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Last active December 10, 2021 14:51
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Dynamic Query Support for Vapor 3
import Foundation
import Fluent
protocol DynamicQueryable {
static func dynamicMapping<DB: Database, QB: QueryBuilder<DB, Self>>() -> [String: (DynamicFilter, QB) throws -> QB]
protocol DynamicSortable {
static var dynamicFieldMapping: [String: FluentProperty] { get }
struct DynamicFilter: Decodable {
let filterField: String
let filterOp: DynamicFilterOperator
let filterValue: String
enum DynamicFilterOperator: String, Decodable {
case eq
case neq
case lt
case gt
case lte
case gte
enum DynamicSortDirection: String, Decodable {
case ascending = "asc"
case descending = "desc"
struct DynamicSort: Decodable {
let sortBy: String
let sortOrder: DynamicSortDirection?
import Fluent
import Vapor
enum DynamicQueryError<Result>: Error {
case unsupportedField(String)
case invalidOperand(String, field: String)
extension QueryBuilder where Result: DynamicQueryable {
func dynamicFilter(_ filter: DynamicFilter) throws -> Self {
return try dynamicFilter(filter, mapping: Result.dynamicMapping())
private extension QueryBuilder {
func dynamicFilter(_ filter: DynamicFilter, mapping: [String: ((DynamicFilter, Self) throws -> Self)]) throws -> Self {
guard let modifier = mapping[filter.filterField] else {
throw DynamicQueryError<Result>.unsupportedField(filter.filterField)
return try modifier(filter, self)
extension QuerySupporting {
static func dynamicFilterMethod(for `operator`: DynamicFilterOperator) -> Self.QueryFilterMethod {
switch `operator` {
case .eq:
return Self.queryFilterMethodEqual
case .gt:
return Self.queryFilterMethodGreaterThan
case .lt:
return Self.queryFilterMethodLessThan
case .gte:
return Self.queryFilterMethodGreaterThanOrEqual
case .lte:
return Self.queryFilterMethodLessThanOrEqual
case .neq:
return Self.queryFilterMethodNotEqual
import Fluent
import Pagination
import Vapor
extension Paginatable {
static func dynamicSorts(by field: String, direction: DynamicSortDirection) -> [Self.Database.QuerySort] where Self: DynamicSortable {
guard let property = Self.dynamicFieldMapping[field] else {
return Self.defaultPageSorts
let qsDirection = direction == .ascending ? Self.Database.querySortDirectionAscending : Self.Database.querySortDirectionDescending
return [Self.Database.querySort(Self.Database.queryField(property), qsDirection)]
static func dynamicSorts(_ request: Request) -> [Self.Database.QuerySort] where Self: DynamicSortable {
guard let sort = try? request.query.decode(DynamicSort.self) else {
return Self.defaultPageSorts
return Self.dynamicSorts(by: sort.sortBy, direction: sort.sortOrder ?? .ascending)
import Vapor
import Fluent
extension QueryBuilder where Result: DynamicQueryable {
func dynamicFilter(_ request: Request) throws -> Self {
guard let filter = try? request.query.decode(DynamicFilter.self) else {
return self
return try dynamicFilter(filter)
import FluentSQLite
import Vapor
import Pagination
/// A single entry of a Todo list.
final class Todo: SQLiteModel {
typealias Database = SQLiteDatabase
/// The unique identifier for this `Todo`.
var id: Int?
/// A title describing what this `Todo` entails.
var title: String
/// Creates a new `Todo`.
init(id: Int? = nil, title: String) { = id
self.title = title
/// Allows `Todo` to be used as a dynamic migration.
extension Todo: Migration { }
/// Allows `Todo` to be encoded to and decoded from HTTP messages.
extension Todo: Content { }
/// Allows `Todo` to be used as a dynamic parameter in route definitions.
extension Todo: Parameter { }
/// Allows `Todo` to be used in paginated queries.
extension Todo: Paginatable { }
import Fluent
extension Todo: DynamicQueryable, DynamicSortable {
static func dynamicMapping<DB, QB>() -> [String: (DynamicFilter, QB) throws -> QB] where DB : QuerySupporting, QB : QueryBuilder<DB, Todo> {
"id": { filter, query in
guard let id = Int(filter.filterValue) else {
throw DynamicQueryError<Todo>.invalidOperand(filter.filterValue, field: "id")
return query.filter(\, DB.dynamicFilterMethod(for: filter.filterOp), id)
"title": { filter, query in
query.filter(\Todo.title, DB.dynamicFilterMethod(for: filter.filterOp), filter.filterValue)
static let dynamicFieldMapping: [String : FluentProperty] = [
"id": FluentProperty.keyPath(\,
"title": FluentProperty.keyPath(\Todo.title)
import Vapor
import FluentSQLite
import Pagination
/// Controls basic CRUD operations on `Todo`s.
final class TodoController {
/// Returns a list of all `Todo`s.
func index(_ req: Request) throws -> Future<Paginated<Todo>> {
return try Todo.query(on: req)
.paginate(for: req, Todo.dynamicSorts(req))
.map { $0.response() }
/// Saves a decoded `Todo` to the database.
func create(_ req: Request) throws -> Future<Todo> {
return try req.content.decode(Todo.self).flatMap { todo in
return req)
/// Deletes a parameterized `Todo`.
func delete(_ req: Request) throws -> Future<HTTPStatus> {
return try { todo in
return todo.delete(on: req)
}.transform(to: .ok)
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