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Created January 21, 2014 12:43
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Name: Willem 'W1lla' van den Munckhof
Date: 15/11/2013
Project Name: ESWC Elite Statistics
What to do:
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
* You are allowed to change things or use this in other projects, as
* long as you leave the information at the top (name, date, version,
* website, package, author, copyright) and publish the code under
* the GNU General Public License version 3.
* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace ManiaLivePlugins\Shootmania\Elite\Spectator;
use ManiaLive\Data\Storage;
use ManiaLive\Utilities\Console;
use ManiaLive\Features\Admin\AdminGroup;
use ManiaLive\DedicatedApi\Callback\Event as ServerEvent;
use ManiaLive\Utilities\Validation;
use ManiaLivePlugins\Shootmania\Elite\JsonCallbacks;
use ManiaLivePlugins\Shootmania\Elite\Classes\Log;
use ManiaLib\Gui\Elements\Icons128x128_1;
class Spectator extends \ManiaLive\PluginHandler\Plugin {
/** @var integer */
protected $MatchNumber = false;
/** @var integer */
private $AtkPlayer;
private $AtkRatio;
private $AtkRounds;
private $AtkSucces;
private $AtkCapture;
private $AtkShots;
private $AtkHits;
private $HitRatio;
private $AttackPlayer;
private $Team;
private $AtkPlayerLogin;
private $SpecTarget;
/** @var Log */
private $logger;
/** @var $playerIDs[$login] = number */
private $playerIDs = array();
function onInit() {
$this->logger = new Log($this->storage->serverLogin);
function onLoad() {
$this->update = true;
function onReady() {
Console::println('[' . date('H:i:s') . '] [Shootmania] Elite Spectator Core v' . $this->getVersion());
foreach ($this->storage->spectators as $player) {
$this->connection->chatSendServerMessage('$fff» $fa0Welcome, this server uses $fff [Shootmania] Elite Spectator Stats$fa0!', $player->login);
public function onTick() {
if (time() % 1 == 0) {
$this->MatchNumber = $this->getServerCurrentMatch($this->storage->serverLogin);
if($this->SpecTarget == NULL){
$this->AtkPlayer = $this->getPlayerId($this->SpecTarget->login);
$queryCurrentMatchAtkPlayerStats = "SELECT SUM( player_maps.atkrounds ) AS atkrounds, SUM( player_maps.atkSucces ) AS atkSucces, (
SUM( player_maps.atkSucces ) / SUM( player_maps.atkrounds ) * 100
) AS AtkRatio
FROM player_maps
JOIN matches ON player_maps.match_id =
WHERE player_maps.player_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->AtkPlayer) . "
AND player_maps.match_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->MatchNumber) . "";
$AtkRatioObject = $this->db->execute($queryCurrentMatchAtkPlayerStats)->fetchObject()->AtkRatio;
if ($AtkRatioObject == NULL){
$this->AtkRatio = 0;
$this->AtkRatio = number_format($AtkRatioObject, 2, ',', '');
$AtkRoundsObject = $this->db->execute($queryCurrentMatchAtkPlayerStats)->fetchObject()->atkrounds;
if ($AtkRoundsObject == NULL){
$this->AtkRounds = 0;
$this->AtkRounds = $AtkRoundsObject;
$AtkSuccesObject = $this->db->execute($queryCurrentMatchAtkPlayerStats)->fetchObject()->atkSucces;
if ($AtkSuccesObject == NULL){
$this->AtkSucces = 0;
$this->AtkSucces = $AtkSuccesObject;
$queryCurrentMatchAtkPlayerStatsCaptures = "SELECT SUM( player_maps.captures ) AS Captures
FROM player_maps
JOIN matches ON player_maps.match_id =
WHERE player_maps.player_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->AtkPlayer) . "
AND player_maps.match_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->MatchNumber) . "";
$AtkCaptureObject = $this->db->execute($queryCurrentMatchAtkPlayerStatsCaptures)->fetchObject()->Captures;
if ($AtkCaptureObject == NULL){
$this->AtkCapture = 0;
$this->AtkCapture = $AtkCaptureObject;
$QueryShots_HitsAtkPlayer = "SELECT SUM( player_maps.shots ) AS shots, SUM( player_maps.hits ) AS hits
FROM player_maps
JOIN matches ON player_maps.match_id =
WHERE player_maps.player_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->AtkPlayer) . "
AND player_maps.match_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->MatchNumber) . "";
$AtkShotsObject = $this->db->execute($QueryShots_HitsAtkPlayer)->fetchObject()->shots;
$this->AtkShots = $AtkShotsObject;
$AtkHitsObject = $this->db->execute($QueryShots_HitsAtkPlayer)->fetchObject()->hits;
$this->AtkHits = $AtkHitsObject;
$queryAtkHitRatio = "SELECT (
SUM( player_maps.hits ) / SUM( player_maps.shots ) * 100
) AS HitRatio
FROM player_maps
JOIN matches ON player_maps.match_id =
WHERE player_maps.player_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->AtkPlayer) . "
AND player_maps.match_id = " . $this->db->quote($this->MatchNumber) . "";
$HitRatioObject = $this->db->execute($queryAtkHitRatio)->fetchObject()->HitRatio;
if ($HitRatioObject == NULL){
$this->HitRatio = 0;
$this->HitRatio = number_format($HitRatioObject, 2, ',', '');
$this->Team = ($this->SpecTarget->teamId + 1);
$this->AtkPlayerLogin = $this->SpecTarget->login;
function getServerCurrentMatch($serverLogin) {
$CurrentMatchid = $this->db->execute(
'SELECT id FROM matches ' .
