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Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
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(ns plumbing.resource
(:refer-clojure :exclude [with-open])
[schema.core :as s]
[plumbing.core :as plumbing]
[plumbing.fnk.pfnk :as pfnk]
[plumbing.fnk.schema :as schema]
[plumbing.graph :as graph]
[plumbing.logging :as log]
[ :as map]
[plumbing.timing :as timing]))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* true)
(defprotocol PCloseable
(close [this]))
(extend-protocol PCloseable
(close [this] (.close ^ this))
(close [this] (.close ^java.lang.AutoCloseable this))
(close [this])
(close [this]))
(defmacro with-open [bindings & body]
(if (empty? bindings)
`(do ~@body)
`(let ~(subvec bindings 0 2)
(try (with-open ~(subvec bindings 2) ~@body)
(finally (close ~(bindings 0)))))))
(defn- resource-wrap [instantiated-atom-key keyseq node]
(let [wants-iak? (contains? (pfnk/input-schema node) instantiated-atom-key)]
(fn [m]
(let [r (node (if wants-iak? m (dissoc m instantiated-atom-key)))]
(swap! (instantiated-atom-key m) conj [keyseq r])
[(assoc (pfnk/input-schema node)
instantiated-atom-key s/Any)
(pfnk/output-schema node)])))
(defn resource-transform [instantiated-atom-key g]
(assert (not (contains? g instantiated-atom-key)))
(assoc (map/map-leaves-and-path (partial resource-wrap instantiated-atom-key) g)
instantiated-atom-key (plumbing/fnk [] (atom []))))
(defn force-walk
"Ensure the (presumably lazy) graph instance inst has its nodes instantiated
in the same order as graph-spec (from which is was produced).
Easier than making sure that all transforms preserve order, when you care about it."
[graph-spec graph-inst]
(fn [keyseq node]
(log/infof "Starting %s ..." keyseq)
(let [t (timing/get-time (get-in graph-inst keyseq))]
(when (> t 10)
(log/infof "Starting %s took %s ms" keyseq t))))
(defn shutdown! [instantiated-resources]
(doseq [[keyseq res] (reverse instantiated-resources)]
(try (log/infof "Stopping %s..." keyseq)
(let [t (timing/get-time (close res))]
(when (> t 10)
(log/infof "Stopping %s took %s ms" keyseq t)))
(catch Throwable t (log/errorf t "Error shutting down %s" keyseq)))))
(defrecord Bundle []
(close [this] (when-let [c (::shutdown (meta this))] (c))))
(defn make-bundle [m shutdown]
(with-meta (map->Bundle m)
{::shutdown shutdown}))
(defn bundle-compile [g]
(let [gk (keyword (gensym "bundle-resources"))
gf (->> g
(resource-transform gk)
(fn [m]
(let [o (force-walk g (gf m))
ir @(gk o)]
(dissoc o gk)
#(shutdown! ir))))
(pfnk/io-schemata gf))))
(def bundle (comp bundle-compile graph/graph))
(defn bundle-run [g m] ((bundle-compile g) m))
(set! *warn-on-reflection* false)
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