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Manu Weidmann vyo

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vyo / docker-sync.txt
Created February 4, 2016 08:45
Docker: Sync with host time
$ date && docker run --rm -it -v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro alpine:3.3 date
Thu Feb 4 09:46:54 CET 2016
Thu Feb 4 09:46:55 CET 2016
vyo / requestPromiseTest.js
Last active March 14, 2016 21:25
short request promise test
'use strict';
const RequestPromise = require('request-promise');
RequestPromise( {
uri: '',
method: 'HEAD',
resolveWithFullResponse: true,
simple: false
vyo / pleasePromiseTest.js
Created March 14, 2016 20:53
short httpplease promise test
'use strict';
const httpplease = require('httpplease');
const httppleasePromise = require('httpplease-promises');
const Promise = require('bluebird');
const Please = httpplease.use(httppleasePromise(Promise));
.then(function (res) {
vyo / gist:b1966f25bbfcd3d919f7ffc558c541fe
Created June 23, 2016 16:03 — forked from jjb/gist:996292
How to securely acquire the Mozilla root certificate bundle for use with curl, Net::HTTP, etc.

If you want to use curl or net-http/open-uri to access https resources, you will often (always?) get an error, because they don't have the large number of root certificates installed that web browsers have.

You can manually install the root certs, but first you have to get them from somewhere. This article gives a nice description of how to do that. The source of the cert files it points to is hosted by the curl project, who kindly provide it in the .pem format.

problem: Sadly, ironically, and comically, it's not possible to access that file via https! Luckily, the awesome curl project does provide us with the script that they use to produce the file, so we can do it securely ourselves. Here's how.

  1. git clone
  2. cd curl/lib
  3. edit and change:
vyo / timedPromise.kt
Created December 17, 2016 14:32
Limit Kovenant promise by execution time
* puts a time limit on the given [Promise]
* make sure to specify [] and/or [Promise.always] to be aware of the
* cancellation and be able to react accordingly
* @throws [IllegalArgumentException] if the given timeout is negative
fun timedPromise(promise: Promise<Any, Exception>, millis: Long) {
if (millis < 0) {
vyo / typedValueFromJson.kt
Last active February 2, 2018 15:40
Kotlin type inference greatness
* this little piece of magic provides some nice type inference info to the compiler
* courtesy of [StackOverflow](
inline fun <reified T> fromJSON(json: String): T = gson.fromJson<T>(json, object : TypeToken<T>() {}.type)
//usable as follows, and type inference doesn't even break a sweat
val project: Project = fromJSON(request.body())
val client = fromJSON<Client>(request.body())
public class Echo {
private String echo;
public Echo(String echo) {
this.echo = echo;
public String getEcho() {
return echo;
public class EchoController {
private EchoService echoService;
* explicit default constructor;
* required by Jersey
public EchoController() {
public class EchoControllerTest {
private EchoController echoController;
public void init() {
echoController = new EchoController();
public class EchoControllerJerseyTest extends JerseyTest {
protected Application configure() {
return new ResourceConfig(EchoController.class);
public void echo() throws Exception {
String input = "input";