'where MatchEnd = "0000-00-00 00:00:00" and `matchServerLogin` = ' . $this->db->quote($serverLogin) .
'order by id desc')->fetchSingleValue();
return $this->db->execute(
'SELECT id FROM matches ' .
'where MatchEnd = "0000-00-00 00:00:00" and `matchServerLogin` = ' . $this->db->quote($serverLogin) .
'order by id desc')->fetchSingleValue();
public function onModeScriptCallback($event, $json) {
switch ($event) {
case 'EndTurn':
$this->onXmlRpcEliteSpectatorEndTurn(new JsonCallbacks\EndTurn($json));
public function onPlayerInfoChanged($playerInfo) {
if ($this->storage->serverStatus->code != 4)
foreach ($this->storage->players as $login => $player) { // get players
$player = \DedicatedApi\Structures\Player::fromArray($playerInfo);
if($player->pureSpectator == true){
$SpecTarget = $this->getPlayerObjectById($player->currentTargetId);
if (empty($SpecTarget->login) || $SpecTarget->login == $this->storage->server)
$this->SpecTarget = $SpecTarget;
if (time() % 1 == 0) {
$this->ShowWidget($player->login, $this->SpecTarget->login, $this->AtkRatio, $this->AtkRounds, $this->AtkSucces, $this->AtkCapture, $this->AtkShots, $this->AtkHits, $this->HitRatio, $this->Team, $this->AtkPlayerLogin);
$xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
$xml .= '<manialink id="AtkSpecDetails">';
$xml .= '</manialink>';
$xml .= '</manialinks>';
foreach ($this->storage->players as $login => $player) { // get players
if($player->pureSpectator == false){
$this->connection->sendHideManialinkPage($player->login, $xml, 0, true, true);
public function getPlayerObjectById($id) {
if (!is_numeric($id))
throw new Exception("player id is not numeric");
foreach ($this->storage->players as $login => $player) {
if ($player->playerId == $id)
return $player;
foreach ($this->storage->spectators as $login => $player) {
if ($player->playerId == $id)
return $player;
return new \DedicatedApi\Structures\Player();
function ShowWidget($login, $AttackPlayerNick, $RatioAtk, $RoundsAtk, $RoundsSuccess, $CaptureAtk, $ShotsAtk, $HitsAtk, $RatioHit, $TeamNr, $AttackPlayerLogin){
$blue = $this->connection->getTeamInfo(1);
$red = $this->connection->getTeamInfo(2);
$xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>';
$xml .= '<manialink version="1" background="1" navigable3d="0" id="AtkSpecDetails">';
$xml .= '<frame posn="-60 -5 0" id="AtkSpecDetails">';
$xml .= '<quad style="UiSMSpectatorScoreBig" substyle="PlayerSlotCenter" posn="-90 8 0" sizen="50 70"/>'; // MainWindow
$xml .= '<quad posn="-80 -4 0.5" sizen="4.5 4.5" style="Icons64x64_1" substyle="TV" />';
$xml .= '<label posn="-72 -5 0.5" sizen="100 0" textsize="1" text="'.$AttackPlayerNick.'"/>';
$xml .= '<quad posn="-80 -10 0.5" sizen="4.5 4.5" style="BgRaceScore2" substyle="Points" />';
$xml .= '<label posn="-72 -11 0.5" sizen="100 0" textsize="1" text="AtkRounds: '.$RoundsAtk.'"/>';
$xml .= '<quad posn="-80 -16 0.5" sizen="4.5 4.5" style="BgRaceScore2" substyle="Podium" />';
$xml .= '<label posn="-72 -17 0.5" sizen="100 0" textsize="1" text="AtkSucces: '.$RoundsSuccess.'"/>';
$xml .= '<quad posn="-80 -22 0.5" sizen="4.5 4.5" style="ManiaplanetSystem" substyle="Statistics" />';
$xml .= '<label posn="-72 -23 0.5" sizen="100 0" textsize="1" text="AtkRatio: '.$RatioAtk.' %"/>';
$xml .= '<quad posn="-80 -28 0.5" sizen="4.5 4.5" style="Icons64x64_1" substyle="Finish" />';
$xml .= '<label posn="-72 -29 0.5" sizen="100 0" textsize="1" text="Captures: '.$CaptureAtk.'"/>';
$xml .= '<quad posn="-80 -34 0.5" sizen="4.5 4.5" style="Icons64x64_2" substyle="UnknownElimination" />';
