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Last active November 28, 2015 06:22
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#version 130
/* This comes interpolated from the vertex shader */
in vec2 texcoord;
/* The texture we are going to sample */
uniform sampler2D tex;
out vec4 color;
void main(void) {
/* Well, simply sample the texture */
color = texture(tex, texcoord);
#version 130
/* The position of the vertex as two-dimensional vector */
in vec2 vertex;
/* Write interpolated texture coordinate to fragment shader */
out vec2 texcoord;
void main(void) {
gl_Position = vec4(vertex, 0.0, 1.0);
* Compute texture coordinate by simply
* interval-mapping from [-1..+1] to [0..1]
texcoord = vertex * 0.5 + vec2(0.5, 0.5);
#version 430 core
layout(binding = 0, rgba32f) uniform image2D framebuffer;
uniform vec3 eye;
uniform vec3 ray00;
uniform vec3 ray01;
uniform vec3 ray10;
uniform vec3 ray11;
uniform vec2 sample_offset;
uniform int frame;
#define MAX_SCENE_BOUNDS 100.0
#define NUM_BOXES 1
#define EPS 0.000001
const vec3 lightpos = vec3(-1.5, -1.5, 2.5);
const vec3 intensity = vec3(0.8, 0.8, 0.8);
const vec3 ambient = vec3(0.2, 0.2, 0.2);
const vec3 specular = vec3(0.75, 0.75, 0.75);
struct bbox_t {
float xmin, ymin, zmin;
float xmax, ymax, zmax;
struct mesh_desc_t {
int vptr;
int nptr;
int num_vertices;
int material_id;
struct material_desc_t {
float Ka, Kd, Ks, Kr, shininess;
struct hitinfo_t {
float t;
int hit_mesh;
int hit_vptr;
int hit_nptr;
layout (std430, binding = 1) buffer Materials
material_desc_t materials[];
layout (std430, binding = 2) buffer BoundingBoxes
bbox_t box[];
layout (std430, binding = 3) buffer MeshDesc
mesh_desc_t desc[];
layout (std430, binding = 4) buffer Meshes
float data[];
const vec3 diffuse[] = {
vec3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5),
vec3(0.2, 0.6, 1.0),
vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
bool vec3GreaterThan(vec3 a, vec3 b) {
return (a.x > b.x && a.y > b.y && a.z > b.z);
bool intersectBound(vec3 origin, vec3 dir, int i) {
vec3 vmin = vec3(box[i].xmin, box[i].ymin, box[i].zmin);
vec3 vmax = vec3(box[i].xmax, box[i].ymax, box[i].zmax);
if(vec3GreaterThan(origin, vmin) && vec3GreaterThan(vmax, origin))
return true;
vec3 tMin = (vmin - origin) / dir;
vec3 tMax = (vmax - origin) / dir;
vec3 t1 = min(tMin, tMax);
vec3 t2 = max(tMin, tMax);
float tNear = max(max(t1.x, t1.y), t1.z);
float tFar = min(min(t2.x, t2.y), t2.z);
return (tNear > 0.0 && tNear < tFar);
bool intersectTriangle(vec3 origin, vec3 dir, int ptr, out float dist) {
vec3 a = vec3(data[ptr], data[ptr + 1], data[ptr + 2]);
vec3 b = vec3(data[ptr + 3], data[ptr + 4], data[ptr + 5]);
vec3 c = vec3(data[ptr + 6], data[ptr + 7], data[ptr + 8]);
vec3 e1 = b - a;
vec3 e2 = c - a;
vec3 p = cross(dir, e2);
float det = dot(e1, p);
if(abs(det) < EPS) return false;
det = 1.0 / det;
vec3 t = origin - a;
float u = dot(t, p) * det;
if(u < 0.0 || u > 1.0) return false;
vec3 q = cross(t, e1);
float v = dot(dir, q) * det;
if(v < 0.0 || u + v > 1.0) return false;
dist = dot(e2, q) * det;
if(dist > EPS) return true;
return false;
void intersectRay(vec3 O, vec3 D, vec3 P, vec3 Q, out float t, out float s)
t = ((P.x - O.x) * Q.y + (O.y - P.y) * Q.x) / (D.x * Q.y - D.y * Q.x);
s = (O.x - P.x + t * D.x) / Q.x;
vec3 interpolateNormal(vec3 hit_point, hitinfo_t h)
vec3 a = vec3(data[h.hit_vptr], data[h.hit_vptr + 1], data[h.hit_vptr + 2]);
