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Created April 24, 2011 09:06
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Save vyatri/939427 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This class allows you to receive and parse email in PHP efficiently and effortlessly.
* Model of an Attachment
class MimeMailParser_attachment {
* @var $filename Filename
public $filename;
* @var $content_type Mime Type
public $content_type;
* @var $content File Content
private $content;
* @var $extension Filename extension
private $extension;
* @var $content_disposition Content-Disposition (attachment or inline)
public $content_disposition;
* @var $headers An Array of the attachment headers
public $headers;
private $stream;
public function __construct($filename, $content_type, $stream, $content_disposition = 'attachment', $headers = array()) {
$this->filename = $filename;
$this->content_type = $content_type;
$this->stream = $stream;
$this->content = null;
$this->content_disposition = $content_disposition;
$this->headers = $headers;
* retrieve the attachment filename
* @return String
public function getFilename() {
return $this->filename;
* Retrieve the Attachment Content-Type
* @return String
public function getContentType() {
return $this->content_type;
* Retrieve the Attachment Content-Disposition
* @return String
public function getContentDisposition() {
return $this->content_disposition;
* Retrieve the Attachment Headers
* @return String
public function getHeaders() {
return $this->headers;
* Retrieve the file extension
* @return String
public function getFileExtension() {
if (!$this->extension) {
$ext = substr(strrchr($this->filename, '.'), 1);
if ($ext == 'gz') {
// special case, tar.gz
// todo: other special cases?
$ext = preg_match("/\.tar\.gz$/i", $ext) ? 'tar.gz' : 'gz';
$this->extension = $ext;
return $this->extension;
* Read the contents a few bytes at a time until completed
* Once read to completion, it always returns false
* @return String
* @param $bytes Int[optional]
public function read($bytes = 2082) {
return feof($this->stream) ? false : fread($this->stream, $bytes);
* Retrieve the file content in one go
* Once you retreive the content you cannot use MimeMailParser_attachment::read()
* @return String
public function getContent() {
if ($this->content === null) {
fseek($this->stream, 0);
while(($buf = $this->read()) !== false) {
$this->content .= $buf;
return $this->content;
* Allow the properties
* MimeMailParser_attachment::$name,
* MimeMailParser_attachment::$extension
* to be retrieved as public properties
* @param $name Object
public function __get($name) {
if ($name == 'content') {
return $this->getContent();
} else if ($name == 'extension') {
return $this->getFileExtension();
return null;
* Fast Mime Mail parser Class using PHP's MailParse Extension
* @author
* @url
* @license
* @version $Id$
class MimeMailParser {
* PHP MimeParser Resource ID
public $resource;
* A file pointer to email
public $stream;
* A text of an email
public $data;
* Stream Resources for Attachments
public $attachment_streams;
* Inialize some stuff
* @return
public function __construct() {
$this->attachment_streams = array();
* Free the held resouces
* @return void
public function __destruct() {
// clear the email file resource
if (is_resource($this->stream)) {
// clear the MailParse resource
if (is_resource($this->resource)) {
// remove attachment resources
foreach($this->attachment_streams as $stream) {
* Set the file path we use to get the email text
* @return Object MimeMailParser Instance
* @param $mail_path Object
public function setPath($path) {
// should parse message incrementally from file
$this->resource = mailparse_msg_parse_file($path);
$this->stream = fopen($path, 'r');
return $this;
* Set the Stream resource we use to get the email text
* @return Object MimeMailParser Instance
* @param $stream Resource
public function setStream($stream) {
// streams have to be cached to file first
if (get_resource_type($stream) == 'stream') {
$tmp_fp = tmpfile();
if ($tmp_fp) {
while(!feof($stream)) {
fwrite($tmp_fp, fread($stream, 2028));
fseek($tmp_fp, 0);
$this->stream =& $tmp_fp;
} else {
throw new Exception('Could not create temporary files for attachments. Your tmp directory may be unwritable by PHP.');
return false;
} else {
$this->stream = $stream;
$this->resource = mailparse_msg_create();
// parses the message incrementally low memory usage but slower
while(!feof($this->stream)) {
mailparse_msg_parse($this->resource, fread($this->stream, 2082));
return $this;
* Set the email text
* @return Object MimeMailParser Instance
* @param $data String
public function setText($data) {
$this->resource = mailparse_msg_create();
// does not parse incrementally, fast memory hog might explode
mailparse_msg_parse($this->resource, $data);
