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PMR Edges-quadtree for a graph GNU license, (C) 2005 Scott Czepiel <>
// This file is part of Quicksilver - a bike messenger simulation game //
// Copyright (C) 2005 Scott Czepiel <> //
// //
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify //
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or //
// (at your option) any later version. //
// //
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //
// GNU General Public License for more details. //
// //
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software //
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 //
// USA //
// //
// quadtree.hpp - header file for PMR Quadtree class //
// //
// References: //
// //
// Erik Hoel and Hanan Samet, "Efficient Processing of Spatial //
// Queries in Line Segment Databases", Advances in Spatial //
// Databases - 2nd Symp., SSD '91, (O. Gunther and H. J. Schek, //
// eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 525, Springer-Verlag, //
// Berlin, 1991, 237-256. //
// //
// G. R. Hjaltason and H. Samet, "Ranking in spatial databases", in //
// Advances in Spatial Databases - 4th Symposium, SSD'95, M. J. //
// Egenhofer and J. R. Herring, Eds., Lecture Notes in Computer //
// Science 951, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1995, 83-95. //
// //
// Gisli Hjaltason and Hanan Samet, "Speeding Up Construction of PMR //
// Quadtree-Based Spatial Indexes," The VLDB Journal, 11 (2002) 2, //
// pp. 109-137. Springer-Verlag. //
// //
#include "quadtree.hpp"
// MAX and MIN macros used in EdgeInteresects and BoxIntersects functions
#define MIN(x, y) ((x) < (y) ? (x) : (y))
#define MAX(x, y) ((x) > (y) ? (x) : (y))
// class of elements in the NearestEdge priority queue
class PQElem
friend class PMRQuadtree;
bool IsEdge; // true if elem represents an edge, false if a PMRBlock
double dist; // distance to query point, the key of the PQ
PMRBlock* Block;// pointer to PMRBlock if IsEdge==false
int edge_idx; // index in E of edge if IsEdge==true
PQElem(bool isedge = true, double d = -1.0, PMRBlock* b = 0, int eid = -1)
: IsEdge(isedge), dist(d), Block(b), edge_idx(eid) {}
friend bool operator<(const PQElem& x, const PQElem& y)
return (x.dist > y.dist);
void operator=(const PQElem& RHS)
IsEdge = RHS.IsEdge;
dist = RHS.dist;
Block = RHS.Block;
edge_idx = RHS.edge_idx;
// PMRBlock constructor
PMRBlock::PMRBlock(int set_depth)
_depth = set_depth;
_parent = 0;
_NE = 0;
_NW = 0;
_SW = 0;
_SE = 0;
_x = 0;
_y = 0;
// PMRQuadtree constructor
PMRQuadtree::PMRQuadtree(int set_depth, int set_k)
_depth = set_depth;
_k = set_k;
_root = 0;
_numleaves = 0;
// Build - build PMR Quadtree from the Graph g
int PMRQuadtree::Build()
int i, x1, y1, x2, y2;
PMRBlock* Block;
std::queue<PMRBlock*> Q;
// assert that we have a valid pointer to graph
if (_g == 0) return 1;
// setup the root block of the quadtree
try {
_root = new PMRBlock(_depth);
catch (std::bad_alloc) {
return 1;
// load each segment into the tree
for (i = 0; i < _g->Ecount; i++) {
// assert that the queue is initially empty
if (Q.size() != 0) {
return 1;
// get the coordinates of the current segment
x1 = _g->E.x[0][i];
y1 = _g->E.y[0][i];
x2 = _g->E.x[1][i];
y2 = _g->E.y[1][i];
// enqueue the root of the tree
// do while blocks are still queued
while (Q.size() > 0) {
// pop the next block from the queue
Block = Q.front();
// do if this is a leaf node
if (Block->_NE == 0) {
// test if edge intersects with or is contained within block
if (EdgeIntersects(Block, x1, y1, x2, y2)) {
// add edge to the list for this block
// split the block if we exceed the threshold
if (Block->_e.size() > _k) {
if (Split(Block) != 0) {
return 1;
// do if non-leaf node
else {
// test each of the four children against the bounding
// box of the current edge, enqueue any matching blocks
// NE
if (BoxIntersects(Block->_NE, x1, y1, x2, y2)) {
// NW
if (BoxIntersects(Block->_NW, x1, y1, x2, y2)) {
// SW
