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Created July 17, 2020 00:23
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#define MAX2(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
void ResolvePrefixPath(char* buf, wchar_t** prefix, bool* resolveFullPath) {
*resolveFullPath = true;
if (::isalpha(buf[0]) && !::IsDBCSLeadByte(buf[0]) && buf[1] == ':' && buf[2] == '\\') {
*prefix = const_cast<wchar_t*>(L"\\\\?\\");
else if (buf[0] == '\\' && buf[1] == '\\') {
if (buf[2] == '?' && buf[3] == '\\') {
*prefix = const_cast<wchar_t*>(L"");
*resolveFullPath = false;
else {
*prefix = const_cast<wchar_t*>(L"\\\\?\\");
errno_t ConvertToUnicode(char const* path, wchar_t** widePath) {
// Get required buffer size to convert to Unicode
int wideLen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP,
path, -1,
NULL, 0);
if (wideLen == 0) {
return EINVAL;
*widePath = static_cast<wchar_t*>(::malloc(wideLen * sizeof(wchar_t)));
int result = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP,
path, -1,
*widePath, wideLen);
errno_t ResolveFullPath(wchar_t* widePath, wchar_t** resolvedPath) {
// Get required buffer size to convert to full path. The return
// value INCLUDES the terminating null character.
DWORD resolvedLen = GetFullPathNameW(widePath, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (resolvedLen == 0) {
return EINVAL;
*resolvedPath = static_cast<wchar_t*>(::malloc(resolvedLen * sizeof(wchar_t)));
// When the buffer has sufficient size, the return value EXCLUDES the
// terminating null character
DWORD result = GetFullPathNameW(widePath, resolvedLen, *resolvedPath, NULL);
// Proper Long Path support is hard :( and requires some extra care
// and love. To allow windows to support Long Paths you are required
// to provide a prefix to the path "//?/" this prefix lets the underlying
// Win32 API calls know that is can skip the validation checks against
// MAX_PATH, but this also causes issues where if there is a ".." in the
// path (including paths that have the drive letter attached e.g D:\Foo\..\Thing)
// windows doesn't properly collapse the path, and the underlying kernel call doesn't
// know how to resolve the ".." properly and functions such as CreateDirectoryW
// will fail with "ERROR_INVALID_NAME" which in this case will cause tundra to fail
// when it tries to copy over files that are relative and long paths.
// See
// Also this code could be way less gross if we could use std::wstring (andrews)
wchar_t* ConvertToLongPath(char const* path, errno_t& err) {
if ((path == NULL) || (path[0] == '\0')) {
err = ENOENT;
return NULL;
size_t buffLen = 1 + MAX2((size_t)3, strlen(path));
char* buf = static_cast<char*>(::malloc(buffLen * sizeof(char)));
strncpy(buf, path, buffLen);
wchar_t* prefix = NULL;
bool resolveFullPath = true;
ResolvePrefixPath(buf, &prefix, &resolveFullPath);
wchar_t* widePath = NULL;
err = ConvertToUnicode(buf, &widePath);
if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
return NULL;
wchar_t* fullResolvedPath = NULL;
if (resolveFullPath) {
err = ResolveFullPath(widePath, &fullResolvedPath);
else {
fullResolvedPath = widePath;
wchar_t* result = NULL;
if (fullResolvedPath != NULL) {
size_t prefixLen = wcslen(prefix);
size_t resultLen = prefixLen + wcslen(fullResolvedPath) + 1;
result = static_cast<wchar_t*>(::malloc(resultLen * sizeof(wchar_t)));
_snwprintf(result, resultLen, L"%s%s", prefix, &fullResolvedPath[0]);
// Remove trailing pathsep (not for \\?\<DRIVE>:\, since it would make it relative)
resultLen = wcslen(result);
if ((result[resultLen - 1] == L'\\') &&
!(::iswalpha(result[4]) && result[5] == L':' && resultLen == 7)) {
result[resultLen - 1] = L'\0';
if (fullResolvedPath != widePath) {
return static_cast<wchar_t*>(result);
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