summary}"/>
Display text with html values
<c:out value="${}" escapeXml="false"/>
Escape html values (same result as using <c:out>)
OR operator
<c:if test="${(title == 'null') || (empty title)}">
AND operator
<c:if test="${(title != 'null') && (title == 'Page 1')}">
Maths operators
<c:if test="${counter + 2 == 4}">
<c:if test="${counter - 2 == 0}">
<c:if test="${counter * 2 == 4}">
<c:if test="${counter / 2 == 4}">
<c:if test="${counter % 2 == 0}">
Form a URL with parameters
<c:url value="" var="google_search">
<c:param name="q" value="web development blog"/>
<c:param name="hl" value="en"/>
<c:out value="${google_search}"/>
Check a parameter from URL
<c:if test="${ != 'null' && not empty}">
Check session
<c:when test="${not empty sessionScope['javax.portlet.userinfo']}">
Check if form is submitted
<c:if test="${pageContext.request.method == 'POST'}">
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