if (BoxIntersects(Block->_SW, x1, y1, x2, y2)) {
// SE
if (BoxIntersects(Block->_SE, x1, y1, x2, y2)) {
// end switch on leaf or non-leaf node
// dequeue the current block
// end while blocks still exist in Q
// end of loop for each segment
return 0;
// Split - split a block into 4 child blocks
// return 0 on success, non-zero on something bad
int PMRQuadtree::Split(PMRBlock* Block)
int i, j, ii;
int x1, y1, x2, y2;
PMRBlock* NewBlock;
// fail if block already has children
if (Block->_NE != 0)
return 1;
// return silently if depth has already been reached
if (Block->_depth == 0)
return 0;
// allocate space for new child blocks
try {
Block->_NE = new PMRBlock(Block->_depth - 1);
Block->_NW = new PMRBlock(Block->_depth - 1);
Block->_SW = new PMRBlock(Block->_depth - 1);
Block->_SE = new PMRBlock(Block->_depth - 1);
catch (std::bad_alloc) {
return 1;
// set each new child block's parent
Block->_NE->_parent = Block;
Block->_NW->_parent = Block;
Block->_SW->_parent = Block;
Block->_SE->_parent = Block;
// set each child block's origin coordinates
Block->_NE->_x = Block->_x + (2 << Block->_NE->_depth);
Block->_NE->_y = Block->_y + (2 << Block->_NE->_depth);
Block->_NW->_x = Block->_x;
Block->_NW->_y = Block->_y + (2 << Block->_NE->_depth);
Block->_SW->_x = Block->_x;
Block->_SW->_y = Block->_y;
Block->_SE->_x = Block->_x + (2 << Block->_NE->_depth);
Block->_SE->_y = Block->_y;
// increment the number of tree leaves by 3,
// remember, previously the parent was considered a leaf
_numleaves += 3;
// Build the child edge lists from the edges in the parent list
for (i = 0; i < Block->_e.size(); i++) {
// get the index in E of this edge in e
ii = Block->_e[i];
// start with the NE child block
for (j = 0, NewBlock = Block->_NE; j < 4; j++) {
x1 = _g->E.x[0][ii];
y1 = _g->E.y[0][ii];
x2 = _g->E.x[1][ii];
y2 = _g->E.y[1][ii];
// test if segment intersects or is entirely contained within block
if (EdgeIntersects(NewBlock, x1, y1, x2, y2)) {
// add edge to the list for new block
// NOTE: do not split the child block here even if it
// contains all the elements of its parent, only split
// the next time a segment is added to it
// then go to NW, SW, and SE blocks
if (i == 0)
NewBlock = Block->_NW;
else if (i == 1)
NewBlock = Block->_SW;
else if (i == 2)
NewBlock = Block->_SE;
} // continue to next child block
} // continue to next edge in parent's original list
// now remove all items from the parent block's list
return 0;
// EdgeIntersects - determine whether a given segment intersects with
// a block, or alternatively if the segment is entirely contained
// within the block
int PMRQuadtree::EdgeIntersects(PMRBlock* Block, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
// This algorithm adapted from Kyle Louden's "Mastering Algorithms in C"
int x3, x4, y3, y4;
int z1, z2, s1, s2;
int i, w, match;
// define the block as a bounding box
w = (2 << Block->_depth);
x3 = Block->_x;
y3 = Block->_y;
x4 = Block->_x + w;
y4 = Block->_y + w;
// first test whether the segment bounding box is entirely contained
// within the block. If true, the segment is obviously inside the block
if ((x3 <= MIN(x1, x2)) &&
(MAX(x1, x2) <= x4) &&
(y3 <= MIN(y1, y2)) &&
(MAX(y1, y2) <= y4)) return 1;
// if segment bounding box is not entirely contained within the block, then
// the segment itself must intersect with at least one of the four sides
// of the block. Otherwise, the segment and block do not intersect
// reset y4 such that we are testing the south edge of the block
y4 = Block->_y;
for (i = 0, match = 0; i < 4; i++) {
// determine orientation of p3 relative to p2, wrt p1
if ((z1 = ((x3-x1)*(y2-y1)) - ((y3-y1)*(x2-x1))) < 0)
s1 = -1;
else if (z1 > 0)
s1 = 1;
s1 = 0;
// determine orientation of p4 relative to p2, wrt p1
if ((z2 = ((x4-x1)*(y2-y1)) - ((y4-y1)*(x2-x1))) < 0)
s2 = -1;
else if (z2 > 0)
s2 = 1;
s2 = 0;
// if the signs of z1 and z2 are different, or either is 0,
// then signal a match
if ((s1 == 0 || s2 == 0) || (s1 != s2)) {
