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Last active May 12, 2020 12:05
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A program to simulate mesh propagation and score accumulation in gossipsub
;; -*- Gerbil -*-
(import :std/sugar
(export main)
(declare (not safe))
(defstruct node (id seen score conns mesh)
final: #t)
(def (run-sim N P C D Dhi Dlo fp?)
;; create N nodes
(def nodes (make-vector N #f))
(for (i (in-range N))
(vector-set! nodes i (make-node i (make-hash-table-eq) (make-hash-table-eq) [] [])))
;; create C connections per node
(for (n nodes)
(def i (node-id n))
(for (_ (in-range C))
(let again ()
(def j (random-integer N))
((fx= i j) (again))
((memq j (node-conns n)))
(let (nn (vector-ref nodes j))
(set! (node-conns n) (cons j (node-conns n)))
(set! (node-conns nn) (cons i (node-conns nn)))))))))
;; create the mesh
(for (n nodes)
(def i (node-id n))
(def d (length (node-mesh n)))
(when (fx< d D)
(for (_ (in-range (fx- D d)))
(let again ()
(def jx (random-integer (length (node-conns n))))
(def j (list-ref (node-conns n) jx))
(def nn (vector-ref nodes j))
((fx> (length (node-mesh nn)) Dhi)
((memq j (node-mesh n))
(set! (node-mesh n) (cons j (node-mesh n)))
(set! (node-mesh nn) (cons i (node-mesh nn)))))))))
;; select P publishers
(def publishers
(take (shuffle (vector->list nodes)) P))
;; message delivery queue
;; delivery events are lists [time message-id dest-node-id src-node-id]
(def pq (make-pqueue car fl< N))
;; link latencies: maps every (connected) pair of nodes (i, i) to a random real
(def latency (make-hash-table-eq))
(def (link-latency n1 n2)
(def key (fx+ (fx* (node-id n1) 1000000) (node-id n2)))
(def key2 (fx+ (fx* (node-id n2) 1000000) (node-id n1)))
((hash-get latency key) => values)
(let (lat (random-real))
(hash-put! latency key lat)
(hash-put! latency key2 lat)
(def (publish! n msg-id)
(for (i (if fp? (node-conns n) (node-mesh n)))
(def nn (vector-ref nodes i))
(def dt (link-latency n nn))
(hash-put! (node-seen n) msg-id #t)
(pqueue-push! pq [dt msg-id (node-id nn) (node-id n)])))
(def (deliver! n msg-id t from)
(unless (hash-get (node-seen n) msg-id)
(hash-put! (node-seen n) msg-id #t)
(hash-update! (node-score n) from 1+ 0)
(for (i (node-mesh n))
(def nn (vector-ref nodes i))
(unless (eq? (node-id nn) from)
(let (dt (link-latency n nn))
(pqueue-push! pq [(fl+ t dt) msg-id (node-id nn) (node-id n)]))))))
;; publish a message from each publisher
(for ((p publishers) (msg-id (in-naturals)))
(publish! p msg-id)
;; run the propagation simulation to its end
(while (not (pqueue-empty? pq))
(with ([t msg-id dest src] (pqueue-pop! pq))
(deliver! (vector-ref nodes dest) msg-id t src))))
(def (display-results nodes)
(for (n nodes)
(cons (node-id n)
(map (lambda (i) (cons i (hash-get (node-score n) i)))
(node-mesh n))))))
(def (main . args)
(def gopt
(option 'nodes "-n" "--nodes"
help: "number of nodes"
value: string->number
default: 10000)
(option 'publishers "-p" "--publishers"
help: "number of publishers"
value: string->number
default: 100)
(option 'conns "-c" "--conns"
help: "number of connections per node"
value: string->number
default: 50)
(option 'D "-D"
help: "Overlay D"
value: string->number
default: 8)
(option 'Dhi "-Dhi"
help: "Overlay D_hi"
default: 12)
(option 'Dlo "-Dlo"
help: "Overlay D_lo"
default: 6)
(flag 'flood-publish "-f" "--flood-publish"
help: "use flood publishing")))
(let (opt (getopt-parse gopt args))
(let-hash opt
(display-results (run-sim .nodes .publishers .conns .D .Dhi .Dlo .?flood-publish))))
(catch (getopt-error? e)
(getopt-display-help e "scoresim" (current-error-port))
(exit 1))
(catch (e)
(display-exception e (current-error-port))
(exit 2))))
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