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Last active December 25, 2015 12:09
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nginx puppet alias directory
nginx::resource::vhost { '':
ensure => present,
server_name => [
'' ],
listen_port => 80,
index_files => [
www_root => '/var/www/',
try_files => ['$uri', '$uri/', '/index.php?$args'],
nginx::resource::location { '':
ensure => 'present',
vhost => '',
location => '~ \.php$',
proxy => undef,
try_files => ['$uri', '$uri/', '/index.php?$args'],
www_root => '/var/www/',
location_cfg_append => {
'fastcgi_split_path_info' => '^(.+\.php)(/.+)$',
'fastcgi_param' => 'PATH_INFO $fastcgi_path_info',
'fastcgi_param ' => $path_translated,
'fastcgi_param ' => $script_filename,
'fastcgi_pass' => '',
'fastcgi_index' => 'index.php',
'include' => 'fastcgi_params'
notify => Class['nginx::service'],
nginx::resource::location { '' :
ensure => present,
location => '/assets',
location_alias => '/var/www//assets',
vhost => '',
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