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Last active December 16, 2021 16:23
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Git Commands

Initializing/Cloning a new project and status commands

Command Description
git init . Starting a new local git repository
git clone <RURL>:<Repo> [--branch <BN> --single-branch] Coping the repository from remote server [for cloning only one branch]
git status Show the working tree status
git log Show commit logs
git log --graph Draw a text-based graphical representation of the commit history
git log --pretty=oneline --grep=search_term Make each commit on each line


Command Description
git config --global "YOUR NAME"; Set your name
git config --global "" Set your email
git config --global color.ui true Color output
git config --global credential.helper 'cache --timeout=3600' Cache your credentials for an hour
git config --list List all configurations
git config --global core.autocrlf true Handles cross platform line endings
git config --global core.filemode false Ignore file permissions

Adding and removing files from staging

Command Description
git add . Add all files in the current folder to staging
git add <FN> Add FN to staging
git add -u Add all modified and deleted files to staging
git rm <FN> Remove FN
git add [-p|--patch] <FN> To add certain hunks (not all the file) to staged area.
git diff --cached Show difference that is staged for the next commit
git rm --cached <FN> Remove file from staged area
git reset <FN> Removes staged changes
git reset --hard <SHA1> Removes staged and working directory changes
git checkout HEAD -- <FN> Checkout file from the last commit

Commit changes

Command Description
git commit Commit staged files
git commit –a <FN> [-a] Add file then commit it, [-m] add comment in the command
git commit –m "<COM>" Add all modified and deleted files to staging


Command Description
git branch List local branches
git branch -r List remote branches
git checkout –b <BN> Create a new branch and switching to the new branch
git checkout <BN> Switch working directory to BN branch
`git branch [-D -d] `
git branch --track <BN> <RN>/<RBN> Create a new branch that tracks a remote


Command Description
git diff Show local changes
git diff --stat Show files changed and number of lines changed
git diff --cached Show difference that is staged for the next commit
git diff master..<BN> Show difference between <BN> and master
git diff master --stat Shows difference between current branch with master


Command Description
git merge <BN> Merge changes of <BN> with the current branch in a new commit object
git rebase <BN> Add <BN> commits into the current branch commit history.
git cherry-pick <SHA1> Apply the changes introduced by some existing commits

Pulling and Pushing updates

Command Description
git fetch [<RN>] Merge changes of <BN> with the current branch in a new commit object
git pull [<RN>] Performs git fetch first then merges the remote changes to local branch
git push [<RN> <RBN>] Apply the changes introduced by some existing commits


Command Description
git stash Place current local changes in a stash
git stash list List all stash stack items
git stash pop Apply the changes of the top of the stack then drop it
git stash apply stash@{0} Apply changes in a stash item
git stash drop stash@{0} Delete stash item
git stash clear Clear stash stack

Git LFS Plugin

Command Description
git lfs install After downloading the package from install it.
git lfs track ".model" Select type of fiels you want to use LFS to manage.
git add .gitattributes Make sure to add .gitattributes, a file that keep track of LFS files.


Command Description
<FN> File Name
<BN> Branch Name
<RBN> Remote Branch Name
<RN> Remote Name
<RURL> Remote URL
<Repo> Repository Name
<SHA1> SHA-1 Hash
<COM> Comment
[] Optional parameter


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