vec3 b = vec3(data[h.hit_vptr + 3], data[h.hit_vptr + 4], data[h.hit_vptr + 5]);
vec3 c = vec3(data[h.hit_vptr + 6], data[h.hit_vptr + 7], data[h.hit_vptr + 8]);
vec3 O = a, D = hit_point - a;
vec3 P = b, Q = c - b;
float t, s;
intersectRay(O, D, P, Q, t, s);
vec3 Na = vec3(data[h.hit_nptr], data[h.hit_nptr + 1], data[h.hit_nptr + 2]);
vec3 Nb = vec3(data[h.hit_nptr + 3], data[h.hit_nptr + 4], data[h.hit_nptr + 5]);
vec3 Nc = vec3(data[h.hit_nptr + 6], data[h.hit_nptr + 7], data[h.hit_nptr + 8]);
vec3 Nt = normalize(mix(Nb, Nc, s));
return normalize(mix(Na, Nt, 1 / t));
bool isIntersected(vec3 origin, vec3 dir, out hitinfo_t h)
float dist;
bool hit = false;
for(int i = 0; i < desc.length(); i++) {
if(intersectBound(origin, dir, i)) {
for(int j = desc[i].vptr; j < desc[i].nptr; j += 9) {
if(intersectTriangle(origin, dir, j, dist)) {
hit = true;
if(h.t > dist) {
h.t = dist;
h.hit_mesh = i;
h.hit_vptr = j;
h.hit_nptr = j - desc[i].vptr + desc[i].nptr;
return hit;
const int MAX_TRACE = 4;
struct trace_state_t
vec3 origin;
vec3 dir;
vec3 color;
hitinfo_t h;
vec3 hit;
vec3 Ld;
vec3 N;
vec3 trace(vec3 origin, vec3 dir)
trace_state_t stack[MAX_TRACE + 1];
bool fallback[MAX_TRACE + 1];
int sp = 0;
hitinfo_t hl;
float specular_factor, LdN;
stack[sp].origin = origin;
stack[sp].dir = dir;
stack[sp].color = vec3(0, 0, 0);
fallback[sp] = false;
vec3 ambient_contribution;
vec3 specular_contribution;
vec3 reflection_contribution;
vec3 R;
while(sp >= 0) {
if(sp >= MAX_TRACE) {
} else if(fallback[sp]) {
ambient_contribution = materials[desc[stack[sp].h.hit_mesh].material_id].Ka * ambient;
reflection_contribution = materials[desc[stack[sp].h.hit_mesh].material_id].Kr * stack[sp + 1].color;
if(isIntersected(stack[sp].hit, stack[sp].Ld, hl)) {
stack[sp].color =
ambient_contribution + reflection_contribution;
} else {
float LdN = dot(stack[sp].Ld, stack[sp].N);
if(LdN < 0.0) LdN = 0.0;
R = normalize(2 * LdN * stack[sp].N - stack[sp].Ld);
specular_factor = dot(R, -stack[sp].dir);
specular_contribution = vec3(0, 0, 0);
if(specular_factor > 0) {
specular_contribution = materials[desc[stack[sp].h.hit_mesh].material_id].Ks * pow(specular_factor, materials[desc[stack[sp].h.hit_mesh].material_id].shininess) * specular;
stack[sp].color = ambient_contribution + materials[desc[stack[sp].h.hit_mesh].material_id].Kd * LdN * intensity + specular_contribution + reflection_contribution;
} else {
if(isIntersected(stack[sp].origin, stack[sp].dir, stack[sp].h)) {
stack[sp].hit = stack[sp].origin + stack[sp].h.t * stack[sp].dir;
stack[sp].Ld = normalize(lightpos - stack[sp].hit);
stack[sp].N = interpolateNormal(stack[sp].hit, stack[sp].h);
fallback[sp++] = true;
stack[sp].origin = stack[sp - 1].hit;
stack[sp].dir = normalize(stack[sp - 1].dir - 2 * dot(stack[sp - 1].dir, stack[sp - 1].N) * stack[sp - 1].N);
stack[sp].color = vec3(0, 0, 0);
fallback[sp] = false;
} else sp--;
return stack[0].color;
layout (local_size_x = 16, local_size_y = 8) in;
void main(void) {
ivec2 pix = ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy);
ivec2 size = imageSize(framebuffer);
if (pix.x >= size.x || pix.y >= size.y) {
vec2 pos = vec2(pix.x + sample_offset.x, pix.y + sample_offset.y) / vec2(size.x - 1, size.y - 1);
vec3 dir = mix(mix(ray00, ray01, pos.y), mix(ray10, ray11, pos.y), pos.x);
vec3 color = trace(eye, normalize(dir));
