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Created November 19, 2009 04:09
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# Simple script to extract certain parts of a SPF record
# and send those addresses out the the stdoutput.
# Useful for integrating into other scripts
# Author: pblair(at)tucows(dot)comt
# Updated: Mon Nov 30 10:41:16 EST 2009
use strict;
use Net::DNS;
my $res = Net::DNS::Resolver->new;
sub lookup_txt {
my ($q) = @_;
my @response;
my $packet = $res->search( $q, 'TXT' );
my @answer = $packet->answer;
push( @response, $_->txtdata) for @answer;
return \@response;
sub lookup_a {
my ($q) = @_;
my @response;
my $packet = $res->search( $q, 'A' );
my @answer = $packet->answer;
push( @response, $_->address) for @answer;
return \@response;
my $domain = $ARGV[0] or die ( "Please give a domain name as a parameter\n" );
my @cidr;
my $debug = 0;
my %seen;
my @domains;
push ( @domains, $domain );
while ( scalar @domains ) {
$domain = pop ( @domains );
# Avoid endless loops
next if $seen{$domain};
if ( $domain eq '' ) {
print "Inspecting $domain\n" if $debug;
my $a_txt = lookup_txt( $domain );
TXT: for my $txt ( @$a_txt ) {
$txt =~ s/\"//g;
print "txt: $txt" if $debug;
unless ( $txt =~ /^v=spf1.*/o ) {
print "skipping.. not a valid SPFv1 record\n" if $debug;
next TXT;
my @opts = split ( /\s+/, $txt );
for ( @opts ) {
print "opt: $_\n" if $debug;
if ( /^ip4:(\S+)/ ) {
print "pushing $1 onto \@cidr\n" if $debug;
push ( @cidr, $1 );
} elsif ( /^include:(\S+)/ ) {
print "Pushing $1 onto \@domains\n" if $debug;
push ( @domains, $1 );
} elsif ( /^a:(\S+)/ ) {
print "Inspecting $1\n" if $debug;
my $a = lookup_a( $1 );
for ( @$a ) {
print "Pushing $_ onto \@cidr\n" if $debug;
push ( @cidr, $_ );
} ## end elsif ( /^a:(\S+)/ )
} ## end for ( @opts )
} ## end for my $txt ( @a_txt )
} ## end while ( scalar @domains )
print join ( "\n", @cidr ) . "\n";
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