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Created May 30, 2014 23:46
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User script to add sort answers by code length on Code Golf Stack Exchange
// ==UserScript==
// @name Code Golf SE sorter
// @namespace
// @version 0.6
// @description Add a tab to sort answers by code length
// @match *://*
// @copyright 2014, Ilmari Karonen
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
var inject = function () {
var $votestab = $('#tabs a[href*="?answertab=votes"]:first');
if ( !$votestab.length ) return;
var $golftab = $votestab.clone().attr( {
href: function (i,v) { return v.replace( /[?&]answertab=votes\b/, '?answertab=shortest' ) },
title: "Answers with the lowest code golf score first"
} ).text('shortest').removeClass('youarehere').insertAfter($votestab);
var tab = /[?&]answertab=([^&]*)/.exec( );
tab = (tab && tab[1]) || localStorage.getItem( 'codegolf_sort_tab' ) || 'default';
localStorage.setItem( 'codegolf_sort_tab', tab );
if ( tab != 'shortest' ) return;
$('#tabs a.youarehere').removeClass('youarehere').addClass('youwerehere');
$('<style type="text/css">#tabs a.youwerehere { border-bottom: 1px dotted #ea0 }</style>').appendTo('head');
$('.answer').each( function () {
var $this = $(this);
var answerid = $'answerid');
if ( answerid ) $this.prepend( $this.prev('a[name="' + answerid + '"]') );
var $code = $this.find('pre:first');
var score = ($code.length ? $code.text().length : 1e9);
$ 'golfscore', score + Math.random() );
} ).not('.deleted-answer, .downvoted-answer').sort( function (a,b) {
return $(a).data('golfscore') - $(b).data('golfscore');
} ).insertAfter('#answers-header');
// scroll back to target post after re-sorting
var m = /^#(?:(\d+)|comment(\d+)_\d+)$/.exec( location.hash );
var id = m && ( m[1] ? "answer-" + m[1] : "comment-" + m[2] );
if ( id ) document.getElementById( id ).scrollIntoView();
var scriptElem = document.createElement( 'script' );
scriptElem.textContent = "$(" + inject + ");";
document.body.appendChild( scriptElem );
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