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Cross-browser initKeyboardEvent
void function() {//closure
var global = this
, _initKeyboardEvent_type = (function( e ) {
try {
"keyup" // in DOMString typeArg
, false // in boolean canBubbleArg
, false // in boolean cancelableArg
, global // in views::AbstractView viewArg
, "+" // [test]in DOMString keyIdentifierArg | webkit event.keyIdentifier | IE9 event.key
, 3 // [test]in unsigned long keyLocationArg | webkit event.keyIdentifier | IE9 event.location
, true // [test]in boolean ctrlKeyArg | webkit event.shiftKey | old webkit event.ctrlKey | IE9 event.modifiersList
, false // [test]shift | alt
, true // [test]shift | alt
, false // meta
, false // altGraphKey
// Safari and IE9 throw Error here due keyCode, charCode and which is readonly
// Uncomment this code block if you need legacy properties
delete e.keyCode;
_Object_defineProperty(e, {writable: true, configurable: true, value: 9})
delete e.charCode;
_Object_defineProperty(e, {writable: true, configurable: true, value: 9})
delete e.which;
_Object_defineProperty(e, {writable: true, configurable: true, value: 9})
return ((e["keyIdentifier"] || e["key"]) == "+" && (e["keyLocation"] || e["location"]) == 3) && (
e.ctrlKey ?
e.altKey ? // webkit
e.shiftKey ?
2 // webkit
4 // IE9
) || 9 // FireFox|w3c
catch ( __e__ ) { _initKeyboardEvent_type = 0 }
})( document.createEvent( "KeyboardEvent" ) )
, _keyboardEvent_properties_dictionary = {
"char": "",
"key": "",
"location": 0,
"ctrlKey": false,
"shiftKey": false,
"altKey": false,
"metaKey": false,
"repeat": false,
"locale": "",
"detail": 0,
"bubbles": false,
"cancelable": false,
//legacy properties
"keyCode": 0,
"charCode": 0,
"which": 0
, own =
, _Object_defineProperty = Object.defineProperty || function(obj, prop, val) {
if( "value" in val ) {
obj[prop] = val["value"];
function crossBrowser_initKeyboardEvent(type, dict) {
var e;
if( _initKeyboardEvent_type ) {
e = document.createEvent( "KeyboardEvent" );
else {
e = document.createEvent( "Event" );
var _prop_name
, localDict = {};
for( _prop_name in _keyboardEvent_properties_dictionary ) if(own(_keyboardEvent_properties_dictionary, _prop_name) ) {
localDict[_prop_name] = (own(dict, _prop_name) && dict || _keyboardEvent_properties_dictionary)[_prop_name];
var _ctrlKey = localDict["ctrlKey"]
, _shiftKey = localDict["shiftKey"]
, _altKey = localDict["altKey"]
, _metaKey = localDict["metaKey"]
, _altGraphKey = localDict["altGraphKey"]
, _modifiersListArg = _initKeyboardEvent_type > 3 ? (
(_ctrlKey ? "Control" : "")
+ (_shiftKey ? " Shift" : "")
+ (_altKey ? " Alt" : "")
+ (_metaKey ? " Meta" : "")
+ (_altGraphKey ? " AltGraph" : "")
).trim() : null
, _key = localDict["key"] + ""
, _char = localDict["char"] + ""
, _location = localDict["location"]
, _keyCode = localDict["keyCode"] || (localDict["keyCode"] = _key && _key.charCodeAt( 0 ) || 0)
, _charCode = localDict["charCode"] || (localDict["charCode"] = _char && _char.charCodeAt( 0 ) || 0)
, _bubbles = localDict["bubbles"]
, _cancelable = localDict["cancelable"]
, _repeat = localDict["repeat"]
, _locale = localDict["locale"]
, _view = global
localDict["which"] || (localDict["which"] = localDict["keyCode"]);
if( "initKeyEvent" in e ) {//FF
e.initKeyEvent( type, _bubbles, _cancelable, _view, _ctrlKey, _altKey, _shiftKey, _metaKey, _keyCode, _charCode );
else if( _initKeyboardEvent_type && "initKeyboardEvent" in e ) {//
if( _initKeyboardEvent_type == 1 ) { // webkit
e.initKeyboardEvent( type, _bubbles, _cancelable, _view, _key, _location, _ctrlKey, _shiftKey, _altKey, _metaKey, _altGraphKey );
else if( _initKeyboardEvent_type == 2 ) { // old webkit
e.initKeyboardEvent( type, _bubbles, _cancelable, _view, _ctrlKey, _altKey, _shiftKey, _metaKey, _keyCode, _charCode );
else if( _initKeyboardEvent_type == 3 ) { // webkit
e.initKeyboardEvent( type, _bubbles, _cancelable, _view, _key, _location, _ctrlKey, _altKey, _shiftKey, _metaKey, _altGraphKey );
else if( _initKeyboardEvent_type == 4 ) { // IE9
e.initKeyboardEvent( type, _bubbles, _cancelable, _view, _key, _location, _modifiersListArg, _repeat, _locale );
else { // FireFox|w3c
e.initKeyboardEvent( type, _bubbles, _cancelable, _view, _char, _key, _location, _modifiersListArg, _repeat, _locale );
else {
e.initEvent(type, _bubbles, _cancelable)
for( _prop_name in _keyboardEvent_properties_dictionary )if( own( _keyboardEvent_properties_dictionary, _prop_name ) ) {
if( e[_prop_name] != localDict[_prop_name] ) {
try {
delete e[_prop_name];
_Object_defineProperty( e, _prop_name, { writable: true, "value": localDict[_prop_name] } );
catch(e) {
//Some properties is read-only
return e;
global.crossBrowser_initKeyboardEvent = crossBrowser_initKeyboardEvent;
<script src="crossBrowser_initKeyboardEvent.js"></script>
var a = window.crossBrowser_initKeyboardEvent("keypress", {"key": 1, "char": "!", shiftKey: true})
alert(a.type + " | " + a.key + " | " + a.char + " | " + a.shiftKey)
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