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Created June 14, 2016 14:35
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Utility script to generate self-signed SSL certificate assets
set -e
function print_usage {
cat << EOF
Usage: $0 hostname destination_directory
Generate self-signed SSL certificate assets for hostname, placing the files in the destination_directory
The following files will be created:
* hostname-ca-cert.pem
* hostname-key.pem (in PKCS #8 format)
* hostname-cert.pem
Requires openssl.
function create_self_signed_certificate_assets {
local hostname=$1
local destination_directory=$2
local working_directory="/tmp/${hostname}-ssl-workdir"
export RANDFILE=${working_directory}/.rnd
mkdir -p $working_directory
openssl genrsa \
-out ${working_directory}/${hostname}-ca-key.rsa \
openssl req \
-x509 \
-new \
-nodes \
-key ${working_directory}/${hostname}-ca-key.rsa \
-days 10000 \
-out ${working_directory}/${hostname}-ca-cert.pem \
-subj "/CN=overlap-ca"
cat > $working_directory/openssl.cnf <<EOL
req_extensions = v3_req
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
basicConstraints = CA:FALSE
keyUsage = nonRepudiation, digitalSignature, keyEncipherment
subjectAltName = @alt_names
DNS.1 = ${hostname}
openssl genrsa \
-out ${working_directory}/${hostname}-key.rsa \
openssl req \
-new \
-key ${working_directory}/${hostname}-key.rsa \
-out ${working_directory}/${hostname}.csr \
-subj "/CN=$(hostname)" \
-config ${working_directory}/openssl.cnf
openssl x509 \
-req \
-in ${working_directory}/${hostname}.csr \
-CA ${working_directory}/${hostname}-ca-cert.pem \
-CAkey ${working_directory}/${hostname}-ca-key.rsa \
-CAcreateserial \
-out ${working_directory}/${hostname}-cert.pem \
-days 10000 \
-extensions v3_req \
-extfile ${working_directory}/openssl.cnf
openssl pkcs8 \
-topk8 \
-inform pem \
-in ${working_directory}/${hostname}-key.rsa \
-outform pem \
-nocrypt \
-out ${working_directory}/${hostname}-key.pem
chmod 600 ${working_directory}/${hostname}-ca-cert.pem
chmod 600 ${working_directory}/${hostname}-key.pem
chmod 600 ${working_directory}/${hostname}-cert.pem
cp ${working_directory}/${hostname}-ca-cert.pem $destination_directory
cp ${working_directory}/${hostname}-key.pem $destination_directory
cp ${working_directory}/${hostname}-cert.pem $destination_directory
rm -rf $working_directory
if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then
exit 1
create_self_signed_certificate_assets $1 $2
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