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Last active October 2, 2015 07:26
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Vagrant docs

Instaling Vagrant and set up an work environment through using Vagrant and VirtualBox. You need to install Vagrant ( and Virtualbox. For correct work of an environment you need version 1.7.4 of Vagrant. If allready Vagrant installed with older version then upgrade to 1.7.4

  1. Installing Vagrant and VirtualBox on Mac OSx.

1.1. Installing Cask (if allready installed follow step 2.1) to use this command: $ brew install caskroom/cask/brew-cask Also you can follow instructions (

You check whether the earlier cask using the command below: $ brew info cask

1.2 For installing Vagrant as one of the variants use package manager such as brew or brew cask. Use the command below for installing vagrant: $ brew cask install vagrant

1.3 For installing VirtualBox using the commnad below: $ brew cask install virtualbox

Also you can follow instructions (

  1. Deploying local environment. Vagrant box which using on helium project protected private settings -- you can download a vagrant box if you are an authorized user. Need to create an account on

2.2. To generate a token on To exec the command below using the generated token instead your_token. $ vagrant login -t your_token

2.1. To download an vagrant box usign command below: $ vagrant box add quokka/helium

2.2 Clone the helium git repository in a separate folder if you need to work on the current project in other branches and if the feature-vagrant branch is not merged with the develop and master branch. Otherwise you can pull changes from a develop branch and go to step 2.3

2.2.1 You need to change path to the project folder for synchronization with a vagrant machine. For example. Path to your project folder is: $ /Users/User/helium

В функцию config.vm.synced_folder по умолчанию перевым параметром передается путь к проекту. По умолчанию: config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/home/vagrant/app", create: true

Change the path to our path /Users/User/helium. config.vm.synced_folder "/Users/User/helium", "/home/vagrant/app", create: true

2.3. For deploying an environment to use the comand in the root project folder: $ vagrant up

Its all :)

The application running in debugging mode (debug port 5467) and listen on the port 9003. If you need restart an app then exec command from the root project: $ vagrant ssh -c 'supervisorctl restart helium'

Installed tools on the vagrant machine: node, npm, n, bower, grunt node-inspector ( pygments ( httpie (

NOTES Perhaps at the moment you enter the command vagrant up some ports on the host machine are already binded, in this case, the guest machine will not run - and the emergency exit. Before restarting the machine, you must fulfill one condition:

  • Shift ports are not binded other server;
  • Stop the servers that hold the required ports;

Or pass the third parameter setting auto correct: true, for example: "forwarded_port", guest: 80, host: 9003, auto_correct: true

In this case, when you start you need to be traced back to any ports on the host machine were attached ports from the guest machine.

Usefull comands: show the current status of the application $ vagrant ssh -c 'supervisorctl status'

restart the application $ vagrant ssh -c 'supervisorctl restart helium'

start the application $ vagrant ssh -c 'supervisorctl start helium'

stop the application $ vagrant ssh -c 'supervisorctl stop helium'

show logs of the application from the stdout and stderr $ vagrant ssh -c 'cd /var/log/supervisor && sudo tail -f helium-std*'

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