imageStore(framebuffer, pix, mix(imageLoad(framebuffer, pix), vec4(color.rgb, 1.0), 1.0 / float(frame)));
from OpenGL.GLUT import *
from OpenGL.GLU import *
from OpenGL.GL import *
from ctypes import c_void_p, c_int, byref
from operator import div, sub, add, mul
from copy import deepcopy
import sys
import numpy as np
import math
import time
import random
NULL = c_void_p(0)
tex = 0
vao = 0
width, height = 0, 0
# projection / view matrices
viewMatrix = None
projMatrix = None
invMatrix = None
# camera properties
cop = None
# model
meshes = []
materials = []
boundingboxes = []
ssbo_meshes, ssbo_meshesdesc, ssbo_bboxes, ssbo_materials = 0, 0, 0, 0
vssbo, fssbo, nssbo = 0, 0, 0
# shaders
computeProgram = 0
renderProgram = 0
groupsize_x, groupsize_y = 0, 0
sample_lowbound, sample_range = -0.5, 1.0
frame = 0
uni_eye, uni_ray00, uni_ray01, uni_ray10, uni_ray11 = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
uni_sample_offset, uni_frame = 0, 0
def main():
def idle():
def calculateNormalForFace(vertices, normals, f):
u = np.array(map(sub, vertices[f[1]], vertices[f[0]]))
v = np.array(map(sub, vertices[f[2]], vertices[f[0]]))
N = np.cross(u, v).tolist()
normals[f[0]] = map(add, normals[f[0]], N)
normals[f[1]] = map(add, normals[f[1]], N)
normals[f[2]] = map(add, normals[f[2]], N)
def flattenMeshStructure(vertices, faces, normals):
data_vertices = []
data_normals = []
for f in faces:
for v in f:
return 3 * len(faces), data_vertices + data_normals
def getMeshesData():
index = 0
desc, data = [], []
for i, m in enumerate(meshes):
desc += [index, 3 * m[0] + index, m[0], m[2]]
data += m[1]
index += 6 * m[0] # 3 for vertex, 3 for normal
return desc, data
def addFloor():
global meshes, materials, boundingboxes
v = [1.0, -1.0, -0.1, 1.0, 1.0, -0.1, -1.0, 1.0, -0.1, 1.0, -1.0, -0.1, -1.0, 1.0, -0.1, -1.0, -1.0, -0.1]
n = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
meshes.append((6, v + n, 1))
boundingboxes.extend([-1.0, -1.0, -0.1, 1.0, 1.0, 0.1])
materials += [0.4, 0.0, 0.0, 0.8, 64.0]
def readModel():
print 'reading model...'
global meshes, materials, boundingboxes
vertices, faces = [], []
min_v = [9999., 9999., 9999.]
max_v = [-9999., -9999., -9999.]
with open('body.obj') as f:
for row in f:
l = row.split(' ')
if l[0] == 'v':
v = map(float, l[1:])
min_v = map(min, min_v, v)
max_v = map(max, max_v, v)
faces.append(map(lambda x: int(x) - 1, l[1:]))
normals = [[0, 0, 0] for i in range(len(vertices))]
map(lambda f: calculateNormalForFace(vertices, normals, f), faces)
normals = map(lambda n: map(div, n, [np.linalg.norm(n)] * 3), normals)
fnormal = open('normal', 'w')
if min_v[2] < 0:
delta = 0 - min_v[2]
vertices = map(lambda v: [v[0], v[1], v[2] + delta], vertices)
min_v[2] += delta;
max_v[2] += delta;
num, data = flattenMeshStructure(vertices, faces, normals)
materials += [0.8, 0.6, 0.5, 0.05, 64.0]
meshes.append((num, data, 0))
def mapShaderStorageBufferObject(size):
func = ctypes.pythonapi.PyBuffer_FromMemory
func.restype = ctypes.py_object
buffer = func(ctypes.c_void_p(vp), size)
array = np.frombuffer(buffer, dtype=np.dtype(GLfloat))
return array.tolist()
def createSSBO(array, elemtype, elemsize):
ssbo = glGenBuffers(1)
arraytype = (elemtype * len(array))
print 'creating ssbo with actual element list size', len(array)
glBufferData(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, len(array) * elemsize, arraytype(*array), GL_STATIC_READ);
return ssbo
def buildSSBOs():
print 'building SSBO...'
