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Last active January 10, 2022 14:44
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Penalties table layout draft

Table of penalties

Unless otherwise specified, penalty is a percentage of the full trade amount, and is taken from the security deposit; if security deposit % is less than penalty %, actual penalty will be up to security deposit %; if less or equal, the trader will retain the rest (where applicable) of their security deposit.

Buyer or Seller

Attempted debiting of peer account: 100% Trader attempts to debit peer's account using their bank details.
Code tampering to avoid fees: 100% of deposit Trader alters code on their local Bisq instance to avoid paying the correct trade fees.
No response to mediator: 25% Trader does not respond to mediator within 48 hours.
Canceled trade: 20% Trader wants to cancel trade due to problems with bank, lack of funds, change of mind, etc.
No payment account: 10% Trades takes offer but does not have the payment method needed (eg accepted Zelle trade but has no Zelle account).
Request for personal data: 10% Trader is asking for peer's selfie, copy of ID, home address, or other additional personal details. Peer can choose whether to provide what's asked or not. *Bisq should incentivize accounts that do not ask for any more information than necessary and penalize users that trade with banks that add for more information than necessary.
Technical problems with payment/payout: no penalty only if provable Trader claims they were unable to pay/release BTC in trade period window due to Bisq wallet being corrupted and needing to resync, unable to log into Bisq, or any other problem. Trader provides evidence that they were unable to access Bisq (GitHub issue / Keybase chat etc). If unable Buyer loses 25% of the trade amount.


Chargeback for bitcoin trade: 100% Buyer raises request for refund from Revolut / Wise due to seller using their account to sell them Bitcoin.
Bitcoin in payment reason: 25% Buyer uses BTC, Bisq, Bitcoin, BTC Tx ID, etc as a payment reference.
Totally different name: 25% Buyer makes payment from an account with a completely different name than their payment account used to take the trade.
Different account name and number: 20% Buyer makes payment from an account with a different name and account number than their payment methods.
Late payment: up to 15% Buyer does not make payment in trade window. If late buyer loses the following: - 0-24hrs: 5% - 24-48hrs: 10% - 48-72hrs: 15% For any delayed payment by buyer, seller has the option to refund buyer and keep their BTC.
Suspicious payment reason: 10% Buyer uses unagreed potentially concerning payment reference such as 'payment for services', 'house rewire', 'consultancy'.
Different account number: 10% Buyer makes payment from an account with an account number different from their payment account details.
Partially different name: 10% Buyer makes payment from an account with a partial different name than their payment account used to take the trade (eg only first name name or surname matches). Inversions like "Name Surname" or "Surname Name" where the name itself is clearly the same, or missing accents/symbols where bank form won't allow them, are fine.
Similar, but wrong, payment method: 10% Buyer takes SEPA payment and then sends payment via SWIFT, or takes SEPA payment then send via Wise etc.
Fee too low on altcoin txn: up to 10% Buyer takes altcoin offer and then sends altcoin with a low fee that gets held up in the blockchain. Buyer has the option to do RBF or similar. If late buyer loses the following: - 0-24hrs: 2.5% - 24-48hrs: 5% - 48-72hrs: 7.5% - 72-96hrs: 10% For any delayed payment by buyer, seller has the option to refund buyer and keep their BTC.
Actually wanted to sell: up to 10% Buyer made a mistake: they actually meant to sell, not buy, BTC. Buyer has the option to complete the trade within the trade window. If they fail to do this and are late, buyer loses the following: - 0-24hrs: 2.5% - 24-48hrs: 5% - 48-72hrs: 7.5% - 72-96hrs: 10% For any delayed payment by buyer, seller has the option to refund buyer and keep their BTC. This is done to prevent option buying.
Wrong payment amount: up to 10% Buyer sends random / incorrect payment amount. Buyer has the option to send the correct amount within the trade window. If they fail to do this and are late, buyer loses the following: - 0-24hrs: 2.5% - 24-48hrs: 5% - 48-72hrs: 7.5% - 72-96hrs: 10% For any delayed payment by buyer, seller has the option to refund buyer and keep their BTC.
Unagreed payment reason: 5% Buyer uses unagreed innocuous payment reference such as 'holiday fund', 'flowers' without previous agreement with seller.
Payment to old account: 5% Buyer makes payment to wrong account that have previously used to trade with the seller. Seller has the option to refund buyer.


Mediation open by mistake: up to 25% Seller raises mediation in error, then completes release of BTC outside of trade window. Seller loses the following depending on delay: - 0-24hrs: 5% - 24-48hrs: 10% - 48-72hrs: 15% - 72-96hrs: 20% - 96+hrs: 25%
Cannot accept SEPA Instant: up to 25% Seller accepts SEPA instant trade but is unable to receive a SEPA Instant payment at they only have a SEPA account. ??? Seller loses 2.5% of the trade amount. If BTC release occurs outside of payment window. - 0-24hrs: 5% - 24-48hrs: 10% - 48-72hrs: 15% - 72-96hrs: 20% - 96+hrs: 25%
Late relase of BTC: up to 25% Seller releases BTC outsise the trade window, with the following delay: - 0-24hrs: 5% - 24-48hrs: 10% - 48-72hrs: 15% - 72-96hrs: 20% - 96+hrs: 25%
Actually wanted to buy: up to 25% Seller made a mistake: they actually meant to buy, not sell, BTC, but offer was taken. Seller has the option to complete the trade within the trade window. If they fail to do this Seller loses the following: - 0-24hrs: 5% - 24-48hrs: 10% - 48-72hrs: 15% - 72-96hrs: 20% - 96+hrs: 25%
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MwithM commented Jan 10, 2022

I like seeing buyer and seller shared penalties merged.
I think that it's not possible to implement dropdown menus at the wiki.
At mediation, the last trader to accept the suggestion is the one who decides when the payout is submitted so having different penalties depending on the delay seems something that Bisq can't enforce so I would remove it.

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sure, I just went with the "new layout" approach, since being a new addition to the support team I wasn't going to change the content themselves.
Now that I think of it, I spent a whole lot of time to tweak the existing content without really altering it, while you just cut through it 😝 Benefits of being an established member I suppose

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MwithM commented Jan 10, 2022

This draft made me go for it.

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