$this->data = $data;
return $this;
* Parse the Message into parts
* @return void
* @private
private function parse() {
$structure = mailparse_msg_get_structure($this->resource);
$this->parts = array();
foreach($structure as $part_id) {
$part = mailparse_msg_get_part($this->resource, $part_id);
$this->parts[$part_id] = mailparse_msg_get_part_data($part);
* Retrieve the Email Headers
* @return Array
public function getHeaders() {
if (isset($this->parts[1])) {
return $this->getPartHeaders($this->parts[1]);
} else {
throw new Exception('MimeMailParser::setPath() or MimeMailParser::setText() must be called before retrieving email headers.');
return false;
* Retrieve the raw Email Headers
* @return string
public function getHeadersRaw() {
if (isset($this->parts[1])) {
return $this->getPartHeaderRaw($this->parts[1]);
} else {
throw new Exception('MimeMailParser::setPath() or MimeMailParser::setText() must be called before retrieving email headers.');
return false;
* Retrieve a specific Email Header
* @return String
* @param $name String Header name
public function getHeader($name) {
if (isset($this->parts[1])) {
$headers = $this->getPartHeaders($this->parts[1]);
if (isset($headers[$name])) {
return $headers[$name];
} else {
throw new Exception('MimeMailParser::setPath() or MimeMailParser::setText() must be called before retrieving email headers.');
return false;
* Returns the email message body in the specified format
* @return Mixed String Body or False if not found
* @param $type Object[optional]
public function getMessageBody($type = 'text') {
$body = false;
$mime_types = array(
'text'=> 'text/plain',
'html'=> 'text/html'
if (in_array($type, array_keys($mime_types))) {
foreach($this->parts as $part) {
if ($this->getPartContentType($part) == $mime_types[$type]) {
$headers = $this->getPartHeaders($part);
$body = $this->decode($this->getPartBody($part), array_key_exists('content-transfer-encoding', $headers) ? $headers['content-transfer-encoding'] : '');
} else {
throw new Exception('Invalid type specified for MimeMailParser::getMessageBody. "type" can either be text or html.');
return $body;
* get the headers for the message body part.
* @return Array
* @param $type Object[optional]
public function getMessageBodyHeaders($type = 'text') {
$headers = false;
$mime_types = array(
'text'=> 'text/plain',
'html'=> 'text/html'
if (in_array($type, array_keys($mime_types))) {
foreach($this->parts as $part) {
if ($this->getPartContentType($part) == $mime_types[$type]) {
$headers = $this->getPartHeaders($part);
} else {
throw new Exception('Invalid type specified for MimeMailParser::getMessageBody. "type" can either be text or html.');
return $headers;
* Returns the attachments contents in order of appearance
* @return Array
* @param $type Object[optional]
public function getAttachments() {
$attachments = array();
$dispositions = array("attachment","inline");
foreach($this->parts as $part) {
$disposition = $this->getPartContentDisposition($part);
if (in_array($disposition, $dispositions)) {
$attachments[] = new MimeMailParser_attachment(
return $attachments;
* Return the Headers for a MIME part
* @return Array
* @param $part Array
private function getPartHeaders($part) {
if (isset($part['headers'])) {
return $part['headers'];
return false;
* Return a Specific Header for a MIME part
* @return Array
* @param $part Array
* @param $header String Header Name
private function getPartHeader($part, $header) {
if (isset($part['headers'][$header])) {
return $part['headers'][$header];
return false;
* Return the ContentType of the MIME part
* @return String
* @param $part Array
private function getPartContentType($part) {
if (isset($part['content-type'])) {
return $part['content-type'];
return false;
* Return the Content Disposition
* @return String
* @param $part Array
private function getPartContentDisposition($part) {
if (isset($part['content-disposition'])) {
return $part['content-disposition'];
return false;
* Retrieve the raw Header of a MIME part
* @return String
* @param $part Object
private function getPartHeaderRaw(&$part) {
$header = '';
if ($this->stream) {
$header = $this->getPartHeaderFromFile($part);
} else if ($this->data) {
$header = $this->getPartHeaderFromText($part);
} else {
throw new Exception('MimeMailParser::setPath() or MimeMailParser::setText() must be called before retrieving email parts.');
return $header;
* Retrieve the Body of a MIME part
* @return String
* @param $part Object
private function getPartBody(&$part) {
$body = '';
if ($this->stream) {
$body = $this->getPartBodyFromFile($part);
} else if ($this->data) {
$body = $this->getPartBodyFromText($part);
} else {
throw new Exception('MimeMailParser::setPath() or MimeMailParser::setText() must be called before retrieving email parts.');
return $body;
* Retrieve the Header from a MIME part from file