match = 1;
// prepare to test another edge
// 2nd test = west edge
if (i == 0) {
x4 = Block->_x;
y4 = Block->_y + w;
/* 3rd test = north edge */
else if (i == 1) {
x3 = Block->_x + w;
y3 = Block->_y + w;
/* 4th test = east edge */
else if (i == 2) {
x4 = Block->_x + w;
y4 = Block->_y;
if (match)
return 1;
return 0;
// BoxIntersects - determine whether a segment bounding box
// intersects with block
int PMRQuadtree::BoxIntersects(PMRBlock* Block, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
int x3, x4, y3, y4;
int w;
// define the block as a bounding box
w = (2 << Block->_depth);
x3 = Block->_x;
y3 = Block->_y;
x4 = Block->_x + w;
y4 = Block->_y + w;
// perform the test, return 1 if the boxes intersect
if ((MAX(x1, x2) >= MIN(x3, x4)) &&
(MAX(x3, x4) >= MIN(x1, x2)) &&
(MAX(y1, y2) >= MIN(y3, y4)) &&
(MAX(y3, y4) >= MIN(y1, y2))) return 1;
return 0;
// NearestEdge - find the segment nearest to a given query point
// return the index in G->E of the nearest segment if found,
// else return -1
int PMRQuadtree::NearestEdge(int qx, int qy, double radius)
int retval = -1;
bool found = false;
double dist;
int i;
int edge_count;
int eid;
int x1, x2, y1, y2;
PMRBlock* Block;
PQElem pqelem;
std::priority_queue<PQElem> PQ;
// quick return if query point is out of range
if (qx < 0 || qx >= (2 << _depth) || qy < 0 || qy >= (2 << _depth))
return retval;
// if radius parameter is 0, set to infinite
if (radius == 0.0) radius = DBL_MAX;
// set the root block of the quadtree as the first
// element of the priority queue
PQ.push(PQElem(false, 0.0, _root, -1));
// main loop
while (!found && !PQ.empty()) {
// pop the top of the priority queue, this element is either
// an edge or a Block, in either case it is the nearest element
// to the query point
pqelem =;
// if this is a segment, return its index in E
// unless it is beyond the search radius
if (pqelem.IsEdge) {
found = true;
if (pqelem.dist > radius) {
retval = -1;
else {
retval = pqelem.edge_idx;
// if leaf block, then add its segments to the pq
else if (pqelem.Block->_NE == 0) {
edge_count = pqelem.Block->_e.size();
for (i = 0; i < edge_count; i++) {
eid = pqelem.Block->_e[i];
x1 = _g->E.x[0][eid];
y1 = _g->E.y[0][eid];
x2 = _g->E.x[1][eid];
y2 = _g->E.y[1][eid];
// calculate dsq from query point to this segment
dist = DistPointSegment(qx, qy, x1, y1, x2, y2);
// add to PQ if not less than distance to current block
// and less than radius
if (dist >= pqelem.dist && dist <= radius) {
PQ.push(PQElem(true, dist, 0, eid));
// if non-leaf block, add its 4 children to the pq
else {
// start with the NE child
Block = pqelem.Block->_NE;
// loop 4 times
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
// calculate the distance to this block
dist = DistPointBlock(qx, qy, Block);
// add the block to the pq if dist is less than radius
if (dist <= radius) {
PQ.push(PQElem(false, dist, Block, -1));
// set to the next child block
if (i == 0)
Block = pqelem.Block->_NW;
else if (i == 1)
Block = pqelem.Block->_SW;
else if (i == 2)
Block = pqelem.Block->_SE;
// now free any remaining elems in the pq
// to be nice to the memory manager
while (!PQ.empty()) {
return retval;
// DistPointSegment - calculate the squared distance between a point and a line segment
double PMRQuadtree::DistPointSegment(int qx, int qy, int segx1, int segy1, int segx2, int segy2)
// for details, see the FAQ
double x, y, Ax, Ay, Bx, By;
double d, r, s;
x = (double) qx;
y = (double) qy;
Ax = (double) segx1;
Bx = (double) segx2;
Ay = (double) segy1;
By = (double) segy2;
// calculate squared length of the segment
d = (Bx-Ax)*(Bx-Ax) + (By-Ay)*(By-Ay);
// if distance is zero, then the segment is just a point
if (d == 0.0) {
return ((x-Ax)*(x-Ax) + (y-Ay)*(y-Ay));
// calculate the parameter, r
r = ((x-Ax)*(Bx-Ax) + (y-Ay)*(By-Ay)) / d;
// r helps find the perpendicular from segment to query point
// r < 0 : P falls to the left of segment, return distance to A
