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Created October 21, 2016 03:02
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def d(s)
c = s.split('').select { |x| x == '1' }.size
d = c.to_f / s.length
return d
def stat(l)
return 0, 0, 0, 0 if (l.empty?)
t = t2 = 0
l.each \
t += x
t2 += x ** 2
c = l.size
a = t.to_f / c
z = t2.to_f / c - a ** 2
sd = Math.sqrt(z < 0 ? 0 : z)
return a, sd, l.max.to_f, l.min.to_f
def mono(l, z)
return if (l.empty?)
c = 0
m = l[0]
mx = nil
j = 0
l2 = []
(1...l.size).each \
c += 1 if (l[i] < l[i - 1])
if (l[i] < m) then
l2 << i - j
m, j = [l[i], i]
mx = [mx, i - j].compact.max
return if (c == 0 || mx.nil? || l2.empty?)
r = c.to_f / l.size
a, sd = stat(l2)
return {'r' => r, 'mx' => mx, 'c' => l2.size,
'd' => l2.size.to_f / l.size, 'a' => a, 'sd' => sd
def mx(l)
z = mono(l, {})
return z.nil? ? 0 : z['mx']
def f2(n)
n = (n * 3 + 1) / 2 while (n.odd?)
n /= 2 while (n.even?)
return n
def adv(x, w1)
n1 = n = x['n']
ns = n.to_s(2)
x['d'] = d(ns)
l = [n]
while (n >= n1 && n != 1)
n = f2(n)
l << n
j = (0...l.size).max_by { |x| l[x] }
mx1 = mx(l[0..j].map { |x| -x })
mx2 = mx(l[j..-1])
x['mx'] = [mx1, mx2].max
x['mx1'] = mx1
x['mx2'] = mx2
x['ns'] = ns.length
x['ls'] = l.size
x['j'] = j
x['z'] = x.values_at(*w1)
return x
def next2(z, w1)
l = [z]
p = z['p'] + 1
l << adv({'n'=>z['n'] + 2**p, 'p'=>p}, w1)
l << z.merge({'p'=>p})
return l
def val(l, a, x)
t = 0
l.size.times \
next if (x == y)
i, j, s = x < y ? [x, y, 1] : [y, x, -1]
t += a[[i, j]] * s
return t
def val2(l, a)
return (0...l.size).map { |x| val(l, a, x) }
def insert(l, a, r, z)
l << z
(l.size - 1).times \
t = 0
l[0].size.times { |i| t += l[j][i] <=> l[-1][i] }
a[[j, l.size - 1]] = t
r << val(l, a, l.size - 1) if (!l.empty?)
(l.size - 1).times \
r[j] += a[[j, l.size - 1]]
def delete(l, a, r, x)
r.size.times \
next if (x == y)
i, j, s = x < y ? [x, y, 1] : [y, x, -1]
r[y] += a[[i, j]] * s
(0...x).each \
(x..(l.size)).each \
a[[i, j]] = a[[i, j + 1]]
(x..l.size).each \
((i + 1)..(l.size)).each \
a[[i, j]] = a[[i + 1, j + 1]]
l.size.times { |j| a.delete([j, l.size]) }
def test(w, w1)
puts(w.join("\t"))'db.txt') { |x| Kernel.eval(x) }.each_with_index \
|x, i|
puts(adv(x, w1).values_at(*w).join("\t"))
puts if ((i + 1) % 100 == 0)
w = ['mx', 'mx1', 'mx2', 'ns', 'ls', 'j']
w1 = ['mx1', 'mx2']
# test(w, w1); exit
l = [next2({'n'=>1, 'p'=>0}, w1)]
l1 = [l[0][1]['z']]
a = {}
r = []
puts('# ' +
puts((['ls'] + w).join("\t"))
t =
5000.times \
$stderr.puts([i, sprintf('%.1fm', ( - t) / 60.0),].join("\t")) if (i % 100 == 0)
l2 = (0...l.size).sort_by { |x| r[x] }.reverse
j = l2[rand([l.size, 100].min)]
z = l.delete_at(j)
delete(l1, a, r, j)
l << next2(z[1], w1)
insert(l1, a, r, l[-1][1]['z'])
l << next2(z[2], w1)
insert(l1, a, r, l[-1][1]['z'])
puts([l.size, z[1].values_at(*w)].join("\t"))
# p(val2(l1, a) == r)
puts('# ' +
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