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Last active February 2, 2016 02:54
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My fabfile for deploying my Wordpress instances.
from fabric.api import *
import datetime, time
env.colorize_errors = 'true'
### Remote Path ###
env.work_dir = '/var/www/html'
### Environment Utilities ###
def _set_host(environment):
Sets the environment to either local or the remote host specified.
If remote, specifies the project path and key file needed to connect.
env.environment = environment
def staging():
""" Use development server settings """
env.hosts = ['user@ip:22']
def production():
""" Use production server settings """
print('******** WARNING ********')
print('******** PRODUCTION ********')
env.hosts = ['user@ip:22']
### Get Date for Commit Message ###
ts = time.time()
st = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
### Server Commands ###
def server_update():
""" Updates server with new packages """
with settings(warn_only=True):
with cd(env.work_dir):
check = raw_input('\nWarning you are about to deploy code to {}.\n'.format(
env.environment) + 'Please confirm the environment that you wish to '
'push to if you want continue: ')
if check == env.environment:
run('sudo apt-get -y update')
run('sudo apt-get -y upgrade')
run('sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade')
def update():
""" Updates NPM modules with new packages """
with cd(env.work_dir):
run('rm -rf node_modules')
run('npm install')
run('gulp build')
def status():
""" Navigates to the site directory and executes `git status` """
with cd(env.work_dir):
run('git status')
def pull(branch):
""" Navigates to the site directory and executes `git pull` """
with cd(env.work_dir):
run('git add .')
run('git pull origin {}'.format(branch))
run('gulp build')
def push(branch):
""" Navigates to the site directory and executes `git push origin <branch>` """
with cd(env.work_dir):
run('git push origin {}'.format(branch))
def deploy(branch='master'):
""" Navigates to the site directory and deploys code (master branch on production)` """
with settings(warn_only=True):
with cd(env.work_dir):
check = raw_input('\nWarning you are about to deploy code to {}.\n'.format(
env.environment) + 'Please confirm the environment that you wish to '
'push to if you want continue: ')
if check == env.environment:
if env.environment == 'staging':
run('git stash')
run('git reset --hard HEAD')
run('git checkout master')
run('git pull origin master')
run('git fetch')
if branch != 'master':
run('git branch -D {}'.format(branch))
run('git checkout {}'.format(branch))
run('git pull origin {}'.format(branch))
run('gulp build')
run('git add -A')
run('git commit -m "Production Commit on {}"'.format(st))
run('git pull origin master')
run('git push origin master')
run('gulp build')
def revert(commit='HEAD'):
""" Revert git via reset --hard <commit hash> """
with cd(env.work_dir):
run('git reset --hard {}'.format(commit))
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