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Created March 29, 2012 08:26
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Maven console in color
PURPLE=$(echo -en "\033[35m")
GREEN=$(echo -en "\033[32m")
RED=$(echo -en "\033[31m")
YELLOW=$(echo -e "\033[33m")
BLUE=$(echo -e "\033[1;34m")
NORMAL=$(echo -e "\033[0m")
mvn2() {
mvn $* | sed \
-e "s/^\(.ERROR. .*\)$/$RED\1$NORMAL/ ; #contain ERROR start 2nd char
s/^\(Tests run: .*<<< FAILURE\!\)/$RED\1$NORMAL/ ; # contain Tests run: <something> <<< FAILURE
s/^\( \w*\\([\w\.]*\\).*: .*\)/$RED\1$NORMAL/ ; # a name of method(name of class with package): error message
s/^\(Failed tests:.*\)/$RED\1$NORMAL/ ; # contain Failed tests:
s/^\(|.*\)/$RED\1$NORMAL/ ; # line start with pipe
s/^\(### Content of table.*\)/$RED\1$NORMAL/ ; # line start ### Content of table (dbunit)
s/^\(Caused by*.*\)/$RED\1$NORMAL/ ; # line start Caused by
s/^\(\tat .*\)/$RED\1$NORMAL/ ; # line start at ... (stack trace)
s/^\(\t*.*more.*\)/$RED\1$NORMAL/ ; # line start with tab and contain something with more (stack trace)
s/^\(##*.*\)/$RED\1$NORMAL/ ; # line start more than 1 #
s/^\(Running.*\)/$BLUE\1$NORMAL/ ; # Line start with Running (surefire)
s/^\(Tests run: .*[^FAILURE].*\)/${YELLOW}\1${NORMAL}/ ; # test not failed
s/^\(.INFO. ----.*\)$/$PURPLE\1$NORMAL/ ; # INFO of module block
s/^\(.INFO. Building.*SNAPSHOT\)$/$PURPLE\1$NORMAL/; # INFO of module block (with version)
s/^\(.INFO. --- .* ---.*\)$/$PURPLE\1$NORMAL/ ; # info of plugin
s/^\(.INFO. .*\)$/$GREEN\1$NORMAL/ ; # other info
s/^\(.WARNING. .*\)$/$BLUE\1$NORMAL/ ; # warning
s/^\(\w*\.\w*\) \(r [0-9]* w 0 e 0 .* seconds.*\)$/$BLUE\1$NORMAL $YELLOW\2$NORMAL/;
s/^\(\w*\.\w*\) \(r [0-9]* w [1-9] e 0 .* seconds.*\)$/$RED\1 \2$NORMAL/;
s/^\(\w*\.\w*\) \(r [0-9]* w [1-9] e [1-9] .* seconds.*\)$/$RED\1 \2$NORMAL/;
s/^\(\w*\.\w*\) \(r [0-9]* w 0 e [1-9] .* seconds.*\)$/$RED\1 \2$NORMAL/;
# Fitnesse execute test;
s/^\([^\[].*\)/${YELLOW}\1${NORMAL}/ ; # line doesn't start with [
alias mci='mvn2 clean install'
alias mcit='mvn2 clean install -DskipTests'
alias mrr='mvn2 resources:testResources'
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staslev commented Jan 12, 2014


I found it useful to add
s/^(.FAILURE.)$/$RED\1$NORMAL/ ; # contains FAILURE somewhere in the message
to the mix, so that lines emitted by running maven on multiple projects are also painted red in case of failure.

For instance:

[INFO] MyPrj1 ........................................... SUCCESS [0.241s] ### should be, and is, green.
[INFO] MyPrj2 ........................................... FAILURE [0.245s] #### should be red, but wasn't.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] BUILD FAILURE ### should be, and is, red.
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

Thanks for sharing!

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