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Forked from i-am-tom/ZipRecord.purs
Created April 22, 2018 15:02
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ZipRecord for PureScript. More notes from RowToList studies.
module Main (main, zip, zipRecord, class ZipRowList) where
-- | After Tuesday's experiments, let's move onto a slightly more
-- | interesting example. Last time, I confess, I cheated a bit to
-- | avoid getting too deep into RowToList stuff. Today, I'm not
-- | going to cheat, and get riiiight into it. When we're thirty lines
-- | in, don't say you weren't warned!
import Prelude (($), discard, Unit)
import Control.Monad.Eff (Eff)
import Control.Monad.Eff.Console (CONSOLE, log)
import Data.Record (get, insert)
import Data.Symbol (class IsSymbol, SProxy(..))
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Global.Unsafe (unsafeStringify)
import Type.Row
( class RowLacks
, class RowToList
, Cons, Nil
, RLProxy(..)
, kind RowList
-- | Today's horrible challenge is this: if we have two records with
-- | the same keys, can we "zip" them into a single record with tuples
-- | at each key, holding the values from each record? Spoiler: if
-- | you're reading this, we probably can.
-- | Here's a clever little helper function. Why do we need this? We
-- | really just want to hide away the ugly RLProxy stuff from the
-- | user so they a) don't have to see it, and b) they can't get it
-- | wrong. If I get it wrong _and_ they get it wrong, well, we'll get
-- | nowhere...
zip :: forall xs ys zs lxs lys lzs.
RowToList xs lxs
=> RowToList ys lys
=> RowToList zs lzs
=> ZipRowList lxs lys xs ys zs
=> Record xs -> Record ys -> Record zs
zip = zipRecord (RLProxy :: RLProxy lxs)
(RLProxy :: RLProxy lys)
-- | OKAY friends, here's the meat. Just like last time, we'll throw
-- | together a big ol' class to outline our intentions. It's going to
-- | be a bit trickier this time, though!
class ZipRowList
( la :: RowList) -- The "list" version of `ra`.
( lb :: RowList) -- The "list" version of `rb`.
( ra :: # Type ) -- The row type of record A.
( rb :: # Type ) -- The row type of record B.
(rab :: # Type ) -- The row type of the combined records!
| la -> ra -- If we know the list version, we can definitely...
, lb -> rb -- ... work out the type of the record's row type!
, la lb -> rab -- With _both_ lists, we can get the output type!
zipRecord :: RLProxy la
-> RLProxy lb
-> Record ra
-> Record rb
-> Record rab
-- | So, we'll flesh out the above a lot more when we come to the cons
-- | bit. For now, though, I'm sure you're used to `Nil` being the one
-- | with much less code attached. This instance will only match when
-- | we've exhausted the keys in the records, so... we're done!
instance zipRowListEmpty :: ZipRowList Nil Nil ra rb ()
zipRecord _ _ _ _ = {} -- Eeeeaaaaasy!
-- | So, here's what we need to do. We need to pick a key in our row,
-- | check it exists in both, tuple its values together, then recurse.
-- | To do that, we're going to have to use a tonne of constraints!
instance zipRowListNonEmpty
:: ( -- This is our type-level "key name". At the type level, we
-- call strings "symbols"!
IsSymbol k
-- We can look at our `ra` row as being a row with an `a`
-- type at key `k`, as well as "the rest". We don't really
-- care about that this time, so we'll just call it x.
, RowCons k a x ra
-- Similarly to above, the type at `k` will be called `b`,
-- and "the rest" of the record is unimportant, so we'll call
-- it `y`. You can't just use underscores at the moment, so
-- consider these names to mean "No one cares"!
, RowCons k b y rb
-- In our answer, the type of the value at `k` will be a
-- tuple of `a` and `b`. We'll call the rest of our answer
-- `rabt`, meaning, "RAB's Tail". Naming things is hard.
, RowCons k (Tuple a b) rabt rab
-- We need to tell the compiler that `rabt` won't contain a
-- `k` field because the compiler needs to know that, at each
-- point, it is making progress towards a solution to the
-- type. It seems obvious to us, but be kind to the compiler!
, RowLacks k rabt
-- Having taken away the head of `rab`, the rest of the row
-- should (recursively) pass all these checks above. If they
-- do, then we can celebrate - we've won!
, ZipRowList ta tb ra rb rabt
=> ZipRowList (Cons k a ta) (Cons k b tb) ra rb rab
-- | Remember that the `RLProxy` values are really just here so we
-- | can pass around their "types" - at value-level, we always
-- | ignore them! Such a shame, right?
zipRecord :: RLProxy (Cons k a ta)
-> RLProxy (Cons k b tb)
-- This is the real winner... the actual function!
-> Record ra -> Record rb -> Record rab
zipRecord _ _ xs ys
= let
-- We can now get the name of the "first key" (at the type
-- level) by casting SProxy's phantom type to `k`. This is
-- what gets used in `Data.Record` for the `get` and
-- `insert` functions.
name = SProxy :: SProxy k
-- We can now use this key to get the values in the rows. We
-- then just shove them in a Tuple. See? It's all much less
-- scary when you get down to this bit!
head = Tuple (get name xs) (get name ys)
-- What's the tail? We simply take the `k` field out of the
-- row types and do the same checks again! Neat, right?
tail = zipRecord (RLProxy :: RLProxy ta)
(RLProxy :: RLProxy tb)
xs ys
-- All that for this one line...
in insert name head tail
main :: Eff (console :: CONSOLE) Unit
main = do
log $ unsafeStringify $ zip {} {} :: {}
log $ unsafeStringify $ zip { a: 1 } { a: 2 }
log $ unsafeStringify $ zip { a: 1, b: 't' } { a: "s", b: 7.5 }
-- Compile-time error: keys are different!
-- log $ unsafeStringify $ zip { a: 2 } { b: "hello" }
module Main (zip, zipRecord, class ZipRowList) where
import Data.Record (get, insert)
import Data.Symbol (class IsSymbol, SProxy(..))
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Type.Row
( class RowLacks
, class RowToList
, Cons, Nil
, RLProxy(..)
, kind RowList
zip :: forall xs ys zs lxs lys lzs.
RowToList xs lxs
=> RowToList ys lys
=> RowToList zs lzs
=> ZipRowList lxs lys xs ys zs
=> Record xs -> Record ys -> Record zs
zip = zipRecord (RLProxy :: RLProxy lxs)
(RLProxy :: RLProxy lys)
class ZipRowList
( la :: RowList)
( lb :: RowList)
( ra :: # Type )
( rb :: # Type )
(rab :: # Type )
| la -> ra
, lb -> rb
, la lb -> rab
zipRecord :: RLProxy la
-> RLProxy lb
-> Record ra
-> Record rb
-> Record rab
instance zipRowListEmpty :: ZipRowList Nil Nil ra rb ()
zipRecord _ _ _ _ = {}
instance zipRowListNonEmpty
:: ( IsSymbol k
, RowCons k a x ra
, RowCons k b y rb
, RowCons k (Tuple a b) rabt rab
, RowLacks k rabt
, ZipRowList ta tb ra rb rabt
=> ZipRowList (Cons k a ta) (Cons k b tb) ra rb rab
zipRecord :: RLProxy (Cons k a ta)
-> RLProxy (Cons k b tb)
-> Record ra -> Record rb -> Record rab
zipRecord _ _ xs ys
= let
name = SProxy :: SProxy k
head = Tuple (get name xs) (get name ys)
tail = zipRecord (RLProxy :: RLProxy ta)
(RLProxy :: RLProxy tb)
xs ys
in insert name head tail
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