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Created March 6, 2018 19:29
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Testing how WordPress handles the parsing of URL params in RTL languages
* Plugin Name: RTL Testing
* Plugin URI:
* Description: Testing an issue with RTL languages and URL params.
* Author: w33zy
* Author URI:
* Text Domain: rtl-testing
* Domain Path: /languages
* Version: 0.1.0
* @package RTL_Testing
class RTL_Testing {
public static function start() {
static $started = false;
if ( ! $started ) {
$started = true;
public static function add_filters() {
public static function add_actions() {
add_action( 'init', array( __CLASS__, 'custom_taxonomy' ), 10 );
public static function custom_taxonomy() {
// 'הוצאה לאור'
$plural = 'הוצאה'; // Expenditure
$single = 'הוצאה'; // Expenditure
$tax_name = 'rtl_' . $single;
$slug = strtolower( $single );
$opts['hierarchical'] = true;
$opts['public'] = true;
$opts['query_var'] = $tax_name;
$opts['show_admin_column'] = true;
$opts['show_in_nav_menus'] = true;
$opts['show_tag_cloud'] = true;
$opts['show_ui'] = true;
$opts['sort'] = '';
$opts['capabilities']['assign_terms'] = 'edit_posts';
$opts['capabilities']['delete_terms'] = 'manage_categories';
$opts['capabilities']['edit_terms'] = 'manage_categories';
$opts['capabilities']['manage_terms'] = 'manage_categories';
$opts['labels']['add_new_item'] = esc_html__( "Add New {$single}", 'rtl-testing' );
$opts['labels']['add_or_remove_items'] = esc_html__( "Add or remove {$plural}", 'rtl-testing' );
$opts['labels']['all_items'] = esc_html__( $plural, 'rtl-testing' );
$opts['labels']['choose_from_most_used'] = esc_html__( "Choose from most used {$plural}", 'rtl-testing' );
$opts['labels']['edit_item'] = esc_html__( "Edit {$single}", 'rtl-testing' );
$opts['labels']['menu_name'] = esc_html__( $plural, 'rtl-testing' );
$opts['labels']['name'] = esc_html__( $plural, 'rtl-testing' );
$opts['labels']['new_item_name'] = esc_html__( "New {$single} Name", 'rtl-testing' );
$opts['labels']['not_found'] = esc_html__( "No {$plural} Found", 'rtl-testing' );
$opts['labels']['parent_item'] = esc_html__( "Parent {$single}", 'rtl-testing' );
$opts['labels']['parent_item_colon'] = esc_html__( "Parent {$single}:", 'rtl-testing' );
$opts['labels']['popular_items'] = esc_html__( "Popular {$plural}", 'rtl-testing' );
$opts['labels']['search_items'] = esc_html__( "Search {$plural}", 'rtl-testing' );
$opts['labels']['separate_items_with_commas'] = esc_html__( "Separate {$plural} with commas", 'rtl-testing' );
$opts['labels']['singular_name'] = esc_html__( $single, 'rtl-testing' );
$opts['labels']['update_item'] = esc_html__( "Update {$single}", 'rtl-testing' );
$opts['labels']['view_item'] = esc_html__( "View {$single}", 'rtl-testing' );
$opts['rewrite']['ep_mask'] = EP_NONE;
$opts['rewrite']['hierarchical'] = false;
$opts['rewrite']['slug'] = $slug;
$opts['rewrite']['with_front'] = false;
register_taxonomy( $tax_name, array( 'post' ), $opts );
flush_rewrite_rules( false );
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