global ssbo_meshes, ssbo_meshesdesc, ssbo_bboxes, ssbo_materials
desc, data = getMeshesData()
ssbo_meshesdesc = createSSBO(desc, GLuint, 4)
ssbo_meshes = createSSBO(data, GLfloat, 4)
ssbo_bboxes = createSSBO(boundingboxes, GLfloat, 4)
ssbo_materials = createSSBO(materials, GLfloat, 4)
def buildTextures():
print 'building textures...'
global tex
if tex:
tex = glGenTextures(1)
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex)
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA32F, width, height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_FLOAT, NULL);
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0)
def buildVertexArrays():
print 'building vertex arrays...'
global vao
vao = glGenVertexArrays(1)
vbo = glGenBuffers(1)
glBindBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, vbo)
vertices = [-1., -1., 1., -1., 1., 1., 1., 1., -1., 1., -1., -1.]
arraytype = (GLfloat * len(vertices))
glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, len(vertices) * 4, arraytype(*vertices), GL_STATIC_DRAW)
glVertexAttribPointer(0, 2, GL_FLOAT, 4, 0, NULL)
def compileShader(fname, type):
shader = glCreateShader(type)
with open(fname, 'r') as f:
code =
glShaderSource(shader, code)
if glGetShaderiv(shader, GL_COMPILE_STATUS) != GL_TRUE:
raise RuntimeError(glGetShaderInfoLog(shader))
return shader
def loadShaders():
print 'loading shaders...'
global computeProgram, renderProgram
quadfs = compileShader('quad.fs', GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER)
quadvs = compileShader('quad.vs', GL_VERTEX_SHADER)
tracecs = compileShader('trace.cs', GL_COMPUTE_SHADER)
computeProgram = glCreateProgram()
glAttachShader(computeProgram, tracecs)
renderProgram = glCreateProgram()
glAttachShader(renderProgram, quadvs)
glAttachShader(renderProgram, quadfs)
def initShaders():
global groupsize_x, groupsize_y
global uni_eye, uni_ray00, uni_ray01, uni_ray10, uni_ray11, uni_sample_offset, uni_frame
groupsize_x, groupsize_y = 16, 8 # glGetProgramiv(computeProgram, GL_COMPUTE_WORK_GROUP_SIZE)
uni_eye = glGetUniformLocation(computeProgram, 'eye')
uni_ray00 = glGetUniformLocation(computeProgram, 'ray00')
uni_ray01 = glGetUniformLocation(computeProgram, 'ray01')
uni_ray10 = glGetUniformLocation(computeProgram, 'ray10')
uni_ray11 = glGetUniformLocation(computeProgram, 'ray11')
uni_sample_offset = glGetUniformLocation(computeProgram, 'sample_offset')
uni_frame = glGetUniformLocation(computeProgram, 'frame')
tex = glGetUniformLocation(renderProgram, 'tex')
glUniform1i(tex, 0)
def setFrustum(fovy, aspect, near, far):
global projMatrix
halfH = math.tan(fovy / 180. * 3.14159 * 0.5) * near
halfW = aspect * halfH
projMatrix = np.matrix([
[near / halfW, 0., 0., 0.],
[0., near / halfH, 0., 0.],
[0., 0., (far + near) / (near - far), 2. * far * near / (near - far)],
[0., 0., -1., 0.]])
printMatrix('projMatrix', projMatrix)
#glFrustum(-halfW, halfW, -halfH, halfH, near, far)
def printMatrix(name, m):
print name,':'
print ' %.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\t' % (m[0,0], m[0,1], m[0,2], m[0,3])
print ' %.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\t' % (m[1,0], m[1,1], m[1,2], m[1,3])
print ' %.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\t' % (m[2,0], m[2,1], m[2,2], m[2,3])
print ' %.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\t' % (m[3,0], m[3,1], m[3,2], m[3,3])
def printVector(name, v):
print name, "%.2f %.2f %.2f" % (v[0], v[1], v[2])
def setCamera(eye, at, up):
print 'setting camera...'