// r = 0 : P = A, return distance to A
// 0<r<1 : P is on the segment, return length of perp. segment
// r = 1 : P = B, return distance to B
// r > 1 : P falls to the right of segment, return distance to B
if (r <= 0) {
return ((x-Ax)*(x-Ax) + (y-Ay)*(y-Ay));
else if (r >= 1) {
return ((x-Bx)*(x-Bx) + (y-By)*(y-By));
else {
s = ((Ay-y)*(Bx-Ax)-(Ax-x)*(By-Ay));
return (s * s / d);
// DistPointBlock - calculate the squared distance between a point and a PMRBlock
// note: if block contains point, return 0
double PMRQuadtree::DistPointBlock(int x, int y, PMRBlock* Block)
int w;
double dist = 0.0;
double dnw, dne, dsw, dse, min, min2;
int v1[3], v2[3], v3[3], v4[3];
// store the width of the block
w = (2 << Block->_depth);
// if block contains point, return 0
if (Block->_x <= x &&
x < Block->_x + w &&
Block->_y <= y &&
y < Block->_y + w) return dist;
// calculate the distance from point to each of the corners of the block
v1[1] = Block->_x;
v1[2] = Block->_y;
v2[1] = Block->_x;
v2[2] = Block->_y;
v3[1] = Block->_x;
v3[2] = Block->_y;
v4[1] = Block->_x;
v4[2] = Block->_y;
dsw = (x-Block->_x)*(x-Block->_x) + (y-Block->_y)*(y-Block->_y);
dnw = (x-Block->_x)*(x-Block->_x) + (y-(Block->_y+w))*(y-(Block->_y+w));
dse = (x-(Block->_x+w))*(x-(Block->_x+w)) + (y-Block->_y)*(y-Block->_y);
dne = (x-(Block->_x+w))*(x-(Block->_x+w)) + (y-(Block->_y+w))*(y-(Block->_y+w));
// find the nearest point
v1[1] = Block->_x;
v1[2] = Block->_y;
min = dsw;
if (dnw < min) {
v1[1] = Block->_x;
v1[2] = Block->_y + w;
min = dnw;
if (dse < min) {
v1[1] = Block->_x + w;
v1[2] = Block->_y;
min = dse;
if (dne < min) {
v1[1] = Block->_x + w;
v1[2] = Block->_y + w;
min = dne;
// find the second nearest point
v2[1] = Block->_x;
v2[2] = Block->_y;
min2 = dsw;
if (min2 == min) {
v2[1] = Block->_x;
v2[2] = Block->_y + w;
min2 = dnw;
if (dse < min2 && dse != min) {
v2[1] = Block->_x + w;
v2[2] = Block->_y;
min2 = dse;
if (dne < min2 && dne != min) {
v2[1] = Block->_x + w;
v2[2] = Block->_y + w;
min2 = dne;
// get the distance to the segment formed by the two nearest points
dist = DistPointSegment(x, y, v1[1], v1[2], v2[1], v2[2]);
return dist;
// This file is part of Quicksilver - a bike messenger simulation game //
// Copyright (C) 2005 Scott Czepiel <> //
// //
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify //
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by //
// the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or //
// (at your option) any later version. //
// //
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, //
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of //
// GNU General Public License for more details. //
// //
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License //
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software //
// Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 //
// USA //
// //
// quadtree.hpp - header file for PMR Quadtree class //
// //
// References: //
// //
// Erik Hoel and Hanan Samet, "Efficient Processing of Spatial //
// Queries in Line Segment Databases", Advances in Spatial //
// Databases - 2nd Symp., SSD '91, (O. Gunther and H. J. Schek, //
// eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 525, Springer-Verlag, //
// Berlin, 1991, 237-256. //
// //
// G. R. Hjaltason and H. Samet, "Ranking in spatial databases", in //
// Advances in Spatial Databases - 4th Symposium, SSD'95, M. J. //
// Egenhofer and J. R. Herring, Eds., Lecture Notes in Computer //
// Science 951, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1995, 83-95. //
// //
// Gisli Hjaltason and Hanan Samet, "Speeding Up Construction of PMR //
// Quadtree-Based Spatial Indexes," The VLDB Journal, 11 (2002) 2, //
// pp. 109-137. Springer-Verlag. //
// //
#ifndef QUADTREE_H__
#define QUADTREE_H__
#include <vector>
#include <queue>
#include <float.h>
#include "graph.hpp"
class PMRQuadtree;
// PMR Quadtree Block class
class PMRBlock
friend class PMRQuadtree;
// constructor
