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Created October 14, 2017 00:36
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require 'matrix'
def f2(n)
return n.odd? ? (n * 3 + 1) / 2 : n / 2
def dense(w, d)
w2 = w - 1
a = (0...w2).to_a
s = '0' * w2
(1..(d * w - 1)).map { a.delete_at(rand(a.size)) }.each { |x| s[x, 1] = '1' }
return ('1' + s).to_i(2)
def stat(l)
l = [0] if (l.empty?)
t = t2 = 0
l.each \
t += x
t2 += x ** 2
c = l.size
a = t.to_f / c
z = t2.to_f / c - a ** 2
sd = Math.sqrt(z < 0 ? 0 : z)
return a, sd, l.max.to_f, l.min.to_f
def stat2(l, t, n)
return Hash[[["a#{n}", "sd#{n}", "mx#{n}"], stat(l)[0..2].map { |x| x / t }].transpose]
def d(s)
c = s.split('').select { |x| x == '1' }.size
d = c.to_f / s.length
return d
def data(n)
ns = n.to_s(2)
nl = ns.length
m = nl / 2
nsh = ns[0..m]
nsl = ns[m..-1]
asdm1 = stat2(ns.split(/0+/).map { |x| x.length }, nl, 1)
l1 = ns.split(/1+/)
asdm0 = stat2( { |x| x.length }, nl, 0)
return {'n' => n, 'ns' => ns, 'nl' => nl, 'd' => d(ns), 'dh' => d(nsh), 'dl' => d(nsl)}.merge(asdm1).merge(asdm0)
def pair2(n, m)
n1 = n
m.times { n = f2(n) }
x = {0 => data(n1), 1 => data(n)}
x[1]['wr'] = x[1]['nl'].to_f / x[0]['nl'].to_f
return x
def pair(d, m)
w = 100
return(pair2(dense(w, d), m))
def dist(m, c)
w = 100
d = 0.0
l = []
c.times \
l << pair(i.to_f / (c - 1), m)
# $stderr.puts("#{l.size} pts")
return l
def dot(x, z)
t = z['c']
(z.keys - ['c']).each { |v| t += z[v] * x[v] }
return t
def detect(x1, a, l1, xe = nil)
x1 = x1.dup
i = 0
c = $c
x1['nl'] = 1
loop \
x2 = {}
(a['v'] + ['wr']).each \
x2[vy] = dot(x1, a[vy].select { |k, x| (a['v'] + ['c']).member?(k) })
x2[vy] += xe["#{vy}_e"] if (!xe.nil?)
return c if (x2[vy].abs > 1e10)
x2['nl'] = x1['nl'] * x2['wr']
x1 = x2
l1 << x1
i += 1
break if (x1['nl'] < 1 || i == c)
return i
def sum(l)
t = 0.0
l.each { |x| t += x }
return t
def detect2(x, v, d, vi, xz, vx, l2, c)
x = x.dup
x['wr'] = 1.0
x0 = Matrix[ { |k| x[k] }].transpose - xz
nl = 1.0
(1..c).each \
at = v * (d ** t) * vi
y = at * x0 + xz
x1 = Hash[[vx, y.transpose.to_a[0]].transpose]
nl *= x1['wr']
x1['nl'] = nl
l2 << x1
def out(fn, a)
f =, 'a')
f.puts(a.keys.join("\t")) if (f.size == 0)
raise if (ARGV[0].nil?)
d = "out/#{ARGV[0]}"
l = Dir.glob("#{d}/*").select { |x| x =~ /out\d+.txt$/}
n = l.size
i = n - 1
a = Kernel.eval("#{d}/out#{i}.txt").readlines[0])
l = a['lb'].map { |x| x.size }
raise if (sum(l) != 0)
vx = a['v'] + ['wr']
vxn = Hash[[vx + ['c'], (0..vx.size).to_a].transpose]
am = (1..vx.size).map { [0] * vx.size }
vx.each \
(vx + ['c']).each \
am[vxn[x]][vxn[y]] = a[x][y] if (!a[x][y].nil?)
am = am.transpose
b = am.pop
am = am.transpose
$stderr.puts(['vx', vx].inspect)
$stderr.puts(['am', am].inspect)
$stderr.puts(['b', b].inspect)
v, d, vi = Matrix[*am].eigen
xz = (Matrix.identity(vx.size) - Matrix[*am]).inverse * Matrix[b].transpose
p(['d', d])
l = dist(1, 100)
$c = 500
l0 = []
l.each_with_index \
|x, i|
c = detect(x[0], a, l1 = [])
detect2(x[0], v, d, vi, xz, vx, l2 = [], c)
l0 << [i, l1, l2]
x = l0.max_by { |x| x[1].size }
$stderr.puts([x[0], x[1].size, x[2].size].inspect) = 'out.txt', 'w').close
x[1].size.times \
a = {'wr1' => x[1][i]['wr'], 'wr2' => x[2][i]['wr'],
'nl1' => x[1][i]['nl'], 'nl2' => x[2][i]['nl']}
a['wrd'] = a['wr2'] - a['wr1']
a['nld'] = a['nl2'] - a['nl1']
out(fn, a)
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