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Created May 2, 2018 11:35
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const Listr = require('listr');
const execa = require('execa');
const axios = require('axios');
const helpers = require('../utils/helpers');
const execute = require('../utils/execute').execute;
const ExecutionError = require('../utils/ExecutionError');
module.exports = backstopInParallel => ({
title: 'Testing',
enabled: ctx => ctx.stages.indexOf('test') > -1,
task: () => new Listr([
title: 'Running unit tests',
task: () => execute('npm', ['run', 'test'])
.catch((e) => { throw new ExecutionError('Failed', e); })
title: 'Running BackstopJS tests',
task: () => new Listr([
title: 'Starting docker-compose',
task: async () => {
try {
await execa.stdout('docker-compose', ['up', '-d']);
} catch (e) {
if (e.message.indexOf('connect') > -1) {
throw new Error('Cannot start styleguide. Ensure you have Docker running.');
} else {
throw new Error(e);
title: 'Waiting for styleguide to fully start',
task: () => new Promise(async (resolve) => {
let loaded = false;
while (!loaded) {
try {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
const response = await axios.get('http://localhost:3031');
loaded =
.indexOf('Dixons Carphone Living Style Guide') > -1;
} catch (e) {
// Do nothing
if (!loaded) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
await helpers.sleep(5000);
title: 'Testing',
task: () => new Listr([
title: 'Currys',
task: () => execute('npm', ['run', 'backstop', 'test', '--', '--theme', 'currys'])
.catch((e) => { throw new ExecutionError('Failed', e); })
title: 'PCWorld',
task: () => execute('npm', ['run', 'backstop', 'test', '--', '--theme', 'pcworld'])
.catch((e) => { throw new ExecutionError('Failed', e); })
], {
concurrent: backstopInParallel
], {
concurrent: true
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