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Last active December 16, 2021 16:22
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Bash in Data Preparation

Balancing dataset based on labels

Clean arabic dataset

Limit number of words per sentence

Shuf clean and uniq

Get most frequent words

Loop through files and edit their extension or process them

cat ar_corpus_text.txt | grep '^(\w+\s){4,9}(\w+)$' > short_sentences.txt

cat short_sentences.txt | grep '[ء-ي]' | grep -v '[a-zA-Z0-9]' > clean_sentences.txt

cat clean_sentences.txt | sort | uniq > uniq_clean_sentences.txt

awk -F ',' 'NR==1{h=$0; next};!seen[$1]++{f=$1".txt"; print $5 > f};{f=$1".txt"; print $5 >> f; close(f)}' corpus.csv

for f in .txt; do echo "Processing $f"; cat $f | sed 's/./.\n/g' | sed 's/؟/؟\n/g' | grep '^(\w+\s){4,9}(\w+)(.|؟)$' | grep '[ء-ي]' | grep -v '[a-zA-Z]' | sort | uniq > "$(basename "$f" .txt).clean" ; done

for f in *.woq; do shuf -n 600 $f > "$(basename "$f" .woq).rdy" ; done ; wc -l *.rdy; cat *.rdy | sort | uniq | wc -l

Convert arabic file coming from Windows:

iconv -f windows-1256 -t utf8 original_file.txt > unix_file.txt

Find difference between two commands (Example check all audio files are aligned with corresponding text files):

diff <(ls *wav | sed 's/.wav//gi') <(ls *txt | sed 's/.txt//gi')

Find total lengths of all wav files in a folder:

soxi -D *.wav | awk '{print; total += $1 }; END {print "total size: ",total }'
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