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Created February 23, 2019 16:42
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Updated config for the Universal Storage 2 water purifier to make it function properly as a recycler for USI LS
// Universal Storage 2 by Paul Kingtiger, Daishi and DMagic.
// See packaged file for license information
// This file is best viewed with notepad++
// Using the KSP Module Manager language file included in the mod.
// name = USWaterPurifier
// Shared by all parts in the mod
// Module, Author, Manufacturer, Subcategory
// These values should never change and are common to all parts.
module = Part
author = Daishi, DMagic, and Paul Kingtiger
manufacturer = #autoLOC_US_Manufacturer //New Horizons & Nox Industrial
subcategory = 0
// .- -- .- --.. .. -. --. --. ..- -.-- ...
// Common fields
// Every part has these core variables
// Base attributes
title = #autoLOC_US_WaterPurifier_Title //Universal Storage: Water Purifier
category = Utility
tags = #autoLOC_US_WaterPurifier_Tags //Universal Storage Processor Water Purifier TAC Life Support
description = #autoLOC_US_WaterPurifier_Description //The water purifier unit uses a array of filters and a centrifuge distillation system to recycle gray water into pure, drinkable water, suitable for drinking or electrolysis.
cost = 900
mass = 0.240
maxTemp = 2000
fuelCrossFeed = False
bulkheadProfiles = wedge
crashTolerance = 6
// Tech Tree
TechRequired = electronics
entryCost = 12000
// .- -- .- --.. .. -. --. --. ..- -.-- ...
// Special
// Contains any special functionality for this part
// TAC Generator code
// TACLS includes it's own generator code, this has been used for maximum compatibility
// ---------------------------------------
name = TacGenericConverter
converterName = #autoLOC_TACLS_00240 //Water Purifier
StartActionName = #autoLOC_TACLS_00241 //Start WaterPurifier
StopActionName = #autoLOC_TACLS_00242 //Stop WaterPurifier
tag = Life Support
GeneratesHeat = true
conversionRate = 1.53
ResourceName = ElectricCharge
Ratio = 0.007123842592593
ResourceName = WasteWater
Ratio = 0.000014247685185
ResourceName = Water
Ratio = 0.000011188078704
DumpExcess = false
ResourceName = Waste
Ratio = 0.000001994675926
DumpExcess = true
UseSpecialistBonus = true
SpecialistEfficiencyFactor = 0.5
SpecialistBonusBase = 1
ExperienceEffect = ConverterSkill
EfficiencyBonus = 1
// KIS
// Adds KIS functionality when KIS is installed
name = ModuleKISItem
shortcutKeyAction = drop
useName = use
usableFromEva = true
usableFromContainer = true
usableFromPod = true
usableFromEditor = false
stackable = true
volumeOverride = 0
moveSndPath = KIS/Sounds/itemMove
equipable = true
equipMode = part
equipSlot = Back
equipSkill = <null>
equipRemoveHelmet = false
equipMeshName = jetpack_base01
equipBoneName = aliasJetpack
equipPos = (0,-0.05,-0.3)
equipDir = (0,270,0)
carriable = true
allowPartAttach = 1
allowStaticAttach = 0
// .- -- .- --.. .. -. --. --. ..- -.-- ...
// Don't edit anything below this line. Here be dragons!
// Drag, Model call, US*Switch
// Changing these values breaks the part, so don't do that!
name = USWaterPurifier
rescaleFactor = 1
attachRules = 1,0,1,1,0
// Drag
angularDrag = 1
dragModelType = default
maximum_drag = 0.2
minimum_drag = 0.2
cube = A0, 0.2639,0.791,0.4058, 0.2639,0.7917,0.5073, 0.2375,0.941,0.4637, 0.2378,0.8578,0.4041, 0.1909,0.7567,0.5376, 0.1906,0.7528,0.5855, 0.02879,0.1962,0.0139, 0.5187,0.4323,0.6732
// Model call
model = UniversalStorage2/Parts/Processors/WaterPurifier
scale = 1, 1, 1
// Wedge attach node definitions
name = attach
transform = attach
size = 0
method = HINGE_JOINT
// .- -- .- --.. .. -. --. --. ..- -.-- ...
// Module Manager
// Contains @PART code for Module Manager, things that cannot be placed in within PART{}
// Base attributes
@tags = #autoLOC_US_WaterPurifierKerbalism_Tags //Universal Storage Processor Water Purifier Kerbalism
//maxTemp = 2000
//fuelCrossFeed = False
//bulkheadProfiles = wedge
//crashTolerance = 6
// Tech Tree
//TechRequired = advExploration
//entryCost = 6200
// Remove TAC LS module
name = ModuleResourceConverter
ConverterName = #autoLOC_US_WaterPurifier //Water Purifier
StartActionName = #autoLOC_US_StartWaterPurifier //Start Water Purifier
StopActionName = #autoLOC_US_StopWaterPurifier //Stop Water Purifier
ToggleActionName = #autoLOC_US_ToggleWaterPurifier //Toggle Water Purifier
AutoShutdown = true
GeneratesHeat = true
UseSpecialistBonus = false
ResourceName = ElectricCharge
Ratio = 0.007123842592593
ResourceName = WasteWater
Ratio = 0.000014247685185
ResourceName = Water
Ratio = 0.000011188078704
DumpExcess = false
ResourceName = Waste
Ratio = 0.000001994675926
DumpExcess = true
//USI Life Support!
// Base attributes
@title = #autoLOC_US_WaterPurifierUSI_Title //Universal Storage: Recycling Module
@tags = #autoLOC_US_WaterPurifierUSI_Tags //Universal Storage Wedge Recycling USI Life Support
@description = #autoLOC_US_WaterPurifierUSI_Description //Life support recycling system designed to extend the mission time on a set supply budget. Will reduce the supply usage by 50% for 1 Kerbal.
@cost = 240
@mass = 0.150
//maxTemp = 2000
//fuelCrossFeed = False
//bulkheadProfiles = wedge
//crashTolerance = 6
// Tech Tree
@TechRequired = spaceExploration
@entryCost = 3200
// Remove TAC LS module
// Plugin control
name = ModuleLifeSupport
name = USI_Converter
UseSpecialistBonus = false
name = USI_SwapController
name = USI_SwappableBay
bayName = Bay 1
moduleIndex = 0
name = USILS_LifeSupportRecyclerSwapOption
CrewCapacity = 1
RecyclePercent = .5
ConverterName = Life Support
tag = Life Support
StartActionName = #autoLOC_US_StartLifeSupport //Start Life Support
StopActionName = #autoLOC_US_StopLifeSupport //Stop Life Support
ResourceName = ElectricCharge
Ratio = .5
// .- -- .- --.. .. -. --. --. ..- -.-- ...
// Notes
// Balanced against 50% of matching TAC LS part
// .- -- .- --.. .. -. --. --. ..- -.-- ...
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