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Last active April 26, 2017 14:02
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BLT Build file to exclude the core updates if drupal version is 8.2.8
<project name="custom" default="build">
<!-- Override setup:update task for config import. -->
<target name="setup:update" description="Update current database to reflect the state of the Drupal file system.">
<!-- enable_property and uninstall_property must be set at this time. -->
<phingcall target="setup:toggle-modules"/>
<!-- Execute db updates. -->
<drush command="updb" assume="yes" alias="${drush.alias}">
<option name="entity-updates"></option>
<!-- Rebuild caches. -->
<drush command="cc drush" alias="${drush.alias}"/>
<!-- Add features-revert tal_features_core. -->
<drush command="fr" assume="yes" alias="${drush.alias}">
<!-- Rebuild caches. -->
<drush command="cr" alias="${drush.alias}"/>
<target name="tests:all" depends="tests:security-updates, tests:phpunit" hidden="true" />
<target name="tests:security-updates"
description="Check local Drupal installation for security updates.">
<!-- Skip the core security check if current drupal version is 8.2.8. There
are some issues with drupal latest security release which says
8.3.1 version is required and we cannot update to 8.3.1.
Refer : -->
<exec dir="${docroot}"
command="! ${drush.cmd} core-status version | grep 'Drupal version' | awk '{print $4}'"
<equals arg1="${drupalVersion}" arg2="8.2.8"/>
<exec dir="${docroot}"
command="! ${drush.cmd} -n ups --no-core --check-disabled --security-only 2>/dev/null | grep 'SECURITY UPDATE'"
checkreturn="true" level="${blt.exec_level}"
<!-- Output message on failure. -->
<not><equals arg1="${securityPass}" arg2="0"/></not>
<echo>One or more of your dependency has an outstanding security update. Please apply update(s) immediately. Failing build.</echo>
<exec dir="${docroot}"
command="! ${drush.cmd} -n ups --check-disabled --security-only 2>/dev/null | grep 'SECURITY UPDATE'"
checkreturn="true" level="${blt.exec_level}"
<!-- Output message on failure. -->
<not><equals arg1="${securityPass}" arg2="0"/></not>
<echo>One or more of your dependency has an outstanding security update. Please apply update(s) immediately. Failing build.</echo>
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