$xml .= '<label posn="-72 -35 0.5" sizen="100 0" textsize="1" text="Shots: '.$ShotsAtk.'"/>';
$xml .= '<quad posn="-80 -40 0.5" sizen="4.5 4.5" style="Icons64x64_2" substyle="UnknownHit" />';
$xml .= '<label posn="-72 -41 0.5" sizen="100 0" textsize="1" text="Hits: '.$HitsAtk.'"/>';
$xml .= '<quad posn="-80 -46 0.5" sizen="4.5 4.5" style="Icons64x64_2" substyle="ServerNotice" />';
$xml .= '<label posn="-72 -47 0.5" sizen="100 0" textsize="1" text="HitRatio: '.$RatioHit.' %"/>';
if ($TeamNr == 1){
if ($blue->clubLinkUrl) {
$xml .= '<quad image="'.$this->Clublink($blue->clubLinkUrl).'" posn="-88 -26 0.5" sizen="7 7" />';
$xml .= '<quad posn="-88 -26 0.5" sizen="7 7" style="Emblems" substyle="#1" />';
if ($TeamNr == 2){
if ($red->clubLinkUrl) {
$xml .= '<quad image="'.$this->Clublink($red->clubLinkUrl).'" posn="-88 -26 0.5" sizen="7 7" />';
$xml .= '<quad posn="-88 -26 0.5" sizen="7 7" style="Emblems" substyle="#2" />';
$xml .= '</frame>';
$xml .= '<script><!--
main () {
declare FrameRules <=> Page.GetFirstChild("AtkSpecDetails");
declare ShowRules = True;
while(True) {
if (ShowRules) {
} else {
foreach (Event in PendingEvents) {
switch (Event.Type) {
case CMlEvent::Type::MouseClick :
if (Event.ControlId == "FrameRules") ShowRules = !ShowRules;
case CMlEvent::Type::KeyPress:
if (Event.CharPressed == "2818048") ShowRules = !ShowRules; // F7
--></script>'; // F7 Keypress
$xml .= '</manialink>';
$this->connection->sendDisplayManialinkPage($login, $xml, 0, true, true);
function Clublink($URL){
$options = array(
CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, // return web page
CURLOPT_HEADER => false, // don't return headers
CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, // follow redirects
CURLOPT_ENCODING => "", // handle compressed
CURLOPT_USERAGENT => "ShootManiaEliteStatistics", // who am i
CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER => true, // set referer on redirect
CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT => 120, // timeout on connect
CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 120, // timeout on response
CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10, // stop after 10 redirects
$ch = curl_init($URL);
curl_setopt_array($ch, $options);
$content = curl_exec( $ch );
$err = curl_errno( $ch );
$errmsg = curl_error( $ch );
$header = curl_getinfo( $ch );
curl_close( $ch );
$header['errno'] = $err;
$header['errmsg'] = $errmsg;
$header['content'] = $content;
$xml = simplexml_load_string($content);
// incase the xml is malformed, bail out
if ($xml === false)
Console::println('[' . date('H:i:s') . '] [Shootmania] Elite Spectator: Clublink is malformed' . $xml);
if ($xml->getName() != "club")
Console::println('[' . date('H:i:s') . '] [Shootmania] Elite Spectator: Clublink name != club!');
return $xml->emblem_web;
function onXmlRpcEliteSpectatorEndTurn(JsonCallbacks\EndTurn $content) {
$xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
$xml .= '<manialink id="AtkSpecDetails">';
$xml .= '</manialink>';
$xml .= '</manialinks>';
foreach ($this->storage->spectators as $login => $player) { // get players
if($player->pureSpectator == true){
$this->connection->sendHideManialinkPage($player->login, $xml, 0, true, true);
/** get cached value of database player id */
function getPlayerId($login) {
if (isset($this->playerIDs[$login])) {
return $this->playerIDs[$login];
} else {
$q = "SELECT id FROM `players` WHERE `login` = " . $this->db->quote($login) . "";
return $this->db->execute($q)->fetchObject()->id;
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