global viewMatrix, cop
cop = deepcopy(eye)
#gluLookAt(*(eye + at + right))
eye = np.array(eye)
at = np.array(at)
up = np.array(up)
direction = at - eye
direction = direction / np.linalg.norm(direction)
printVector('direction', direction)
up = up / np.linalg.norm(up)
right = np.cross(direction, up)
right = right / np.linalg.norm(right)
printVector('right', right)
up = np.cross(right, direction)
up = up / np.linalg.norm(up)
printVector('up', up)
viewMatrix = np.matrix([
[x for x in right] + [, cop)],
[x for x in up] + [, cop)],
[-x for x in direction] + [, cop)],
[0., 0., 0., 1.0]])
printMatrix('viewMatrix', viewMatrix)
def calcInvPVMatrix():
global invMatrix
invMatrix = np.linalg.inv(projMatrix * viewMatrix)
printMatrix('inversed PV matrix', invMatrix)
def resize(w, h):
global width, height
if w == width and h == height:
width, height = w, h
glViewport(0, 0, w, h)
setFrustum(60, float(w) / float(h) if h != 0 else float(w), 1., 2.)
eye = [-1.8, -1.8, 0.6]
at = [0., 0., 0.6]
right = [0., 0., 1.]
setCamera(eye, at, right)
def getEyeRay(x, y, dbg):
M = np.asarray(invMatrix).tolist()
x = [x, y, 0., 1.]
y = []
if dbg:
print type(M)
for row in M:
if dbg:
print 'multiplying', row, 'to', x
y.append(reduce(add, map(mul, row, x)))
if dbg:
printVector('y', y)
y = map(div, y, [y[3]] * 4)
return map(sub, y[0:3], cop)
def nextPower2(x):
if x == 0:
return 1
x -= 1
x |= x >> 1
x |= x >> 2
x |= x >> 4
x |= x >> 8
x |= x >> 16
x += 1
return x
def diff(a, b):
if len(a) != len(b):
print 'different lengths:', len(a), len(b)
for i in range(min(len(a), len(b))):
if abs(a[i] - b[i]) > 0.000001:
print 'DIFF at position', i
first_time = True
def display():
global first_time, frame
frame = frame + 1
start_time = time.time()
# if first_time:
# glBindBuffer(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, vssbo)
# content = mapShaderStorageBufferObject(len(vertices) * 3 * 4)
# flat = []
# for v in vertices:
# flat.extend(v)
# diff(content, flat)
glBindBufferBase(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 1, ssbo_materials)
glBindBufferBase(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 2, ssbo_bboxes)
glBindBufferBase(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 3, ssbo_meshesdesc)
glBindBufferBase(GL_SHADER_STORAGE_BUFFER, 4, ssbo_meshes)
glUniform3f(uni_eye, *cop)
ray = getEyeRay(-1., -1., first_time)
glUniform3f(uni_ray00, *ray)
if first_time:
printVector('ray00', ray)
ray = getEyeRay(-1., 1., first_time)
glUniform3f(uni_ray01, *ray)
if first_time:
printVector('ray01', ray)
ray = getEyeRay(1., -1., first_time)
glUniform3f(uni_ray10, *ray)
if first_time:
printVector('ray10', ray)
ray = getEyeRay(1., 1., first_time)
glUniform3f(uni_ray11, *ray)
if first_time:
printVector('ray11', ray)
random.random() * sample_range + sample_lowbound,
random.random() * sample_range + sample_lowbound)
glUniform1i(uni_frame, frame)
glBindImageTexture(0, tex, 0, False, 0, GL_WRITE_ONLY, GL_RGBA32F)
worksize_x, worksize_y = nextPower2(width), nextPower2(height)
glDispatchCompute(worksize_x / groupsize_x, worksize_y / groupsize_y, 1)
glBindImageTexture(0, 0, 0, False, 0, GL_READ_WRITE, GL_RGBA32F)
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, tex)
#if first_time:
# with open('d:\\opengl\\texture.dat', 'w') as f:
# buf = glGetTexImage(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE)
# f.write(buf)
# print len(buf), 'bytes written'
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 6)
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0)
first_time = False
duration = time.time() - start_time
print 'Frame #%d rendering cost %.2f second, estimate fps %.2f' % (frame, duration, 1. / duration if duration > 0.0001 else 0.0)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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