PMRBlock(int set_depth);
// A PMRBlock represents a node in the tree
// Depth: a power of two expressing the level of depth of this
// block. The depth of the root block defines the total amount of
// space to be subdivided, such that 2^depth == width of one side
// of the square block. A child block's depth is one less than its
// parent block's depth. The root block's depth is thus the maximum
// number of layers between the root and any given leaf since at a
// depth of 0, 2^0 == 1, and we have a block that is one unit
// square. Beyond that no further splitting is possible and
// additional items added to such a leaf will be added beyond
// the splitting threshold ad infinitum.
int _depth;
// pointer to this block's parent block
PMRBlock* _parent;
// Every parent block will have 4 children, arranged in quadrants.
// A simple test for whether a given block is a leaf or not is to
// check whether any one of these is NULL. If so, it is a leaf.
PMRBlock* _NE;
PMRBlock* _NW;
PMRBlock* _SW;
PMRBlock* _SE;
// Vector of edges added to the block
std::vector<int> _e;
// Origin of block (lower-left) as integer x, y coordinate pair.
// The root block has an origin of (0,0), and the 4 children
// of the root block have origins at:
// NE: (2^(depth - 1), 2^(depth - 1))
// NW: (0, 2^(depth - 1))
// SW: (0, 0)
// SE: (2^(depth - 1), 0)
// Storing this with every block makes spatial comparisons
// easier when determining which block a given point or
// line segment falls into.
int _x, _y;
// PMR Quadtree class
class PMRQuadtree
friend class Graph; // needed so we can store a ref to graph
// constructor
PMRQuadtree(int set_depth = 16, int set_k = 8);
// build it
int Build();
// test whether an edge intersects with a Block
int EdgeIntersects(PMRBlock* Block, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
// test whether the bounding box of an edge intersects with a Block
int BoxIntersects(PMRBlock* Block, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2);
// split a node into 4 children
int Split(PMRBlock* Block);
// set a reference to graph
void SetGraphPointer(Graph* graph) { _g = graph; };
// find the segment nearest to a given query point
int NearestEdge(int qx, int qy, double radius);
// debugging
int GetDepth() const { return _depth; };
int GetK() const { return _k; };
int GetNumLeaves() const { return _numleaves; };
// pointer to our graph
Graph* _g;
// The depth of the root block where 2^depth == length of one
// side of the square encompassing all the space to be subdivided.
int _depth;
// The splitting threshold for each block in the tree. When items
// are added to the list of items contained in a given block, if
// that insertion brings the list size to k, the block will then be
// split into 4 children, then each item in the original list will
// be tested to see which of the 4 children's lists it should be
// inserted into, before being emptied from the (now-parent) list.
// The literature suggests that 8 is a good splitting threshold
// to use in most applications.
int _k;
// pointer to the root block of the tree
PMRBlock* _root;
// The number of leaf nodes in the tree. Note that this is not the
// same as the current number of used lists used above to handle
// storage. When a block is split, the number of leaves increases
// by 3, not 4, because previously, the parent counted as a leaf.
// However, we do not free the space allocated for the list of the
// now-parent, we just empty it, but add pointers in the array to
// brand new lists for the children.
int _numleaves;
// private member functions
// calculate the squared distance between a point and a line segment
double DistPointSegment(int qx, int qy, int segx1, int segy1, int segx2, int segy2);
// calculate the squared distance between a point and a PMRBlock
// note: if block contains point, return 0
double DistPointBlock(int x, int y, PMRBlock* Block);
#endif // QUADTREE_H__
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