* @return String Mime Header Part
* @param $part Array
private function getPartHeaderFromFile(&$part) {
$start = $part['starting-pos'];
$end = $part['starting-pos-body'];
fseek($this->stream, $start, SEEK_SET);
$header = fread($this->stream, $end-$start);
return $header;
* Retrieve the Body from a MIME part from file
* @return String Mime Body Part
* @param $part Array
private function getPartBodyFromFile(&$part) {
$start = $part['starting-pos-body'];
$end = $part['ending-pos-body'];
fseek($this->stream, $start, SEEK_SET);
$body = fread($this->stream, $end-$start);
return $body;
* Retrieve the Header from a MIME part from text
* @return String Mime Header Part
* @param $part Array
private function getPartHeaderFromText(&$part) {
$start = $part['starting-pos'];
$end = $part['starting-pos-body'];
$header = substr($this->data, $start, $end-$start);
return $header;
* Retrieve the Body from a MIME part from text
* @return String Mime Body Part
* @param $part Array
private function getPartBodyFromText(&$part) {
$start = $part['starting-pos-body'];
$end = $part['ending-pos-body'];
$body = substr($this->data, $start, $end-$start);
return $body;
* Read the attachment Body and save temporary file resource
* @return String Mime Body Part
* @param $part Array
private function getAttachmentStream(&$part) {
$temp_fp = tmpfile();
array_key_exists('content-transfer-encoding', $part['headers']) ? $encoding = $part['headers']['content-transfer-encoding'] : $encoding = '';
if ($temp_fp) {
if ($this->stream) {
$start = $part['starting-pos-body'];
$end = $part['ending-pos-body'];
fseek($this->stream, $start, SEEK_SET);
$len = $end-$start;
$written = 0;
$write = 2028;
$body = '';
while($written < $len) {
if (($written+$write < $len )) {
$write = $len - $written;
$part = fread($this->stream, $write);
fwrite($temp_fp, $this->decode($part, $encoding));
$written += $write;
} else if ($this->data) {
$attachment = $this->decode($this->getPartBodyFromText($part), $encoding);
fwrite($temp_fp, $attachment, strlen($attachment));
fseek($temp_fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
} else {
throw new Exception('Could not create temporary files for attachments. Your tmp directory may be unwritable by PHP.');
return false;
return $temp_fp;
* Decode the string depending on encoding type.
* @return String the decoded string.
* @param $encodedString The string in its original encoded state.
* @param $encodingType The encoding type from the Content-Transfer-Encoding header of the part.
private function decode($encodedString, $encodingType) {
if (strtolower($encodingType) == 'base64') {
return base64_decode($encodedString);
} else if (strtolower($encodingType) == 'quoted-printable') {
return quoted_printable_decode($encodedString);
} else {
return $encodedString;
$path = 'path/to/mail.txt';
$Parser = new MimeMailParser();
$to = $Parser->getHeader('to');
$from = $Parser->getHeader('from');
$subject = $Parser->getHeader('subject');
$text = $Parser->getMessageBody('text');
$html = $Parser->getMessageBody('html');
$attachments = $Parser->getAttachments();
// attachment processing
$save_dir = '/path/to/save/attachments/';
foreach($attachments as $attachment) {
// get the attachment name
$filename = $attachment->filename;
// write the file to the directory you want to save it in
if ($fp = fopen($save_dir.$filename, 'w')) {
while($bytes = $attachment->read()) {
fwrite($fp, $bytes);
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topedge commented Nov 1, 2013

Call to undefined function mailparse_msg_parse_file() in /home/..../public_html/MimeMailParser.class.php on line 68

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comstar commented Dec 18, 2013

@topedge - you seem to not have installed.

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when I echo:
$from = $Parser->getHeader('from');
it echos out the name of the email sender, but I want to get the email address of the email sender, this also happens to:
$to = $Parser->getHeader('to');
How can I get the email address and not the names?

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@BEHZ4D, I would try getHeaders() or getHeadersRaw() to see if the data is in there. Perhaps mailparse has trouble with email addresses.

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nice work
It was very useful
thanks vyatri

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I need to get the whole content of the email, as to make a back-up.
Is there any way to accomplish this?
I thought that $Parser->resource could gave me the content but it's not like that

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chrisrex commented Apr 9, 2022

How can I replace within $html the cid url for embedded images with real url from the $save_dir

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