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Created August 26, 2020 15:38
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A helper function for Matplotlib to draw "convergence triangles" into loglog plots.
import matplotlib as mpl
def draw_loglog_slope(fig, ax, origin, width_inches, slope, inverted=False, color=None, polygon_kwargs=None, label=True, labelcolor=None, label_kwargs=None, zorder=None):
This function draws slopes or "convergence triangles" into loglog plots.
@param fig: The figure
@param ax: The axes object to draw to
@param origin: The 2D origin (usually lower-left corner) coordinate of the triangle
@param width_inches: The width in inches of the triangle
@param slope: The slope of the triangle, i.e. order of convergence
@param inverted: Whether to mirror the triangle around the origin, i.e. whether
it indicates the slope towards the lower left instead of upper right (defaults to false)
@param color: The color of the of the triangle edges (defaults to default color)
@param polygon_kwargs: Additional kwargs to the Polygon draw call that creates the slope
@param label: Whether to enable labeling the slope (defaults to true)
@param labelcolor: The color of the slope labels (defaults to the edge color)
@param label_kwargs: Additional kwargs to the Annotation draw call that creates the labels
@param zorder: The z-order value of the triangle and labels, defaults to a high value
if polygon_kwargs is None:
polygon_kwargs = {}
if label_kwargs is None:
label_kwargs = {}
if color is not None:
polygon_kwargs["color"] = color
if "linewidth" not in polygon_kwargs:
polygon_kwargs["linewidth"] = 0.75 * mpl.rcParams["lines.linewidth"]
if labelcolor is not None:
label_kwargs["color"] = labelcolor
if "color" not in label_kwargs:
label_kwargs["color"] = polygon_kwargs["color"]
if "fontsize" not in label_kwargs:
label_kwargs["fontsize"] = 0.75 * mpl.rcParams["font.size"]
if inverted:
width_inches = -width_inches
if zorder is None:
zorder = 10
# For more information on coordinate transformations in Matplotlib see
# Convert the origin into figure coordinates in inches
origin_disp = ax.transData.transform(origin)
origin_dpi = fig.dpi_scale_trans.inverted().transform(origin_disp)
# Obtain the bottom-right corner in data coordinates
corner_dpi = origin_dpi + width_inches * np.array([1.0, 0.0])
corner_disp = fig.dpi_scale_trans.transform(corner_dpi)
corner = ax.transData.inverted().transform(corner_disp)
(x1, y1) = (origin[0], origin[1])
x2 = corner[0]
# The width of the triangle in data coordinates
width = x2 - x1
# Compute offset of the slope
log_offset = y1 / (x1 ** slope)
y2 = log_offset * ((x1 + width) ** slope)
height = y2 - y1
# The vertices of the slope
a = origin
b = corner
c = [x2, y2]
# Draw the slope triangle
X = np.array([a, b, c])
triangle = plt.Polygon(X[:3,:], fill=False, zorder=zorder, **polygon_kwargs)
# Convert vertices into display space
a_disp = ax.transData.transform(a)
b_disp = ax.transData.transform(b)
c_disp = ax.transData.transform(c)
# Figure out the center of the triangle sides in display space
bottom_center_disp = a_disp + 0.5 * (b_disp - a_disp)
bottom_center = ax.transData.inverted().transform(bottom_center_disp)
right_center_disp = b_disp + 0.5 * (c_disp - b_disp)
right_center = ax.transData.inverted().transform(right_center_disp)
# Label alignment depending on inversion parameter
va_xlabel = "top" if not inverted else "bottom"
ha_ylabel = "left" if not inverted else "right"
# Label offset depending on inversion parameter
offset_xlabel = [0.0, -0.33 * label_kwargs["fontsize"]] if not inverted else [0.0, 0.33 * label_kwargs["fontsize"]]
offset_ylabel = [0.33 * label_kwargs["fontsize"], 0.0] if not inverted else [-0.33 * label_kwargs["fontsize"], 0.0]
# Draw the slope labels
ax.annotate("$1$", bottom_center, xytext=offset_xlabel, textcoords='offset points', ha="center", va=va_xlabel, zorder=zorder, **label_kwargs)
ax.annotate(f"${slope}$", right_center, xytext=offset_ylabel, textcoords='offset points', ha=ha_ylabel, va="center", zorder=zorder, **label_kwargs)
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👍 Great find! 😊 Kudos to the author for creating such a useful function!

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