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Created September 22, 2020 04:54
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def f2(n)
return n.odd? ? (n * 3 + 1) / 2 : n / 2
def seq(n)
n1 = n
l = [n1]
while (n != 1)
n = f2(n)
l << n
return l
def adj(ns)
ns1 = ns.dup
ns1[0, 1] = '10'
ns2 = ns.dup
ns2[0, 1] = '11'
return ns1, ns2
def expand()
l = [{'ns' => '1'}]
20.times \
l2 = []
l.each \
adj(x['ns']).each \
n = x.to_i(2)
l1 = seq(n)
cg = l1.index { |x| x < l1[0] }
cg = l1.size if (cg.nil?)
l2 << {'ns' => x, 'l' => l1, 'cg' => cg, 'l1' => l1[]} if (cg >= x.length)
l = l2
$stderr.puts( { |x| x['cg'] }.max)
return l
def out(a, fn)
f =, 'w')
f.puts('$dat << eof')
a.sort_by { |k, v| v}.each { |k, v| f.puts([-k[0], k[1], Math.log(v)].join("\t")) }
f.puts('plot $dat using 1:2:3 with point pt 5 linecolor palette')
$stderr.puts([fn, a.size].inspect)
l = expand()
a = {}
a2 = {}
l.each_with_index \
|x2, j|
c = c2 = 0
x2['l1'].reverse.each_with_index \
|x, i|
c += [-1, 1][x % 2]
c2 += [-1, 3][x % 2]
a[[i, c]] = a.fetch([i, c], 0) + 1
a2[[i, c2]] = a2.fetch([i, c2], 0) + 1
out(a, 'gnuplot.cmd')
out(a2, 'gnuplot2.cmd')
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