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Created March 18, 2020 14:57
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Calculating Peer Score Configuration Parameters

Calculating Peer Score Configuration Parameters

Configuration Parameters and Counters

Configuration parameters for a topic:

// P1
TimeInMeshWeight  float64
TimeInMeshQuantum time.Duration
TimeInMeshCap     float64

// P2
FirstMessageDeliveriesWeight, FirstMessageDeliveriesDecay float64
FirstMessageDeliveriesCap                                 float64

// P3
MeshMessageDeliveriesWeight, MeshMessageDeliveriesDecay      float64
MeshMessageDeliveriesCap, MeshMessageDeliveriesThreshold     float64
MeshMessageDeliveriesWindow, MeshMessageDeliveriesActivation time.Duration

// P3b
MeshFailurePenaltyWeight, MeshFailurePenaltyDecay float64

// P4
InvalidMessageDeliveriesWeight, InvalidMessageDeliveriesDecay float64


meshTime time.Duration
firstMessageDeliveries float64
meshMessageDeliveries float64
meshFailurePenalty float64
invalidMessageDeliveries float64

Caluclating the Weights and Caps

We consider a DecayInterval of 1s and a DecayToZero of 0.01 (1 part in 100). If you use a longer decay interval you'll have to adjust values accordingly.

Let's consider an aggregate message rate of R = 120m/s. Peers in a mesh with D=6 members have an expected first message delivery rate of Rₚ = 20m/s. If the mess has D_hi=12 members, we have an expected first message delivery rate of Rₚ' = 10m/s. We'll be conservative consider 10m/s for the expected mesh message delivery rate.

For the timeInMesh we use a quantum of 1s and cap it to 1hr of mesh time. So:

TimeInMeshQuantum = 1s
TimeInMeshCap = 3600

The expected value of the firstMessageDeliveries counter, once in stead state, will be ΣₙFirstMessageDeliveriesDecayⁿRₚ. Let's say we want a first message delivery to decay in 2min; that's 120 DecayIntervals, so the firstMessageDeliveries counter will have to decay 1 part in 120; that's .0083.... so we set

FirstMessageDeliveriesDecay = 0.9916

At steady state, the expected value of firstMessageDeliveries is ~75 * Rₚ, which gives us a range of 750 to 1500. We set a cap of 1500:

FirstMessageDeliveriesCap = 1500

The expected value of meshMessageDeliveries is similarly ΣₙMeshMessageDeliveriesDecayⁿRₚ. We want the counter to decay within the activation window so that we get an EWMA average of mesh message deliveries. For a responsive mesh, an activation of 30s sounds reasonable, which necessitates a decay of 1 part in 30; that's .03..., so:

MeshMessageDeliveriesActivation = 30s
MeshMessageDeliveriesDecay = 0.97

At steady state, the expected value of meshMessageDeliveries is ~20 * Rₚ, which gives us a range of 200 to 400. We'll set the threshold to 200 with a cap of 400:

MeshMessageDeliveriesThreshold = 200
MeshMessageDeliveriesCap = 400

At this point we are in position to select weights. We calibrate the weights to be such that falling to (say) 50% of mesh delivery threshold cancels out the first message deliveries and time in mesh and drops the score to 0 so that the peer is pruned for the mesh if it drops even below. So at steady state, we would have a deficit of 100, with a squared value of 1000 and a firstMessageDelivers counter at 75 * 5 = 375 (half the conservative expected rate) This prescribes:

1000 * MeshMessageDeliveriesWeight + 375 * FirstMessageDeliveriesWeight  + TimeInMeshWeight * 3600 = 0

Let's normalize the time in mesh to 1, which gives us

TimeInMeshWeight = 1/3660 = 0.0027
1000 * MeshMessageDeliveriesWeight + 375 * FirstMessageDeliveriesWeight + 1 = 0

Now let's also consider the maximum value of the mesh message delivery deficit: that's 200²=4000. If we bound the negative score from mesh failure to say -1000, that gives us

MeshMessageDeliveriesWeight = -0.25
FirstMessageDeliveriesWeight = 249/375 = 0.664

We'll keep the same weight for the sticky P3b penalty, and decay that in 5min; so:

MeshFailurePenaltyWeight = -0.25
MeshFailurePenaltyDecay = 0.997

At this point we have a good constraint for the gossipThreshold: it has to be <= -1000 so that a peer booted from the mesh and stuck with the sticky penalty still receives gossip in the absence of other misbehaviour.

We also need to pick a weight and decay for invalid messages; if we decay an invalid message in 30min and we want this to cancel out the cap of first message deliveries with (say) 10 invalid messages. That gives us:

InvalidMessageDeliveriesDecay = .9994
10 * InvalidMessageDeliveriesWeight + 1500 * 0.664 =>
InvalidMessageDeliveriesWeight = -99.6


Here we summarize the weights we have configured for our topic with an expected rate of 120 message/s:

// P1
TimeInMeshWeight = 0.0027
TimeInMeshQuantum = time.Second
TimeInMeshCap = 3600

// P2
FirstMessageDeliveriesWeight = 0.664
FirstMessageDeliveriesDecay = 0.9916
FirstMessageDeliveriesCap = 1500

// P3
MeshMessageDeliveriesWeight = -0.25
MeshMessageDeliveriesDecay = 0.97
MeshMessageDeliveriesCap = 400
MeshMessageDeliveriesThreshold = 200
MeshMessageDeliveriesActivation = 30 * time.Second

// P3b
MeshFailurePenaltyWeight = -0.25
MeshFailurePenaltyDecay = 0.997

// P4
InvalidMessageDeliveriesWeight = -99
InvalidMessageDeliveriesDecay = .9994
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